This put a huge smile on my face.
— ***Dave Hill (@Three_Star_Dave) March 24, 2019
This put a huge smile on my face.
This put a huge smile on my face.
— ***Dave Hill (@Three_Star_Dave) March 24, 2019
This put a huge smile on my face.
In case your Monday isn’t going well, here are some cute Sand Cat kittens to help you smile.
You've seen them a thousand places before, but where did the beckoning cat symbol come from, and what does it mean? Read and learn.
(Oddly enough, capybaras came up in conversation last night. Don't recall why.)
(h/t Stan)
Five Baby Capybaras Born at Zoo Berlin – ZooBorns
Zoo Berlin recently welcomed five baby Capybaras to their South American exhibit! Born just several weeks ago, the five pups, along with mother, Lucia, explored their enclosure for the first time! Careful to stay close to mother and each other,…
Black-footed ferrets deployed by feds under Endangered Species deals
Thirty black-footed ferrets bolted from cages onto barren ranchland Wednesday, potentially launching a new approach to rescuing endangered species — and introducing a natural predator of prairie dogs.
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(Probably Not Safe For Work. But cute.) (h/t +George Wiman)