Got home last night from my last official Search Committee meeting (huzzah!) to find Margie cursing softly and fooling around with the cable modem …
After a half hour or more with the line not coming back up, she called Comcast. Dude on the phone called up our records, and suggested it was either a bad modem or a line problem (as opposed to Something Evil We’re Doing). Margie set up a cable man appointment for Wednesday — but, meantime, has gotten a location (Arapahoe and Revere) where we can exchange our current modem, to see if that does any good.
I’ve done some research myself, but need to do more, on a replacement. My primary reluctance in doing so, aside from dropping $150 for a cable gateway, is that I hate to give Comcast another excuse to say it’s not their fault.
More as it develops …