Just what everyone needs — a primer on how to defend onesself with (or from) a walking stick:
No. 6. A very Safe Way to Disable a Boxer who Attempts to Rush You when You are Armed with a Stick.
Imagine the case of a man armed with a serviceable stick being attacked by a skilled boxer. One of the safest and most reliable methods of defence against a boxer’s fists is as follows: —
The man with the stick faces the boxer in the back-guard position — that is to say, with his left foot and arm extended, and his right arm guarding his head. His left arm is thus free to guard his face or body, if, by any chance, he should fail to evade the blow.
As soon as the boxer opens his attack with a direct blow upon the man with the stick, the latter jumps with one movement to the former’s left, bending well forward in a crouched position, so as to avoid any possibility of being hit. Then, turning half round on his left toe, and drawing his right foot in a line with his left, he makes a low, back-handed sweep with his stick, and strikes the boxer across the knee, disabling him, and bringing him to the ground.
No mention of an attacker using a banana, though there is a section on defense against “the most Dangerous Kick of an Expert Kicker,” also known as a “savater, or foot-boxer.”
Good show.
(via the Flea)
And if that doesn’t work, you can always release the tiger.