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Holy golf

Golf day. The parish was holding a, well, parish golf get-together. Good “fellowship” fun. And it gave me a legitimate way to leave Margie with the Squig for the afternoon,…

Golf day. The parish was holding a, well, parish golf get-together. Good “fellowship” fun. And it gave me a legitimate way to leave Margie with the Squig for the afternoon, saying, “I’m off to do church-related activities, woman.”

Bless her, she didn’t hurt me too badly.

We played at Overland Golf Course, which is a Denver municipal course. Pretty straightforward. Lots of long, straight, wide fairways. Wish I’d been in a few more of them (or at least those of the hole I was playing). Ended up with a 113, which is (so to speak) par for the course.

What was noteworthy was that I actually netted 1 golf ball for the 18 holes. Now, that’s not quite as astonishing as it sounds, since we got three golf balls as part of our admission fee to the soiree. But that means I lost only 2 balls, on 18 holes. There are days and courses where I don’t even get through a single hole without losing that many. Hoody-golfin-hoo.

Golf is one of those sports that really needs to be played to be appreciated. To observers, it is slow, silly, and features folks wearing odd clothing. Sort of like baseball. Actually getting out there, whacking at the ball, and noting its disinclination to go in the desired direction, for the desired distance, instills in one a realization of exactly how talented those folks who do this sort of thing for a living.

As to how my game was — the answer is, uneven. My score actually was worse on the back nine than the front. I had the requisite Great Shots that actually get you to come back (including a gorgeous 175 yard fairway shot right up on the green, woo-hoo), not to mention two pars, and three bogies. I was suffering from a very odd hook this outing. Plus some problems with actually not aiming in the right direction (which is easier to do than it sounds). My putting was actually pretty good — not nearly the normal level of “Three-Putting Your Way To Victory!” that I usually suffer from.

On the other hand, I hit into the fairway from the tee twice. That’s two times out of 18 possible. That’s pretty sucky.

Mercifully, I was not the worst of our foursome, and the group was uneven enough in its play that I won a few holes. Still, there’s a reason I don’t play for money (let alone for a living).

Pet peeves

Calvary instead of cavalry. Nucular instead of nuclear. Irregardless instead of regardless. You have been warned….

Calvary instead of cavalry.
Nucular instead of nuclear.
Irregardless instead of regardless.

You have been warned.

Parish the thought

I finally got around to updating the parish web page. Everyone at the church has been wildly enthusiastic about the job I’ve done on it, but nobody wants to help…

I finally got around to updating the parish web page. Everyone at the church has been wildly enthusiastic about the job I’ve done on it, but nobody wants to help contribute (e.g., send me electronic documents to post). Annoying. Still, it’s a service to the church community, and (dare I say it) to God, which is a bit daunting when I consider my occasionally slothful attitude toward it.

Still, if I had to commit a deadly sin related to my web work, sloth is probably the best. Better than the others. I mean, I could see Pride (of what I’ve done), Envy (of others’ web work), Wrath (pounding on the keyboard when my connection goes down doesn’t really help). Not sure how Lust would play a role (unless I was doing one of those web sites). Or Avarice (unless it’s “I want more megabytes!”). Or Gluttony (wanting to consume those self-same megabytes?).

The acronym I learned as a wee Catholic lad for the Seven Deadly Sins was PEWSLAG — Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Lust, Avarice, Gluttony.

For a web development Seven Deadly Sins, click here. Or for a more modern pop media interpretation, try here.

Has anyone ever noticed …

Has anyone ever noticed the similarity between Farscape’s Stark and The A-Team’s Howlin’ Mad Murdoch? They even look a little alike….

Has anyone ever noticed the similarity between Farscape‘s Stark and The A-Team‘s Howlin’ Mad Murdoch? They even look a little alike.


I’ve been tweaking my blogger template (if that wasn’t already obvious). Which meant I had to dig back into the old brain pan for my HTML knowledge, sadly atrophied with…

I’ve been tweaking my blogger template (if that wasn’t already obvious). Which meant I had to dig back into the old brain pan for my HTML knowledge, sadly atrophied with such tools as FrontPage, since that’s what the blogger template stuff requires. A fun exercise.

Watching Farscape this evening. Over the last year, it’s been about the only “Gotta watch it, go out of my way to watch it, or tape it, or whatever, gotta watch it” show on my schedule. (We’ve been reeeeealy negligent of Buffy/Angel this year, despite Doyce’ best efforts.)

Well, starting next week (maybe late week, maybe even next week), the ante gets upped, since SciFi is now stripping the earlier seasons of Farscape M-F. Which means (a) Margie and I need to watch them at 6 p.m. every weeknight, and (b) we need to tape them, so Doyce, who doesn’t get SciFi [cosmic balance for my not being able to get DSL, perhaps], can watch it.

