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David Barton is a Dolt (Let Me Tell You a Story Edition)

David Barton

David Barton continues to promote the idea — hand in hand with Bryan Fischer — that the Constitution’s protection of religion was meant by the Founders (and, thus, magically, means today) to apply only to Christians.

To that end, he’s bringing out Joseph Story in this 11 April Wallbuilder’s tale.

This is David Barton with another moment from America’s history. Joseph Story is one of the most important names in American jurisprudence. Not only was he placed on the US Supreme Court by President James Madison, he also founded Harvard Law School and authored numerous legal works on the Constitution.

Barton is correct that Story is a key player in the early jurisprudence of this country.  Not a Founder himself, but the next generation out the door, he served under John Marshall on SCOTUS. His Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States (1833) is a cornerstone book on the subject.

That said, it’s still Story’s interpretation.  By 1833, the Constitutional Founders were dead or nearly gone.  He had known several of them them and served with them, but his writing, respected as it is, remains his writing.

Barton continues:

While today’s revisionists claim that the goal of the First Amendment was absolute religious pluralism, Joseph Story vehemently disagreed.

Wow — let’s see what that “vehemence” consists of.

He declared, “The real object of the First Amendment was not to encourage, much less to advance Mahometanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity, but was to exclude all rivalry among Christian denominations.” According to Founder Joseph Story, Christianity, not pluralism, was the goal of the Founding Fathers in the First Amendment for only a Christian nation is tolerant and thus is truly pluralistic.

A number of things here.  First, Story’s quote doesn’t quite mean what Barton says it means.  To “not encourage, much less to advance” faiths other than Christianity does not mean that Christianity was the goal of the Founders.  Nor were the Founders explicitly seeking pluralism — they were seeking to keep government out of the religion biz (to varying degrees, by Founder), and the religion biz out of government.

And Barton’s assertion that “only a Christian nation is tolerant and thus is truly pluralistic” is not only laughable on the historical face of it, it conflicts directly with what Story has to say on the whole subject.

Joseph Story

Story discusses the Freedom of Religion clause in Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, Vol. 1, in sections 1865-1873.  His arguments are complex, and I don’t agree with all of his conclusions, but his vision of America — then and today — differs from that of David Barton (and Bryan Fischer) in a number of ways.

§ 1865: Story makes a set of complicated assertions, among them:

[…] Indeed, the right of a society or government to interfere in matters of religion will hardly be contested by any persons, who believe that piety, religion, and morality are intimately connected with the well being of the state, and indispensable to the administration of civil justice. The promulgation of the great doctrines of religion, the being, and attributes, and providence of one Almighty God; the responsibility to him for all our actions, founded upon moral freedom and accountability; a future state of rewards and punishments; the cultivation of all the personal, social, and benevolent virtues ; — these never can be a matter of indifference in any well ordered community.

This is the utilitarian view of religion, carried even by relatively unorthodox Founders such as Adams and Jefferson: religion is useful because it teaches virtue, which is essential to the state.  There’s no mention of salvation, though. It’s just that having people concerned with “future state of rewards and punishments” is connected with the “well being of the state.”

I’m not thoroughly convinced, but that’s another debate.

[…] And at all events, it is impossible for those who believe in the truth of Christianity, as a divine revelation, to doubt that it is the especial duty of government to foster, and encourage it among all the citizens and subjects.

Certainly there are some Christians who believe the government should “foster and encourage” Christianity.  But that’s hardly universally held in Christianity.  Honestly, as a Christian, I don’t want a government agency or policy telling me and others what brand of Christianity is the “approved” kind.

But just when you thought Story was right lined up with Barton and his crew, he concludes the section:

This is a point wholly distinct from that of the right of private judgment in matters of religion, and of the freedom of public worship according to the dictates of one’s conscience.

What?  People — even Muslims — have the right of “private judgment in matters of religion”?  Not to mention the “freedom of public worship”?  Does that mean they get to build mosques?  Who is this radical, anyway?

§ 1866: Story trots back to his previous “foster and encourage” point.  “The real difficulty lies in ascertaining the limits, to which government may rightfully go in fostering and encouraging religion.”  He offers three cases:

  1. “where a government affords aid to a particular religion, leaving all persons free to adopt any other”
  2. “where it creates an ecclesiastical establishment for the propagation of the doctrines of a particular sect of that religion, leaving a like freedom to all others”
  3. “where it creates such an establishment, and excludes all persons, not belonging to it, either wholly, or in part, from any participation in the public honours, trusts, emoluments, privileges, and immunities of the state”

In succeeding sections, it’s clear that Barton believes in #1, has concerns (on a national level especially) for #2, and thinks #3 is historically an awful idea.  The problem, to my mind, is that it’s difficult to do #1 without it becoming #2 based on power and populace — and that it’s difficult to keep #2 from de facto sliding into #3.

§ 1867: Story suggests “there will probably be found few persons in this, or any other Christian country, who would deliberately contend, that it was unreasonable, or unjust to foster and encourage the Christian religion generally, as a matter of sound policy, as well as of revealed truth.” He notes that all states (except Rhode Island) had pre-Revolution, and many of them post-, “support and sustain, in some form, the Christian religion; and almost invariably gave a peculiar sanction to some of its fundamental doctrines.”

Story does actually echo Barton about Christianity being tolerant.

Indeed, in a republic, there would seem to be a peculiar propriety in viewing the Christian religion, as the great basis, on which it must rest for its support and permanence, if it be, what it has ever been deemed by its truest friends to be, the religion of liberty. Montesquieu has remarked, that the Christian religion is a stranger to mere despotic power. The mildness so frequently recommended in the gospel is incompatible with the despotic rage, with which a prince punishes his subjects, and exercises himself in cruelty.

I would certainly accept that Christianity, as recommended in the Gospels, would not lend itself to despotism or cruelty.  To suggest that such has been the case of ostensibly Christian nations (particularly in Europe in the centuries prior to the Revolution) would seem more than a bit blind, however.

I’ll elide over Montesqueiu’s anti-Catholic and anti-Southern European notes, but Story goes on to note the Massachusetts Bill of Rights which falls under #2 above — it suggests that “to promote their happiness and to secure the good order and preservation of their government” that the legislature be able to compel towns to “make suitable provision at their own expense for the institution of the public worship of God, and for the support and maintenance of public protestant teachers of piety, religion, and morality.” Only after that does the that document prohibit “any superiority of one sect over another” and secure “to all citizens the free exercise of religion.”

§ 1868: This gets into the meat of Barton’s argument.

Probably at the time of the adoption of the constitution, and of the amendment to it, now under consideration, the general, if not the universal, sentiment in America was, that Christianity ought to receive encouragement from the state, so far as was not incompatible with the private rights of conscience, and the freedom of religious worship. An attempt to level all religions, and to make it a matter of state policy to hold all in utter indifference, would have created universal disapprobation, if not universal indignation.

I’d guess that’s probably right, at least among the populace. We’ve noted a number of cases where that was not so open-and-shut a case among the actual Founders.

But, then, again, we’re talking about encourage of Christianity so far as was not incompatible with the private rights of conscience, and the freedom of religious worship. That’s back to our utilitarian argument — Christianity as a set of public, civil virtues to keep society on track, and not something to be allowed to interfere with those who disagree with it as a matter of conscience and worship.

