Well, back in January, I hopped back on the Geek Diet again, resolving to lose a pound a week until I dropped from 215 to 175 — which would have happened, per that schedule, today.
Well, needless to say, I didn’t actually make it.
As the chart shows, I made good progress down to 200, and I’ve pretty much plateaued there, plus or (slightly minus) since March. Dagnabbit. It’s not a matter of body “thermostat,” I don’t think — just a matter of not actually being as diligent about not snacking as I really ought to be, not exercising as much as I should, and too many “exceptions” on too many evenings.
Ah, well. I’ll keep plugging away at it. I’d like to get “comfortably” under 200 — call it the significance of round numbers, if you will. We’ll see how it goes.
2005 in Review
Started thinking last night about the big changes in and around my life over this last year. So here’s my personal retrospective Top Nine (because I couldn’t think of Ten),…