On the bright side, I don’t have to buy any more Farscape tapes via


An odd and interesting morning. I’m off today, since my company does a 4-9s-and-a-4 schedule, which on holiday weekends translates into 4-9s-and-an-8 the week before, and 4-9s the week of,…

An odd and interesting morning. I’m off today, since my company does a 4-9s-and-a-4 schedule, which on holiday weekends translates into 4-9s-and-an-8 the week before, and 4-9s the week of, which means 4-day weekends. And that’s enough numbers. Suffice it to say that it was nice not working today.

Margie went in, though, so I’m Mr. Mom this morning. Which isn’t bad. Aside from occasionally becoming clingy, Katherine’s a good Squiggy.

Got to work on my web page (which is progressing nicely, save my inability to FTP the damned thing up to my web site. I don’t know if that’s a DollarHost problem, or a too-many-hops problem between my notebook and them. Irritating.).

[Oops. Had to read to Katherine, change Katherine, and put her down for a nap.]

In the meantime, watching Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom, and (on AMC), Ft. Apache. The second Indy outing is only watchable as an Indy movie. John Ford’s western is good stuff, though, with Henry Fonda, John Wayne, and black-and-white glory.

So a Man Walks Into a Menu Bar

I’m working on my web page. Actually, our web page, since Margie has a presence. It’s a complete redesign, using FrontPage and cleaning up all sorts of obsolete stuff. Should…

I’m working on my web page. Actually, our web page, since Margie has a presence. It’s a complete redesign, using FrontPage and cleaning up all sorts of obsolete stuff. Should be really neat once it’s done.

Once it’s done.

Getting there, though. You’ll read about it here, first.

If you want to see the old web page, you can go to the old web page.

1993 Babylon 5. DVD. Pre-order. Today. The first DVD has both the pilot episode, The Gathering, and the TV movie In the Beginning, offered for only $15. Could that mean…
Babylon 5.

The first DVD has both the pilot episode, The Gathering, and the TV movie In the Beginning, offered for only $15. Could that mean that, when we get to the eps, we’ll actually get 3 or 4 eps per disk? That might make it worth it.

Btw, The Gathering shows as having a production date of 1993. Ye gods. A lifetime ago, almost literally for me. I mean, in 1993 I was doing Oracle DBA work in Pasadena, living in a condo in Phillips Ranch, CA, and married (rockily) to Cheryl. Now I’m an IT Manager in Denver, living in a house, with Margie my wife and Katherine my baby.


Still a few constants. Mist, for one, who turns 10 this week. Comic books. My employer (if not my position).


What I’ll regret if I replace my home-taped tapes with DVDs is (believe it or not) watching, via news blurbs, the progress of the whole OJ Simpson murder, trial, aftermath. Weird.

Down the Mysterly River

Down the Mysterly River A new book by Bill Willingham, best known (to me at least) as the comic book writer (and sometime-artist) of Elementals, Pantheon, and the, ah, mature…

Down the Mysterly River

A new book by Bill Willingham, best known (to me at least) as the comic book writer (and sometime-artist) of Elementals, Pantheon, and the, ah, mature title Ironwood. This is a juvenile story, a fairy tale adventure — but something adults can sink their teeth into as well. Really fun, oddly disturbing, well-recommended. I read it on the plane to/from this most recent business trip. It read quickly, but well. I plan on rereading it again.

Palm or Rim?

Hmmmm. That sounds vaguely … disturbing. What I mean is, I’ve been using a Palm Vx for the last year or so. And, much to my surprise, it’s become a…

Hmmmm. That sounds vaguely … disturbing.

What I mean is, I’ve been using a Palm Vx for the last year or so. And, much to my surprise, it’s become a regular accessory. When I walk out of the house, I make sure I have my wallet, my keys, my watch, my cell phone, and my Palm … and sometimes I forget my watch. I can keep my schedule, I can find my friends’ phone numbers, I can scribble notes … and always have it with me!

That having been said, my Palm is stand-alone. No modem or anything. And the stylus interface has some plusses for navigation, but sucks for text input (even though I use Graffiti faster than most folks I know).

A few weeks back, one of my peers in IT showed up at a meeting with one of the iPAQ Blackberry units — basically Compaq repackaging the RIM 957. It had all the basic PDA functions, it had ties into our company e-mail system through wireless functions (which worked better than my cell phone where we were eating), and it had a little keyboard (thumbs) interface.

And then another person in the company got sent one from our infrastructure group.

So I broadly hinted, “Oh, by the way, if you’re just giving them away …” And they’re going to send me one.