§ 1869: An interesting speculation:

It yet remains a problem to be solved in human affairs, whether any free government can be permanent, where the public worship of God, and the support of religion, constitute no part of the policy or duty of the state in any assignable shape. The future experience of Christendom, and chiefly of the American states, must settle this problem, as yet new in the history of the world, abundant, as it has been, in experiments in the theory of government.

Story leaves open the possibility of a non-sectarian, non-religious government.  Indeed, he expects to see it tried out. And he addresses it, properly, as a social/civic question, of “human affairs,” not as a matter of personal salvation.

§ 1870: I suspect Barton, and Fischer especially, and the rest of their One True Way (and Muslims Are Evil) ilk, would disagree “vehemently” with Story on this:

But the duty of supporting religion, and especially the Christian religion, is very different from the right to force the consciences of other men, or to punish them for worshipping God in the manner, which, they believe, their accountability to him requires. It has been truly said, that “religion, or the duty we owe to our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be dictated only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence.” […] The rights of conscience are, indeed, beyond the just reach of any human power. They are given by God, and cannot be encroached upon by human authority, without a criminal disobedience of the precepts of natural, as well as of revealed religion.

So all those folks who think particular religions and sects are so unacceptable, so un-American or anti-God, that those who adhere to them by their conscience and worship ought to be rendered second class citizens (to whom certain rights to not apply) or should be forced to denounce their faith, or flee the country — you just got bitch-slapped by Joseph Story.

§1871: Which brings us to the snipped that Barton provides in the tale above:

The real object of the amendment was, not to countenance, much less to advance Mahometanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity; but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects, and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment, which should give to an hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national government.

One of the longstanding conflicts over the idea of a Christian nation that was not effectively “a national ecclesiastical establishment,” is that it’s deucedly difficult to identify what such a thing would look like. As in §1869’s experiment, there were not many cases (with the possible exception of the Netherlands) where European states did not have established churches.

Within this nation, after the Revolution, even after the states disestablished their respective churches, a variety of sectarian debate still ensued while “encouraging and promoting Christianity.”  Were Catholics part of the Christian mix? Or Quakers? When the Ten Commandments were to be listed, who got to vote on the precise ordering of them, as different Christian denominations believed different things.  If we talk about Jesus at Christmas, did we also teach about the Virgin Birth? Was Baptism for infants, or for adults? Was public preaching of “good works” off-limits? Was political talk of war Christian, especially in the face of Christian pacifism vs theories of “just war”?

Some of these were very important questions, and caused quite a bit of conflict. Christian denominations politically fought over such things, until around the Civil War era and beyond.  At which point, many sects realized they could work more efficiently in a non- or inter-denominational fashion — and so agreed to, largely, let a lot of those differences fall by the wayside for the greater good.

Indeed, it’s that very sanding down of sharp denominational differences which made mainline Protestantism (with extensions to Catholicism and Judaism) so relatively welcoming to increasing numbers of new faith traditions in the 60s-70s … but also led to their decline in the 80s-90s vs. the more dynamic and profoundly sectarian evangelicals.  The same evangelicals that Barton and Fischer would consider Real Christians™.

And that’s the problem.  If your “ceremonial theism” is generic enough to be welcoming to nearly all, it’s of limited inspiration or, actually, of limited religious value.  If it’s sectarian enough to have some meat on it, it starts infringing on that privacy of conscience and worship.

It’s difficult to be an overtly Christian nation without have a de facto establishment. And don’t think for a moment that’s not what Fischer and Barton and their ilk actually want.

Story continues, about the banning of a national establishment:

It thus cut off the means of religious persecution, (the vice and pest of former ages,) and of the subversion of the rights of conscience in matters of religion, which had been trampled upon almost from the days of the Apostles to the present age. The history of the parent country had afforded the most solemn warnings and melancholy instructions on this head; and even New England, the land of the persecuted puritans, as well as other colonies, where the Church of England had maintained its superiority, would furnish out a chapter, as full of the darkest bigotry and intolerance, as any, which could be found to disgrace the pages of foreign annals. Apostacy, heresy, and nonconformity had been standard crimes for public appeals, to kindle the flames of persecution, and apologize for the most atrocious triumphs over innocence and virtue.

Story seems to believe that not establishing a formal national church would avoid the dangers that religious persecution and “the subversion of the rights of conscience in matters of religion” that Christianity has long suffered (and imposed).

§ 1872: Story gets all snarky on William Blackstone, the renowned English jurist, who defended the establishment of the Church of England despite the oppression that caused on dissenters and Catholics.  Interestingly enough, Blackstone’s language follows that of privileges-not-rights from Barton and Fischer about non-Christians in America:

For nonconformity to the worship of the church, there is much more to be pleaded than for the former, (that is, reviling the ordinances of the church,) being a matter of private conscience, to the scruples of which our present laws have shown a very just, and Christian indulgence. For undoubtedly all persecution and oppression of weak consciences, on the score of religious persuasions, are highly unjustifiable upon every principle of natural reason, civil liberty, or sound religion. But care must be taken not to carry this indulgence into such extremes, as may endanger the national church. There is always a difference to be made between toleration and establishment.

Which sounds a lot like the difference Bryan Fischer draws between “the religious liberty we extend out of courtesy” vs. “protecting the free exercise of Christianity”

The result that Story describes sounds a lot like what Barton and Fischer have in mind:

Let it be remembered, that at the very moment, when the learned commentator was penning these cold remarks, the laws of England merely tolerated protestant dissenters in their public worship upon certain conditions, at once irritating and degrading; that the test and corporation acts excluded them from public and corporate offices, both of trust and profit; that the learned commentator avows, that the object of the test and corporation acts was to exclude them from office, in common with Turks, Jews, heretics, papists, and other sectaries; that to deny the Trinity, however conscientiously disbelieved, was a public offence, punishable by fine and imprisonment; and that, in the rear of all these disabilities and grievances, came the long list of acts against papists, by which they were reduced to a state of political and religious slavery, and cut off from some of the dearest privileges of mankind.

§ 1873: As a result of that very history, and the divisions among the states of different majority denominations, that the US government was prevented from establishing a national church:

It was under a solemn consciousness of the dangers from ecclesiastical ambition, the bigotry of spiritual pride, and the intolerance of sects, thus exemplified in our domestic, as well as in foreign annals, that it was deemed advisable to exclude from the national government all power to act upon the subject.

[…] But this alone would have been an imperfect security, if it had not been followed up by a declaration of the right of the free exercise of religion, and a prohibition (as we have seen) of all religious tests.

Story grants promotion and control of religion to the states — though I don’t understand how it is that the states are more likely to not abuse their citizens, religiously, than a national government.  It’s moot at any rate, as the 14th Amendment extended all US rights (and governmental restrictions) to the states as well.

Regardless of Story’s faith in the states, or in the role of government to promote Christianity as some sort of civic code, it’s worth noting his closing on the discussion of the Freedom of Religion in the Bill of Rights.  It’s a stirring goal, that

the Catholic and the Protestant, the Calvinist and the Arminian, the Jew and the Infidel, may sit down at the common table of the national councils, without any inquisition into their faith, or mode of worship.

I don’t expect to hear David Barton preaching about that belief of Joseph Story’s any time soon.

