So now I know someone I’d like to meet if I’m ever in San Antonio, TX.
Real Live Preacher has been a marvelous site to read, and it’s almost a shame that the writer’s anonymity has to end (with the bright side that it’s for the publication of his book, which will be coming out Real Soon Now, to at least one sure-fire sale). While he was just RLP, he had a charming, small-town, everyman quality about him.
Now there’s the name dissonance — Gordon? And the idea that he’s not just a marvelous fictional character — which I knew he wasn’t, but his being More Real Now somehow confines him, as though discovering that Paul Bunyan was a real guy who lived years 1803-1859 in the town of New Fripple, Wisconsin.
And yet, there’s something about the Truth setting one Free, and there’s value in that, too.
Now to await the next post …
Are you going to buy his book?
Hey, you could meet me too, ya know 🙂
Thanks for the link to the site. I’ve only been here about 9 weeks so far but I was starting to become convinced there wasn’t a non-chain bookstore within the city limits. Now I know of one!
Ah, that’s right, you’re in San Anton, too. I keep thinking of you as one of the Florida crowd.
If I go there to visit one person, it’s kind of like stalking. If I go there to meet more than one person …