Now, the fact is, alpha geek that I am, no way I can actually carry two PDAs. So if I use the Blackberry, I won’t be using the Palm. But …

Upgrade angst. The Palm has a much broader software base. It’s worked well for me. I have all my PC synchronization set up, and all my utility enhancements set up. But the Blackberry has a keyboard interface, which may mean I can use it even more effectively. And it’s wireless. And the (rechargable) battery life is supposedly fantastic. I can get my office e-mail. But I have questions (from reviews I’ve since read) about how practical the e-mail thing will be (do I have to leave my desktop booted up? really?). And I’m not sure that the functionality of the utilities will be as good. And my Palm syncs with my preferred address book (PSA Cards), wherease the Blackberry will just work with my Outlook, which doesn’t help me any with e-mailing folks from the office …


Well, we’ll see. I’ll let you know how it’s going.

StormWatch – Final Orbit

StormWatch – Final Orbit Wednesdays are comic book days at the local Mile High Comics (or, rather, the MHC that is between my office and my house). This week’s highlight…

StormWatch – Final Orbit

Wednesdays are comic book days at the local Mile High Comics (or, rather, the MHC that is between my office and my house). This week’s highlight is referenced at the link above — the “missing chapter” between Warren Ellis’ _StormWatch_ series and his _Authority_. A bit of a mishmosh, but unique in cross-over history in its impact on the Wildstorm universe, and some good bits to boot.


Online journals popular with the opinionated Mercifully, I can at least claim to have gotten into blogging before (barely) USA Today wrote an article about how it’s popular….

Online journals popular with the opinionated

Mercifully, I can at least claim to have gotten into blogging before (barely) USA Today wrote an article about how it’s popular.

Credit? Or blame?

// — It’s all about Falling Down. By the way, I figured I should credit the guy who got me blogging — Doyce. The interesting thing about Doyce’s blog is…

// — It’s all about Falling Down.

By the way, I figured I should credit the guy who got me blogging — Doyce. The interesting thing about Doyce’s blog is that reading it on a regular basis (or as regular as his ISP allows) doesn’t diminish from the amusing anecdotes he has to tell in person. Good stuff.

More coffee?

While you’re at it, check out Tortious Torts on this subject for a very balanced review of tort reform and the sort of stories that get floated on this subject….

While you’re at it, check out Tortious Torts on this subject for a very balanced review of tort reform and the sort of stories that get floated on this subject. is the site to visit for researching urban legends and Internet chain letters.

Coffee Clutch

The McDonald’s Scalding Coffee Case So we’ve all heard about ridiculous lawsuits and how our country is being ground into the dust by folks refusing to take responsibility for their…

The McDonald’s Scalding Coffee Case

So we’ve all heard about ridiculous lawsuits and how our country is being ground into the dust by folks refusing to take responsibility for their own dimwitted actions and instead suing folks with deep pockets.

Heck, I’ve chanted that same refrain myself.

The example folks most give of this is the infamous McDonald’s Scalding Coffee Case, where (as the legend goes) some idiot woman is drinking her take-out coffee, spills it, gets a little burn, and sues the snot out of McDonald’s.

Well, check out the link above. Based on the actual case, it paints a very different picture, both of the extent of the injuries, the negligence of the defendent, and the damages awarded.

Sure, it’s the Trial Lawyer Assoc. posting this, but the facts are the facts. Just remember that the next time someone starts bitching on this subject (and that the whole reason why punitive damages were originally allowed was to punish folks/firms for whom compensatory damages were being just written off as a cost of doing business).

Night owl

I am really a night owl. It always comes back to haunt me when I’m on business, because I stay up way too late, reading, video gaming, watching movies, without…

I am really a night owl. It always comes back to haunt me when I’m on business, because I stay up way too late, reading, video gaming, watching movies, without the restraining arm of Margie (bless her) making sure I don’t, well, stay up way too late. Given my druthers, though, I’d live 10a-2a, rather than 5a-10p.

Anyway, it will be nice to be back home tonight. Back to Katherine, and, of course, Margie. [Cue romantic sigh with little hearts floating around Dave’s head.]

Off on business again

Off on business. Stayed at the beeyooteefull Marriott Courtyard Old Towne Pasadena last night. Decent enough place, clean sheets, fair-to-middlin cable, good (if pricy) breakfast, convenient location (if irritating parking)….

Off on business. Stayed at the beeyooteefull Marriott Courtyard Old Towne Pasadena last night. Decent enough place, clean sheets, fair-to-middlin cable, good (if pricy) breakfast, convenient location (if irritating parking).

However, their broadband access sucks. I’ve been staying there on and off for a year now (about the life of the hotel). Over the last two months, I’d say the broadband connection works about half the time. Can’t even get link on it. And since it’s with the same notebook and configuration, I don’t think that’s to blame.

So. Annoying.