The Family Research Council are Dolts (Planned Genocidehood Edition)

The FRC have sent out a new emergency action alert email thingie to all its faithful, with an incredible density of lies, misrepresentations, goofiness, black-is-white cognitive dissonance, and general doltitude.

According to pundits, this was supposed to be the year that social issues took a backseat to the economy.

Yes, well, given that the GOP ran full-time on “jobs, jobs, jobs!” it’s not surprising that’s what folks were expecting.

Apparently, Democrats didn’t get the memo.

Really? Really?

If the last six weeks proved anything, it’s that the culture war is alive and well–and lurking in the halls of Congress. When the dust finally settled from last week’s budget talks, Americans learned that it wasn’t conservatives with a one-track mind. It was the White House and Senate leadership, who thought it was worth putting more than 800,000 people out of work to satisfy the single-issue abortion supporters in their ranks. “Thanks to the way this deal was struck,” the Wall Street Journal says, “we have a reminder that it was the Democratic President–and not the Republican Speaker–who stood on ideology.”

That’s a … remarkable way of framing how the budget deal went down.  Which is was roughly, the Democrats caving to the GOP on on dollar cuts — giving them nearly everything they wanted.  The GOP leadership kept saying it was all about the budget cuts … but when the Dems matched the numbers the GOP was asking for, then the Republicans made it clear that they didn’t just want budget cuts, but they wanted them to be tied particular “social issues” / “culture war” riders.  The budget deal had to explicitly defund grants to Planned Parenthood.  The budget deal had to explicitly defund grants that went to NPR.  The budget deal had to explicitly eliminate the EPA’s ability to interfere with polluters.  The budget deal had to do a variety of things that changed the status quo,and that appealed to the social conservative base / cultural warriors of the Right.

And that’s what the FRC (and the Wall Street Journal, of course) frame as the Dems standing on ideology?

By the way, that “Wall Street Journal” declaration is actually an op-ed piece by William McGurn, former Dubya speech-writer, former Newscorp executive, former WSJ chief editorialist.  Not quite the Voice of Dispassionate Reason there.

To those inside the Oval Office, “…it was ‘chilling’ to see how inflexible Mr. Obama was.”

Ooooh. Chilling!

The original WSJ story is firewalled, but Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) has been gracious enough to copy the whole thing.  And, remarkably enough, that whole “chilling” thing, which is carefully framed above as — well, of course, it must be from White House insiders, right? I mean, even Democratic functionaries were “chilled” by Obama and …

Well, no, it’s a description from a “Republican aide” to Rep. John Boehner.  Again, not quite the voice of unbiased, objective authority here.

But as far as liberals are concerned, an attack on abortion is an attack on the Democratic Party.

No … liberals consider an attack on abortion to be an attack on women.  That such attacks are almost inevitably by Republicans does sort of lend a partisan glow to the matter, to be sure.

D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray (D) obviously thought so. He was so angry about the ban on taxpayer-funded abortion in the District that he and 41 others plopped down in the middle of Constitution Avenue yesterday to protest. “The District restrictions that were part of the budget deal reached Friday were unacceptable,” Gray said, after he was hauled away by Capitol police. “It’s an outrageous position… All we want is to be able to spend our own money.” Like his party, the Mayor was willing to stand in the way of progress at a major crossroads to protect taxpayer-funded abortion.

Standing “in the way of progress”?  That’s an odd turn of phrase.  In reality, Mayor Gray was (as his own words demonstrate) incensed that the budget deal imposed the will of the Federal Government (or, in this case, the GOP-controlled House of Representatives) on the citizens of the District of Columbia, regardless of what their own elected representatives desired.

You know how that works, right, FRC?  I mean, the Tea Partiers have been railing long and hard about how all those Federal Government types keep tromping over the local rights of the People.  But I guess when those People live in DC, and protest about the same thing, then they’re just Democratic apparatchiks.

And for what?

For local control over local matters?  For protection of a woman’s right to choose?

According to the latest D.C. census, the number of African-Americans in the city is alarmingly low. In one decade, “the black population dropped by more than 39,000.” Experts say the percentages haven’t been this low since World War II. Do liberals think that’s a coincidence?

No, “liberals,” like the Washington Post (whose story you link to) explain the change — a drop in black population and a rise in white population, thusly:

The demographic change is the result of almost 15 years of gentrification that has transformed large swaths of Washington, especially downtown. As housing prices soared, white professionals priced out of neighborhoods such as Dupont Circle began migrating to predominantly black areas such as Petworth and Brookland.

The city became a tougher place to live for working-class families, who had to contend with rising rents and soaring property taxes. Many of the new jobs created over the past decade have required higher education.

On the bright side, maybe if the city stops being so African-American, the GOP will consent to letting its citizens govern themselves and be represented in Congress.

Obviously, the local Planned Parenthood clinics are doing their job. So while Vincent Gray rages on about taxation without abortion representation, he should stop and consider where his city would be in another 10 years without the legislation. If you thought that black children were endangered before, imagine if the city could continue promoting free abortions to local women.

Right. Heaven forfend that this all be about changing demographics and the city of DC becoming more gentrified and attractive (and thus priced) to the more affluent.  It must be all about Planned Parenthood’s Fiendish Sales Job Promoting Genocide of Little Black Babies.

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood, the group that most actively targets African-Americans, is awaiting its federal funding fate.

The whole meme about Planned Parenthood somehow genocidally “targeting” African-Americans is hot right now in the anti-abortion movement.  It ignores some basic economics.

  • Wealthy folks can afford to get abortions. (And always have, even when it wasn’t legal.)
  • Poor folks can much less afford to get abortions. (Which means that, when they had to, they turned to back-alley quacks and home remedies that killed and crippled.)
  • The folks most likely to seek out inexpensive, subsidized abortion services (a tiny percentage of what Planned Parenthood does), as well as inexpensive subsidizied women’s health services (Pap smears, breast cancer checks, birth control, etc.) are most likely poor.
  • Thus, Planned Parenthood is more likely to put clinics in poorer neighborhoods. Especially since more wealthy neighborhoods are going to be less sanguine about a PP clinic opening up  there.
  • If I have to draw a demographic line between “poorer neighborhoods” and African-Americans, you’ve obviously missed the point (or three).

So would you expect a clinic that provides inexpensive or free health services to the poor to be located in a ghetto, or in Beverly Hills?

As part of the budget compromise, President Obama agreed to give the Senate a vote on language to zero out Planned Parenthood’s tax dollars. “Surely it tells you something about who the real extremists are that an up-or-down vote is deemed a ‘concession,'” William McGurn wrote.

Make up your mind, FRC — is that part of the “budget compromise” a sign that Planned Parenthood is still “awaiting its federal funding fate”? Or is it a sign that the compromise was, in fact, utter rigidity in the face of “extremism”?

Let’s consider this another way.

If the goal of the budget debate was to cut the budget, who was it that threw in unrelated culture war items like Planned Parenthood in the mix.  I mean, did the White House say, “Hey, let’s increase funding to Planned Parenthood under the existing Title X law”?  No, it was the GOP that said, “We want to cut the budget and we want to try to destroy Planned Parenthood”?

If I go to a car dealership, and we haggle down the price of the car to where what  I’m willing to offer meets the price the dealership is willing to sell at — and then the sales guy says I have to get a tattoo with the dealership name as well, am I being an “extremist” or “ideologue” if I say, “No, we’ve met on price, either agree or I walk away from the deal”?

