I guess that’s why they pay them to me, since I spent a couple of hours during last night’s Christmas Party and a couple of hours this morning on phone calls and e-mail going over a rather nasty year-end problem in our systems at the office. Rrg.
The Big Bucks
I guess that’s why they pay them to me, since I spent a couple of hours during last night’s Christmas Party and a couple of hours this morning on phone…
You have my sympathy. This month we moved one of our departments into a city-owned building. The day before the movers showed up my cell phone rang – it was Verizon. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all the jacks are wired wrong” Grabbed my kit, told MrsDoF not to wait up…
I did think about sending the city’s electrician a Network Plus certification study guide, though. Too subtle?
Moves, voice/data lines, and providers thereof are never a guarantee for anything resembling sanity, service, or schedule.