The reason? Con-only exclusives from publishers (and toy manufacturers) are sucking all the revenue and cash from the visiting public, reducing actual comic book sales revenue from MHC and their fellow retailers down below the cost of showing at SDCC.
Worse, as Rozanski notes in the previous article (, a lot of those exclusives are then being turned around directly onto eBay.
His comparison point is the Denver Comic Con of not too many weeks ago where, even with a smaller display, MHC was able to earn substantially more per hour due to lack of con-exclusive materials from the major publishers.
'So where does this leave us? As much as I hate to admit this, it now seems obvious to me now that we finally have to end a lifetime of exhibiting at San Diego, and instead seek out relatively popular comics conventions in other cities. Especially conventions where our publisher friends choose to not exhibit. Doesn't that thought just drip with irony? Comics publishers have evolved to become toxic to their own retailers. Who would ever have thought that would happen? Even with all my many years of experience, I simply cannot believe that our world has now been so perverted by the mania for exclusive variants, that comics retailers can now only survive in the absence of the very publishers we support. No matter how you look at it, this is a profoundly sad day.'
San Diego Comic Con Report #3
San Diego Comic Con Report #3. Howdy! I am turning 60 years old next March. I mention that major turning point in my life only because the last time that I did not attend a San Diego Comic-Con, I was 17 years old, and still in high school. Since I graduated, for all 42 years of my adult life, …
Maybe they need to stop calling it San Diego Comic Con and replace it with "Pop Culture" or something similar?
+Mark Means, but then they'd have to try to trademark "Pop Culture Con."
True, though it might be worth it. I'm sure they could come up with something more imaginative, as well.
Maybe OverPricedStuffACon?
…which just begs for its own little high-steppin’ dance.