The GOP was the group that was asking for policy changes, not just meeting a budget cut number.  For the FRC to claim that it was the Dems who were driven by ideological rigidity is laughably dishonest.

Help your members take advantage of the opportunity.Contact your Senators and remind them that there are plenty of legitimate health clinics out there that will provide services to women other than abortion.

As has been noted widely, Planned Parenthood spends about 3% of its budget on abortion services (none of which money can, legally, be from federal sources).  Even if you morally disagree with abortion, the vast majority of what PP does (and all of what it does with fedeal funding) remains clearly “legitimate.”

And 99% of them probably haven’t been implicated in child prostitution, sex abuse, or statutory rape!

And 99% of them probably haven’t been “implicated” by a hoax video, either.

But, then, honestly doesn’t seem to be high in “family values” promoted by the Family Research Council.

(via Right Wing Watch)

Unblogged Bits (Tue. 12-Apr-11 2330)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Bathroom Remodeling Video is Unintentionally the Funniest Thing Ever – I think anyone who’s done a house rennovation has these same kind of afterthoughts. Most of us, though, only bug our friends about them, rather than shooting an online video.
  2. Jon Stewart Grills Mike Huckabee On His Praise For David Barton – I watched the on-air portion of this, and it really made me wonder how soon Huckabee will return to the show, since Stewart grilled him fairly well and all Mike could do was deke and dodge and answer different questions than what he was asked. I need to watch he unabridged interview.
  3. Oregon State Legislature Gets Rickrolled – This actually somewhat restores my faith in the American political process. At least in Oregon.
  4. Restaurant to retrain staff after mixed-drink mixup – Yahoo! News – Hmmm … sounds kind of like he got served a pisco sour instead …
  5. Charlie sorry – Ben Smith – – Sweet.
  6. Which Airports Have the Most Unfair Fares? – – (1) Margie found this article very interesting. (2) Look, another reason to fly into Houston Hobby vs IAH. (3) Amusement that two of the top 5 most overpriced large airports are named after Republicans. (4) Woot, Denver is “competitively-priced.”
  7. No Halt to Planned Parenthood Fight – – I’m sure that will make Bryan Fischer happier with John Boehner. Or at least Eric Cantor.
  8. Exclusive: The Bleak Financial Numbers From The MySpace Sale Pitch Book
  9. How to Turn DCA Into a Parking Lot – There was always something magical about which section you were parked in at Disneyland. That said, I’m happier to see a second park (even DCA) than a vast parking lot.
  10. The 0.00014 percent solution – Remarkable that the GOP, oh-so-concerned over the budget, spent so much rhetoric on stuff that really doesn’t affect the budget all that much.
  11. Religious Right Panics Over Marriage Equality – Could it be … SAAAATAN?
  12. When Alan Met Ayn: “Atlas Shrugged” And Our Tanked Economy – Dolts.

Unblogged Bits (Tue. 12-Apr-11 1730)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Newly-released FBI memo from 1950 confirms “flying saucers” crashing in New Mexico [Mysteries] – Well, the memo confirms something — now, who’s confirming the memo (and its writer, and his sources)?
  2. Rand And The Conservatism Of Doubt – Ah, Ayn Rand — is there anything more you can get wrong with your crazy philosophy?
  3. Stop Being The “Annoying Phone Guy” During Meetings With BusyMe for Android – Seriously checking this out.
  4. Senator To Propose New Internet Sales Tax – Certainly people (cough) are more likely in many circumstances to purchase something tax-free through Amazon than taxed from their local bricks-and-mortar store (unless they want it in their hands RIGHT NOW). On the other hand, the taxpayer “impact” of Amazon, vs. Best Buy, is much lower. So the only issue is the “fairness” of states getting or not getting money for what I buy. Let’s not make it any more noble than that.
  5. 150 Years Later, Tea Partiers Still Aren’t Over The Civil War: Travis Waldron
  6. Religious Right Ramps Up Attacks on Judicial Nominee Goodwin Liu – Thanks goodness — we’d almost forgotten all about the GOP zaniness in the Senate …
  7. Fischer Likens Boehner To Pontius Pilate Over Planned Parenthood Compromise – Dolt.
  8. Liberty U Blocks Access To Local Paper – Liberty? You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means …
  9. Robertson On Burqa Ban: Don’t Like It? Go Back To Africa – Religious freedom for me, but not for thee.
  10. Scientist accidentally experiments on himself, wife – Not now, honey — you’re not out of quarantine yet!
  11. Kindle now available for $114 — with on-screen ads – And now we know why Kindle hasn’t offered folks (since very early days) the easy ability to load their own screen savers. Ugh.
  12. $39bn budget cuts also target safe drinking water and heating subsidies. So where are cuts to GOP programs? – What did the Republicans want that got cut? The amount of budget money they (eventually) said wanted cut. “We really wanted $100B!” they claim, “And that got cut to only $40B! So, see? We’re cutting, too!” Yeesh.
  13. Huckabee/Trump 2012? Former Gov. Open To Sharing Ticket With Birther Mogul – I’m trying to figure out if Huckabee is following the McCain “I’ll say anything to get a vote” course, or if he’s always been as flaky as he’s seemed of late.
  14. Why Does it Take so Much Less Milk to Lighten Iced Coffee? [Giz Explains] – And knowing’s half the battle!
  15. Private Records of 3.5 Million Texans Were Mistakenly Leaked by the State [Wtf] – Okay, let’s just assume, from now on, that any record kept about you, whether governmental or private, can and will, eventually, be leaked. How do we, as a society, mitigate that?
  16. If a Byte Were a Gram a Floppy Disk Would Weigh 10 Cats [Factoid] – A pint’s a pound the world around!
  17. Meet the Man Who Invented the Digital Camera [Video] – It’s amazing to think of how much photography has changed with the advent of digital — for the vast part the better, I think.
  18. Why Everyone Loves Yuri Gagarin, the First Human to Reach Space [Video] – “The Earth is blue. How wonderful. It is amazing.” Lovely. There are times when I wish spending time in orbit was a requirement for every one of our Congresscritters.
  19. Peter Jackson Explains Why He’s Shooting ‘The Hobbit’ at 48 Frames Per Second – An interesting technological push — and, to my mind, probably a bigger difference than 3D (though it goes hand-in-hand with it).

