The RSPCA is now Officially Concerned about the cruelty and demeaning being done to … maggots, cockroaches, and ants.
Oh, and rats, too, though I can at least have some glimmer of desire not to see rats unnecessarily mistreated (though “unnecessary” covers a very thin territory with me when it comes to rats).
But ants? Roaches? Maggots?
I mean, does the RSPCA really have so much time and money on their hands that they can afford to go beyond protecting, say, cats, dogs, and horses (to name three animals that often face cruelty, demeaning actions, and suffering) and extend their benificent hand out to ants, maggots, and roaches?
To be sure, some of it seems to be the sense that mistreatment of living things (e.g., roaches) on Reality TV shows creates an atmosphere where other living things (e.g., cats and dogs) might be more prone to abuse. But not only is that not demonstrated (I suspect that most people draw a distinction between ants and cats — though, perhaps that’s part of the “problem,” too), but it also makes the RSPCA look like a bunch of goofballs on the subject.
Which, for courtesy’s sake, I’ll assume they’re not.
(via ASV)
What about these TV commercials that showcase products that kill thousands, even millions, of bacteria? Huh? What about them?
The Arrogant Worms have a song that pokes fun at the animal rights extremists. I wish you could listen to it online, but you’ll have to settle for reading the lyrics to Carrot Juice is Murder.