Gave me the opportunity to watch The Mummy Returns, though, which has been on my list for a while. Glad I didn’t run out and pre-order the DVD. Oh, mind you, it was a decent enough action flick, with the requisite humor, horror, sfx, etc. It just felt like a pale copy of the original. The original was much better than I expected — this one was what I had expected from the original. Not much I can put my finger on — it just felt tired, bereft of ideas, bereft of the killer soundtrack of the original, thrown together in a conference. In fact, I’m probably being harsher on it than I should, because I really enjoyed the original.

Off home tonight, returning around midnight. I had been hoping to sleep in in the morning, go into the office late, but I have a conference call at 8, and miles to go, etc., etc.

Ah, well. Four day weekend coming up.

Long day

Long day. Off to church in the morning. More about that some day. Then to our usual Sunday brunch at Le Peep. Katherine’s table manners continue to improve, which is…

Long day.

Off to church in the morning. More about that some day.

Then to our usual Sunday brunch at Le Peep. Katherine’s table manners continue to improve, which is nice. There are some ways in which I would not at all complain if she “grew up so fast.” Eating is one. The end result is another.

(I asked my Mom once how long it would be until I could have intelligible conversations with my children. She suggested 30 years as a good round number.)

Then afterwards, off to CompUSA to see if I could get a new D-Link USB wireless NIC. The PC Card version I have has died for unknown reasons. I’ve used the upstairs USB version with great success, but Margie is understandably annoyed when we can’t print any longer (it also has some affect on her dial-up to her office).

Well, CompUSA doesn’t carry the D-Link line in wireless. In theory, 802.11b-compatible cards/units should be compatible with each other. On the other hand, I’ve dealt with enough Ethernet equipment that didn’t work and play well with others that I don’t want to screw around with it. So I’ll mail order it.

Then off to the Nursery (Arapahoe Acres). I got a bug up my butt (metaphorically speaking) about dealing with the “New Side Yard.” This is the section of the side yard (western side) between the fence/gate and the concrete slab. I decided this Spring that I would turn this into garden yard, rather than the dirt, mulch, and haserei that had accumulated there. I discovered, after some digging, there was actually a sprinkler buried down at that end of the yard (and slowly leaking).

So we went to the nursery (which is a great place to buy trees, though we didn’t, though we will eventually). Picked up a nice rose, various shrubs, etc. Went home and started off at 2 p.m., with a 5 p.m. quasi-deadline — since the first thing I did was fix the sprinkler head, and the sprinklers were due to kick off at 5.

Disconnected the old patch of fence and moved it down to the end of the slab, doing a quickie connection to the fence there (not permanent by any means, but it should hold up to wind and weather, if not Jake). Started digging up dirt, distributing the mulch piles there, fixing the sprinker wire that the original installer buried all of two frickin’ inches below the surface, etc. Then planting. Then mulching. I’d have not made the deadline, but I overrode the sprinkler control and bought myself an extra hour.

Fortunately we have plenty of Advil.


South Suburban Golf Course So Doyce and I went golfing today. On the one hand, neither of us had scores worth writing home about. On the other hand, the Ball…

South Suburban Golf Course

So Doyce and I went golfing today. On the one hand, neither of us had scores worth writing home about. On the other hand, the Ball Loss Rate was much lower than at some of the other courses we’ve been on. And, as Doyce noted, there are much worse views and places one could be on a Saturday afternoon.

My folks are visiting in a couple of weeks. We’ll probably go out again then. Funny. My folks both golfed when I was a kid, as did my Mom’s folks. When we’d visit Nono and Nona, they’d usually go out golfing at least once. I have memories of playing with cut-down clubs at the Stanford driving range. And, eventually, playing when we’d visit Santa Barbara. Even took some classes at a local golf course when we lived in Diamond Bar.

And then, for years … nothing. No real interest. Nobody to golf with.

When I moved to Denver, I was bequeathed my Nono’s golf clubs — some original Ping irons, some woods. They sat, gathering dust, in my garage for five years.

And yet … I started discovering folks around me who golfed. Doyce. A couple of his friends. Folks at work. And it became, sort of, what the hell?

So I don’t golf nearly enough to be good at it. Weeks, months go by without my picking up my clubs. And, when I do go out, I don’t play all that well.

But Doyce was right. There are lots worse places to spend an afternoon. And it’s fun, and if you focus on the fun parts, and don’t get too angsty about the times you send the ball off at 80 degrees to your aim, or when you send the ball dribbling forward five feet … well, what the hell.

Besides, I don’t get much exercise. It’s nice to think I have a “sport” I play.

“I don’t know,” Margie comments. “Are you allowed to blog in your underwear?”

So now all I need

So now all I need to do is figure out how to get a cool “comments” tag like D-Man has….

So now all I need to do is figure out how to get a cool “comments” tag like D-Man has.