Unblogged Bits (Mon. 11-Apr-11 2330)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Paul Ryan and Ayn Rand: A Love Affair Against the Common Good – One would think the conflict between Rand and Christianity would get as much play on the Right as the love affair between Rand and unfettered Capitalism. It’s telling which aspect of Rand makes the GOP go ga-ga.
  2. Robert Reich (Why We Must Raise Taxes on the Rich) – “If the rich were taxed at the same rates they were half a century ago, they’d be paying in over $350 billion more this year alone, which translates into trillions over the next decade. That’s enough to accomplish everything the nation needs while also reducing future deficits” But … but … that would make them fractionally less rich!
  3. Boehner abandons calls for an ‘adult’ moment – Why should he? He knows Obama will buckle and give him everything he asks for.
  4. Free Samples – Ah — Grazing at Costco for lunch …
  5. Trump Insists Obama’s Grandparents Planted His Birth Announcement To Obtain Welfare Benefits – Why the heck are people listening to this bozo?
  6. ThinkProgress » Utah Republicans Cut Unemployment Insurance As ‘Motivation For People To Get Back To Work’ – Oooh, yeah, livin’ high on the hog at $290 a week. Dadgummed hobo parasites!
  7. It Is Time For the AFA To Take Responsibility For Fischer’s Bigotry – Yeah, good luck there.
  8. Joyner Falsely Claims “Bolshevik” Means “Minority” When It Actually Means “Majority” – Aside from being completely wrong, my point was correct!
  9. Fischer Goes Too Far…Again: AFA Removes And Edits Post Demanding Immigrants “Convert To Christianity” – I’m not sure which is more amusing — that the AFA yanked the column, or that Fischer re-wrote it afterward.
  10. Norton Disables Itself After One Year – Wow! If it’s a way to automatically get rid of Symantec software without reformatting your machine, it might even be worth it. (Side note: Way to go, Symantec, in driving still more people to Microsoft’s free AV solution.)
  11. Why boys wear blue and girls wear pink – Fortunately (I think), Kay has never been a “pink” girl. Purple early on, more blacks and greens, in fact.
  12. Idaho’s Republican Legislature Gives Their Own GOP $100,000 For Suing Them – Stay classy, Idaho GOP!
  13. They shot a few hostagesSIGH
  14. REPORT: U.S. Military Spending Has Almost Doubled Since 2001 – Now, granted, we’ve been fighting two wars during that period — but, damn, want to wonder why we’ve got such budget problems? There’s a huge part of the reason right there.
  15. Chicken Fat: SUNDAY FUNNIES – MAD #8 – BAT BOY – For those who enjoyed the “Bat Boy & Rubin!” ep of Batman: Brave & the Bold — here’s the Mad Magazine parody that was the inspiration.
  16. In Budget Battle, Boehner, GOP Prove House Isn’t Powerless After All – “Boehner shows it is only powerless when controlled by Democrats.”

NOBODY EXPECTS … Bryan Fischer to be a Dolt!

Bryan Fischer, Dolt

Actually …

I suppose, Bryan, that it makes sense to you that if All Muslims are Evil Terrorists Out to Destroy Our Culture and Pollute Our Precious Bodily Fluids, then we should simply require that all Muslims who are seeking to immigrate to this country should convert away from Islam — preferably to being “good” Christians, of course.  (It’s unclear, Bryan, whether converting to being “bad” Christians, like, say, Episcopalians, would be acceptable to you.).  Let’s roll that transcript

Allowing Muslims to immigrate into the United States, a Christian nation by origin, history and tradition, without insisting that they drop their allegiance to Allah, Muhammad, the Qur’an, and sharia law, is to commit cultural suicide.

I think they used to say that about Catholics, too, Bryan.  I mean, those mackerel-smackers need to drop their allegiance to the Pope, all those idolatrous saints, those extra books in the Bible, those crafty Jesuits, and become good Americans like the rest of us Protestants!  Look at how many troubles those drunken Irish and swarthy Eye-talians cause and lazy Mexicans cause!  Go Team Reformation!

We believe in freedom of religion for Muslims like we do for everybody else.

Except that we don’t want them to be free around us with it.  So, similarly, folks are free to exercise their freedom of speech, but only if they move to another country that doesn’t mind the ideas they espouse.  That’s … an interesting definition of freedom, Bryan.

But if they insist on clinging to their religion, they will need to exercise their freedom of religion in a Muslim country which shares their values: death for those who leave Islam, the beating of wives by their husbands, and the labeling of Jews as apes and pigs.

I’ll suggest that (a) death for those who were of the wrong Christian sect is a value that Christians held for many, many centuries (see: Europe).  (b) Beating of wives by husbands is explicitly defended as a Christian, Bible-based, Family Value by some ostensible Christians in this country. (Others, gentler souls simply say that women should stay at home to cook and push out babies, and that there’s no such thing as rape by husband of wife.). And (c) while not many Christians call Jews “apes and pigs,” there are still far too many of them who consider Jews as swarthy hook-nosed bankers and Christ-killers out to take over the world. And there are plenty of Christians who seem willing to label Muslims as demon-worshipers and terrorists. Does that make Muslims the new Jews?

(Wow, I think I just offended three different religions with that one.)

I’ll also note, on (a) and (b) that there are civil laws in the US against both, and no sign that the Evil Muslim Community in Our Midst has any desire to get rid of same.  Heck, maybe some of them are here because they want to be away from national cultures that allow or promote such things.

Immigration is a privilege, not a right, and our policy should be to admit to our shores only those with a commitment to a full assimilation to American culture, adopting our faith, our heroes, and our history. Someone with a Muslim background who wants to become an American had best be prepared to drop his Islam and his Qur’an at Ellis Island.

I’m sure you’re speaking metaphorically, Bryan, since you’re probably aware that immigrants aren’t processed at Ellis Island any more.

But, then, what kind of drugs are you on, Bryan?  A commitment to “full assimilation to American culture, adopting our faith, our heroes, and our history” is something we’ve asked of nobody who’s come here, even folks we really didn’t want, like said Irish, or those Mediterranean types, or Jews, or Japanese, or Chinese.

We ask them to be productive members of society.  We ask them to obey the law.  And that’s all we should ask them to do.

Besides, Bryan, if all Muslims are really fiends out to destroy us — aren’t they going to be willing to lie about it?  I mean, it’s not like they already declare their intent to destroy American when they arrive.  They’re all fiendish liars who will pretend to drop their demonic, anti-American not-a-real-religion at the drop of a hat.

And you know what that means, Bryan — we need to have, oh, let’s say special police forces looking for Secret Muslims.  To solicit input from the Neighborhood Watch, looking for Muslims who say they’ve converted  but who really practice their faith underground, in basements and behind closed doors, perhaps even in catacombs.

Yeah, we need a special group of police, maybe led by good (Christian) religious examiners, who would follow up on leads about suspicious activities, arrest people who weren’t obviously pious enough about being Christian (and worshiping Washington and Lincoln and Chuck Norris and other True American Heroes).

I suspect it would not be nearly so funny as these guys

We could call it … the American Inquisition.

That’s catchy!  Nobody would expect them!  Their greatest weapons would be fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to Ronald Reagan, and nice red uniforms …

After all, that’s what the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions were about: after the Reconquista of Spain, tracking down Moors / Muslims who hadn’t converted to the True Faith.  And Jews, of course, too.  And if there were other heresies to be found — well, heck, two birds, one stoning, right?

So we can set up an American Inquisition.  And once some crypto-Muslims are tracked down, if they refuse to admit that they really are still Muslims and praying five times a day toward Mecca — well, there’s always waterboarding to get it out of them.  And if that doesn’t work, or if they admit it and refuse to rat out the rest of their cell …

Auto-de-fé, anyone?

Moving right along …

So ancient Israel offers a paradigm of what a sensible and sane immigration policy looks like.

Sorry, Bryan, was that before or after they slaughtered the Canaanites that were already in the land?

It’s simple: don’t break the law (that is, come in through the front door instead of breaking in through a window), …

Certainly I prefer legal immigration, and law-abiding immigrants.

… convert to Christianity, …

Jews, too?  Hindus? Buddhists?  How about folks who don’t believe in anything?  And what brand of Christianity?  Not to keep harping in the Catholic thing, but do they count? How about hypothetical Mormon immigrants?

