I’ve been avoiding talking much about Doctor Who here, because (a) some folks haven’t been watching it (but will be, dammit, once I get the DVD set in July), and (b) other folk have already been seeing the next series (damned Canucks and Brits) and so it would all be old hat to them (or a temptation to say, “Oh, hey, well wait until you see the episode where the Daleks …”).
That said, I’m so enjoying this series. It captures the kind of bizarre cheesy charm of the old bargain-basement-budget originals while still working for modern dramatic sensibilities. Christopher Eccleston is a faboo Doctor, like Tom Baker after too many cups of coffee, but with a dark, fragile side, too, as if we’re about to see him crack if he’s pushed too hard in the wrong spot. Indeed, the only down side to this show is the knowledge that Eccleston only stuck it out for one season (and, yes, I’ve heard his replacement is quite fine, and I even believe it, but …).
Billie Piper makes a great Companion (not that kind of Companion, Doyce), intelligent, spunky, independent, yet with clear emotional attachments and troubles. She, too, is a worthy successor to that particular role.
I’ve only seen a part of the series, of course, but the “Dalek” episode was exquisite (except, perhaps, for a weak denouement), and Adam’s tale thereafter was masterful for its B-plot as much as for its A-plot.
I really want the DVDs to come out. Really soon now.
Oh, we are loving the new Who, too. My special favorite moments are when the Doctor goes from “fantastic!” whimsy to grim darkness.
Now, if only they could realistically work K-9 back into the storyline, I’d be unbelieveably happy.
You can order the DVDs from Canada any time and benefit from our low, low dollar (well, not that low anymore, but still a savings).
Oooooh … and they’d be Region 1, too, wouldn’t they … hmmmm.
I was just thinking of K-9 the other day. To be honest, I don’t mind him not being there (though some sort of passing reference would be amusing).
Yup. Eccleston’s Doctor has that just-a-scosh-too-close-to-hysterical about him.
Yes! I never snuck a peek at this series, either, and I’m loving watching it unfold on TV.
What’s really great is seeing bits and pieces of all the previous Doctor’s in Eccleston’s performance. I borrowed a fanatically obsessed Who fan’s VCR tapes of every episode of the classic series, so I could introduce my kids to “the story thus far” (as much as possible with 40 bazillion episodes). It’s really awesome to see this Doctor reference stuff from the original series. I loved it when they got UNIT involved during the “Aliens of London” episode, and when he saw the Cyberman head in the museum. But his Dalek reaction was priceless.
I did get a link to the Christmas special episode that starts off the 10th Doctor. I think I’m going to like David Tennant a lot. If you want, I’ll send you the link. 🙂
Oh yeah! Sarah Jane Smith and K-9 are scheduled to be in an episode of the 10th Doctor!
Here you are.
Sarah Jane Smith was my fave.
I loved the Cyberman head (took me a bit to remember the name, but I immediately recognized it). I wish I could have seen the rest of the museum in more detail.
I was somewhat abashed, reading afterwards, to realize that I’d *not* recognized the Autons on the first ep of the Eccleston series. I remember them from the Pertwee days.
I’ll skip the previews of the next Doctor, thanks. Just as soon wait for it … 🙂
I got mine from Windsor already. *Gleeee!* It’s lovely living just over the border…
Listening to you guys rave, I’m tempted to try to watch an episode, but I didn’t enjoy the show 20+ years ago, and I doubt that will have changed. I don’t know, I just don’t get British shows.
I somehow suspect you wouldn’t enjoy it, though I’m not sure why. I tend to think the whimsical elements would turn you off, though a Jay Ward fan shouldn’t be so affected. It might be the blending of whimsy and drama in the same production that would be the problem.
That said, I certainly wouldn’t *dis*courage you from watching an ep. Or waiting until the DVDs show up at the rental stores.