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On Women's Names and Voter Fraud

Yeah, she looks pretty darned suspicious.  The key was discovering that her drivers license shows her maiden name as the middle name (as, apparently, Texas law required back when she got married in 1964), but her voter registration shows her born middle name as the middle name. According to Texas' new Voter ID law, that's a sign that she may be a miscreant trying to cast an illegal vote!

Sure, she was one of those weasly "female judges" who was able to maneuver through the problems. But I'm sure spotting "voter fraud" like this will keep plenty of other potential evil-doers from casting their votes in Texas elections.

Texas Judge Almost Blocked From Voting Because Of New Voter ID Law
A Texas district judge ran into trouble at the polls because she used her maiden name on her driver’s license, violating the state’s new draconian voter ID law.

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4 thoughts on “On Women's Names and Voter Fraud”

  1. In this case, +Andreas Geisler, it might be difficult. The rules apply to men who have changed their names as well, and there is no legal obligation to change one's name.

    That said, that it does disproportionately impact one gender more than the other could give a suit some traction.

  2. Women need to report every problem the new Voter ID laws cause them in voting this November. Wimberley's local Democratic club wants to know of anyone, male or female, who suddenly find it hard to vote.

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