Of course, it makes no sense to allow allow immigration of folks willing to become Christian, if you already have non-Christians in the country.  So I suppose we need to demand that all Americans convert, too.

Better break out those red uniforms again …

… fully assimilate (become an authentic American, not a hyphenated American), …

How nice of you to decide, Bryan, not only who is a true Christian, but a true American, too. Will there be a test?

… and support yourself.

The poor you will always have with you … unless you keep ’em out of the country?

I’m not 100% solid on US immigration policy, but I believe we already require someone to have a job offer or a family willing to support them.

If you commit to those things, you are welcome here. If you don’t or won’t, perhaps it’s best for you to stay home.

Gee, do the rest of us get to vote on who to kick out (and keep out) of the country, too, Bryan?  Especially if we think that that such people are dangerous to our culture, and hold radical religious beliefs that can only end in tragedy for those who are around them or who listen to them and are sucked into their destructive ideologies?   Because I can think of a few …

Let me know, Bryan.  I have a lovely red suit …

David Barton is a Dolt (Cold Carbon Dioxide for Multi-Lingual Indians Edition)

Right Wing Watch has been hosting a love set of videos of David Barton mouthing off about things he clearly knows nothing about.  That’s certainly everyone’s right to do, save that Barton has been getting increasing attention over the years over the past few years, not only on Glenn Beck’s zany TV show, but with Rep. Michelle Bachmann tapping him to teach about the constitution to other congresscritters.


So what has Barton been noted saying of late? Well, let’s see …

How about how science is always proving the Bible correct?

Barton doesn’t actually demonstrate how the Bible proves global warming is false, but he does mention the oddity of science proving that CO2 actually being a coolant — which, of course, magically proves that science was wrong before about global warming, but right now about cooling.  Or something.

That little tidbit of climate change denialism came, oddly enough, from this particular NASA article about how growing CO2 levels were causing contractions of the a portion of the upper atmosphere. “When carbon dioxide gets into the thermosphere, it acts as a coolant, shedding heat via infrared radiation. It is widely-known that CO2 levels have been increasing in Earth’s atmosphere. Extra CO2 in the thermosphere could have magnified the cooling action of solar minimum.”

Aha!  A smoking … or cooling … gun!

Except that science is, y’know, complicated.

Carbon dioxide cools the thermosphere, even though it acts to warm the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface (the troposphere). This paradox occurs because the atmosphere thins with height. Near the Earth’s surface, carbon dioxide absorbs radiation escaping Earth, but before the gas molecules can radiate the energy to space, frequent collisions with other molecules in the dense lower atmosphere force the carbon dioxide to release energy as heat, thus warming the air. In the much thinner thermosphere, a carbon dioxide molecule absorbs energy when it collides with an oxygen molecule, but there is ample time for it to radiate energy to space before another collision occurs. The result is a cooling effect. As it cools, the thermosphere settles, so that the density at a given height is reduced.

Now, none of that actually has anything to do with the Bible. And I suspect that his claims on stem cell research is about is sound as his claim that wrongdoing in science never produces any beneficial results.

Next? How about Thomas Jefferson creating his abridged “Jefferson Bible” in order to convert the Indians to Christianity?

Wow, Jefferson was just out to civilize the Indians? His editing was solely for the purpose of coming up with something simple enough for those savages to understand?

Well, no, it’s not nearly that simple. History, too, is complicated.

Jefferson went through several versions of this abridgment, starting with a stripped down version of Jesus’ moral teachings (The Philosophy of Jesus) and, years later, a chronological abridgment of the gospels, which cut out any of the supernatural elements or bits that Jefferson thought had been added to the work by the evangelists (The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth).

One of the first versions of Philosophy included at the beginning a note, “Extracted from the account of his life and doctrines as given by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Being an abridgment of the New Testament for the use of the Indians, unembarrassed with matters of fact or faith beyond the level of their comprehensions.” Jefferson was not adverse to using secular means to civilize the Indians — in 1809 he welcomed a plan to teach modern farming techniques, reading, writing, and other trappings of colonial civilization, suggesting only after that happened would it make any sense to send in missionaries, rather than the “ancient and totally ineffectual” effort of doing so from the start.

But nothing further came from this plan, nor was any subsequent mention of it made in later versions Jefferson put together. Instead, Jefferson repeatedly wrote his friends about how the accretion of superstition and the supernatural by priests and scribes since Jesus had masked the teachings of Christ (who he considered the greatest of human teachers and philosophers), and that “for my own use” and “satisfaction” he was endeavoring to get to those teachings. Jefferson had little use for organized religion, and with his enemies making all sorts of religious attacks against him, he made it clear to those with whom he shared his abridgment that the works were never to be published, or at least not in any way that included his name with them. (Indeed, it’s speculated that the whole “Indian” bit in one of the first versions was solely as cover in case the work came to public light.)

At any rate, Barton’s claim (echoed elsewhere amongst the Religious Right) that the “Jefferson Bible” was all some sort of Christian missionary work to the Indians is, at best, only a fragment of the truth. Ironic, that. I have very little doubt that, were Jefferson confronted by Barton and his ilk that he’d be appalled. And he’d whup them in a philosophical discussion, too.

Read more here.

And lastly from Bartonn — we know socialism is evil because the Tower of Babel tells us so!

Now, far be it from me to defend the idea of treating people as indistinguishable “bricks” — that’s horrid. Of course, reducing “citizens” to “consumers” is equally dehumanizing. Attempting to beat down or delete the diversity of the nation so that everyone (or everyone who counts) is a conservative Christian, probably white, almost certainly Republican — yeah, that’s pretty awful, too.

So let’s see what the Bible passage in question actually says — because, sorry David, but I just don’t trust you to get anything right. (Love the shirt, by the way.)

1 Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 2 As people moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there.

3 They said to each other, “Come, let’s make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 4 Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

5 But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. 6 The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

8 So the LORD scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. (Genesis 11:1-8, New International Version, ©2011)

Now, I don’t know about you, but I don’t see the above as being an indictment against brick-making.  Perhaps Barton comes from some odd, fringe, anti-brick sect, but God doesn’t seem all that torqued about the whole brick thing.  Nor, without going wildly overboard in the metaphor-making (and why are conservative Christians always so literal-minded about the Bible except when they can twist a desired metaphor out of it), does it seem like the people of Babel are baking bricks in order to stamp out individuality in some sort of proto-socialist movement.

Raise the Proletariat! Raise the Tower! I just don’t see it.

I believe most orthodox teaching about this passage is yet another OT indictment of prideful action, especially against God.  The people of Babel get a bit uppity, a bit above themselves.  And God slap ’em down.  Not a terribly nice portrayal of God, to be sure — especially since He seems a bit worried about the whole thing.  Also, He refers to himself in the first person plural, which also strikes one as odd.

And, regardless, God never says Utterance One against bricks.  Nothing about “If these people continue to make bricks, then their form of government and economy will become as abhorrent to Me.  Also, they may pass national health care, which is an abomination.  Let me break all of their bricks, that they will be scattered and learn the ways of Adam Smith.  I am THE LORD.”

At any rate, at best I can see this as an attack against cooperation (God intervenes to make sure people can’t work together against His interests).  That might be interpreted as an argument against socialism in some fashion.  Or maybe against bilingual education.  But bricks don’t seem to have anything to do with it.

*   *   *

So, three videos, three misses as to Barton saying anything coherent or accurate.  So tell me again why anyone listens to this dolt regarding things theological, scientific, historical, or governmental?

Unless, of course, because he draws conclusions (God hates Science! The Founding Fathers loved God! God hates Socialism!) that they want to hear.

But that would be dishonest, wouldn’t it?  That just couldn’t be the case, then.  Could it?

Bryan Fischer is a Dolt (Respecting the Military Edition)

Bryan Fischer, Dolt

I have a lot of respect for the US Military.  Think of the things they have done, and continue to do, over the nearly 250 years of our history.

Consider — moving people around the world, dealing with minor cities in the forms of bases, planning elaborate operations, transporting and supporting ammo and tanks and trucks and all that jazz, contracting with tons of contractors to provide (well, let’s not get into contractor management), dealing with benefits and payroll and managing 1.5 million personnel, worldwide, with their families.

People of all sorts — all races, all religions, all political persuasions. A massive populace that has dealt in the last 60 years with wars, racial integration, sexual integration, changes of branches, going from the draft to all-volunteer …

So, Bryan, why do you hate our military?  Or at least sell it so short? Why do you think that, with the end of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, our brave, committed, devoted troops, and the remarkable organization that supports them, will fall apart?

As hearings before Congress have already indicated, implementing the LGBT law in the United States military will prove to be a confused snarl.

Certainly it’s going to be complicated.  But the military has faced greater challenges.  And society is dealing with these same challenges.  But things change.

The House Armed Services Committee will hold a hearing tomorrow (Thursday) on the subject of implementing the repeal of the longstanding ban on homosexual service in the armed forces.

I would feel better about that if the House Armed Service Committee weren’t majority GOP now and likely to blow any problems out of proportion in the most partisan fashion they can manage.  Because, of course, the GOP base expects that DADT is a plot by Teh Evill Gayz and their Liberal Muslim Atheist Democrat Lackeys.

As Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness points out, there are a raft of unanswered questions regarding implementation, questions for which military brass seem to have no answers.

Donnelly and the CMR are opposed to the repeal of DADT, and not necessarily for objective reasons (if articles like “Will Senate Surrender Pentagon Social Policies to the “LGBT Left?” are any indication).

To this point, no one has argued in any persuasive fashion that repeal will actually strengthen the military and improve its readiness, recruitment and retention capabilities.

I disagree, Bryan.  It’s been pointed out that the military, through the DADT policy, has discharged lots of valuable talent.  How can cutting the population to draw from, or getting rid of people who are serving valuable positions within the military, not weaken the military — and not doing that strengthen it?

The best they’ve been able to do is argue that it is doable, with (an imaginary) minimally disruptive effect. Even Pentagon officials have acknowledged that unless the transition is handled well, this thing could blow up like a grenade in the hand.

Yes, if transitions are not handled well, it will not go well.  Um … yes, any other obvious bits of wisdom you want to pass on to us, Bryan?

During last Friday’s hearing before the HSAC Personnel Committee, neither Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel & Readiness Clifford L. Stanley nor Vice Adm. William Gortney could make the case that implementation would improve the military. In fact, when Sec. Stanley was asked how the change will improve the military mission, he said, “We don’t know.” The best they could do was Adm. Gortney’s prediction that “this change will not impact our ability to win,” hardly a ringing endorsement.

See above.  And, honestly, Bryan, your reporting of what happened in the GOP-led HASC (not HSAC, Bryan) carries a less-than-convincing tone.

To which I’d add, did anyone make a case that the racial integration would actually “improve the military”? Or was it just “the right thing to do?”

Many questions remain, and here are just a few, many of them raised in a briefing prepared by Ms. Donnelly for the HSAC.

I’m sure Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) appreciates her fine help.

There are potential huge problems dealing with personal privacy issues. Local commanders are to be told to handle accommodation issues on a “case-by-case basis,” which leaves them at the mercy of superiors who may accept complaints that any adjustments they make create “hostile work environments” for LGBT personnel.

What sort of “personal privacy issues” are we talking about, Bryan?  I mean, it”s known that there are already gays serving in the military (otherwise a DADT policy wouldn’t be needed, right?). So wouldn’t folks concerned that TEH GAYZ might be ogling their private bits actually be better off knowing who those GAYZ are?

Berthing and billeting issues, especially on submarines and with deployed battalions, will have to be faced because of the sexual tension that will be created by the presence of same-sex-attracted service-members. What alterations can commanders make to “mitigate” privacy concerns without facing career-ending accusations? No answer. If four-star officers cannot answer these questions, why should subordinate field commanders be expected to?

Again, why do we need berthing and billeting changes?  Sexual advances within the ranks are already covered by regulation.  I can, potentially, imagine some changes in how sexual harassment regulations are handled, but, honestly, aside from those sorts of overt actions, why is the presence of “same-sex-attracted service-members” that big a deal?  (Especially, again, as we already know they already exist.)

In fact, Adm. Gortney admitted …

“Admitted,” Bryan, is, of course, a weighted word to imply that it was something folks were trying to hide.

… that men are separated from women to protect “good order and discipline,” and that without that kind of separation, sexual attraction would inevitably harm the military interest. But he gave a muddled and entirely unsatisfactory answer to the obvious question about sexual tension created by same-sex attraction in the same settings.

One obvious difference is that gays constitute 1-5% of the population, by most counts.  So, out of 100 men in a barrack setting, you might expect 1-5 of them to be “same-sex-attracted.”  I don’t expect that’s going to be a challenge to “good order and discipline” that the 95-99% of the heterosexual population would represent in a mixed-gender setting.

And what if a commander makes a good faith effort to accommodate privacy concerns, and is accused by an LGBT individual of “disrespect?” Will that officer be supported by his superiors or thrown to the wolves? Will such an officer get legal representation if dragged into court, or will he be on his own?

Yeah, Bryan, adjustments will have to be made, and, yeah, I suspect there will be a certain amount of give and take between policy from above and actuating it from below. Welcome to the real world.

But, by the same token, the same conditions existed in both the racial and sexual integration of the armed forces, Bryan.  And, heck, folks outside the military have been having to deal with the issues of “same-sex-attracted” folks in the workplace for some time now. I suspect the military will figure out how to handle it. They are ostensibly trained to deal with ambiguous tactical and strategic situations, aren’t they?

The Pentagon doesn’t even have mechanisms in place to assess the impact of repeal and the impact of the training that’s being done in preparation for implementation. How in the world, then, can the Secretary of Defense or the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs certify that repeal won’t have a negative impact?

What sort of “mechanisms” would you suggest, Bryan?

Further, there is no indication that exit interviews of departing service-members will include questions regarding the impact of the LGBT law on their decision to leave the military. So how is the military going to get any kind of meaningful data on the impact of the LGBT law on retention, which is a major concern of opponents of repeal?

Well, there’s looking at retention rates before and after the implementation of the policy change, for a starter.  And, assuming there are exit interviews at present, presumably the opportunity to provide such feedback (“Why are you leaving the military?”) would be included, without positing a specific question about it (“Did the fact that there were EVIL PERVERTED GAYZ in the military have any impact on your decision to leave the armed forces?”).

With regard to religious liberty for both chaplains and people of faith, serious questions remain. Will chaplains be allowed to express their sincerely held religious convictions about the nature of homosexual conduct outside worship services, say while they are off-duty but on base? If questions come up while they’re in the PX snack bar or at a sports activity, will they be hammered if they represent their faith tradition accurately in such conversations?

Are chaplains currently able to express opinions about faiths other than their own?  Or about particulars of their own faith? If someone comes from a faith tradition that says that women should be married and birthin’ babies (rather than being in the armed forces), is that allowed to be preached?  If someone comes from a faith tradition that says that some other religions group (Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Catholics, non-dispensational-milleninarians) are doomed to the Fiery Furnace, are they allowed to express their opinion?  If someone comes from a faith tradition that says that the races should not mix, are they allowed to preach that lesson as a military chaplain?

I submit that same would apply to those whose faith traditions condemn homosexuality.

What procedures will be in place to protect chaplains from prejudicial fitness reports from pro-gay superiors? If a chaplain loses his endorsement, the military has indicated that he may still be required to finish out his term of military service even though he’s been defrocked. Doing what exactly?

See above.

I am not in favor of chaplains having to abandon their true beliefs. On the other hand, the nature of the chaplaincy is serving the spiritual needs of all the troops. If a chaplain is expected to serve to Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Atheists, Mormons, Zoroastrians, and Wiccans, I would expect they could manage to squeeze in homosexuals of various stripes.

And what about families who rely on on DoD schools for their children’s education? If LGBT personnel teach and pro-gay indoctrination is allowed in military-run classrooms, does the DoD have any way of determining how many families will choose not to re-enlist because of this?

How about those Jews?  Are there Jews teaching and giving pro-Jew indoctrination? How about Blacks?  Are there Blacks teaching and giving pro-Black indoctrination?  And women?  Are there women teaching and pushing pro-woman indoctrination?  How many families are choosing not to re-enlist because of that?

If pro-marriage service-members want educational alternatives because of LGBT curricula in DoD classrooms, will alternatives be provided, or will they be forced to suffer the brainwashing of their children as long as they serve?

And what about alternatives to pro-Catholic, pro-Republican, pro-Italian-American, and pro-Star-Wars-geek curricula?

Gee, Bryan, you seem awfully certain that TEH GAYZ are going to enforce their particular curriculum/viewpoint more than any other group that you support or oppose.

And what about benefits for homosexual partners? President Obama has already directed his attorney general, Eric Holder, not to defend the Defense of Marriage Act. Will gay couples married in Massachusetts now get family housing and other spousal benefits, in direct violation of the law, since the Commander in Chief believes that denying them such benefits is homophobic bigotry?

That’s actually an interesting question, Bryan.  At the moment, I presume that gay couples, even those wed in certain states, will not be treated differently from unmarried couples.  (Just  because DOMA is not being defended in the courts doesn’t mean gay couples are getting federal marriage benefits, sadly enough.) I also expect that to evolve over time, Bryan, which no doubt is causing you major hissy-fits.

There are enormous health risks involved in homosexual conduct. Does the military have any estimate of the increased medical costs the military will incur treating the raft of diseases homosexuals routinely contract?

As opposed to the diseases that heterosexuals routinely contract?  Do we actually have any data, Bryan, about STDs for gay vs straight populations in a military context?  (We do know that homosexual women have lower STD rates than heterosexual women — are you suggesting, Bryan, that we should let Lesbians into the military preferentially to straight women?)

If homosexuals are denied housing and benefits and sue, who is going to defend military policy in court? The DOJ is already fatally compromised. Will the DOJ allow DoD to defend DOMA and military policy that denies benefits to homosexual couples? And how, exactly, does a military lawyer argue vigorously against a policy advocated by his Commander in Chief without kissing off the rest of his career?

See above.  And, yeah, I’m not sure we should be establishing policy based on what’s comfortable for military lawyers.  That said, I expect both that there will be some back-and-forth on these kind of issues and that they will be settled pretty quickly.

Further, the prospect of a federal judge deciding a dispute between the Commander in Chief and the military on such matters is an unseemly prospect, and certainly can’t be good for military morale and cohesion.

Agreed. And, as  a rule, the federal judiciary (up to and including SCOTUS) have been highly reluctant to intervene in military matters.

Will pro-marriage families be allowed to move off base if the housing environment becomes detrimental to their own children’s welfare, and still keep their housing allowance?

Given that private individuals don’t get to duck out of their mortgage if TEH GAYZ move in next door, I suspect that breathless claim of palpatations over some sort of “housing environment detrimental to children’s welfare” will not get much attention beyond normal standards of disturbing the peace.  In other words, if folks flee EVIL COHABITING GAYZ WHO ARE SEEN HOLDING HANDS IN PUBLIC, that probably won’t get much sympathy.  And if TEH GAYZ are sodomizing each others in the hallways, I’m pretty sure there are other regulations that cover that.

Serious questions, no answers.

Especially if you’re looking for answers that allow people who are, perhaps, through non-exposure, uncomfortable about the ideal of knowing or being around someone who is (sssshhhh!) gay, being able to trump that discomfort into being able to live in a gay-free environment.

If repeal progresses as planned, be prepared for a slow-motion train wreck that will derail the most powerful military in the world and leave our families and nation less safe by the day.

Right.  We managed to integrate blacks into the military. We managed to fit women in there. We managed to go from a draft to an all-volunteer force.  We’ve managed to go from peacetime to one, two, now three wars.

And yet, somehow, Bryan, you’re convinced that letting TEH GAYZ in will “derail the most powerful military in the world.”

Obviously, Bryan, you have less faith in the military than I do. That’s kind of sad.

Bryan Fischer is a Dolt (Creed Screed Edition)

Bryan Fischer, Dolt

Bryan Fischer, sir, you are the gift that keeps giving for providing the fodder for blog posts. On your radio show Friday, you segued from a discussion about a scripture passage on marriage in heaven, to a discussion of (a) why gays can never be married, and then to (b) Mormon teachings on marriage in heaven are different from yours, so we should grill Mitt Romney about what sort of whacky Mormon things he believes in.

Let’s take those points in turn, shall we, Bryan?

The purpose of marriage, ultimately, is children. That’s it. Now there are other purposes: it’s there for pleasure; it’s there for companionship, and all of those are celebrated in the Scriptures. But the fundamental purpose of the institution of marriage is the procreation of children.

Oddly enough, the passage you were preaching from doesn’t mention this as the purpose for marriage, or even as a purpose, though it’s all about marriage and what marriage will be like in heaven.  If kids are the purpose of marriage, you’d think Jesus would have noted that there will no kids born in heaven, so no need for marriage. Instead, we get stuff about giving and taking in marriage and which of a widow’s seven widowers will be her husband in heaven (trick answer: none of them!).

There are some bits at the beginning about Mosaic law dictating that a brother must marry his brother’s widow so as to “raise offspring for his brother.”  Do you think that should happen today, too, Bryan?

Nor does the very first passage in the Bible about the purpose of there being both man and woman created (Gen. 2:18-24) ever mention children.  It just says that “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” And, at the end, “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” That’s all about marriage — but there’s no mention of children at all, Bryan! What’s going on?

And God has designed that relationship – one man, one woman – that’s why we can never call homosexual relationships “marriages” because procreation is impossible. It is a biological impossibility with them. When you have a married couple that wants to conceive and can’t, that’s a tragedy. Homosexual couples – conception is an impossibility, biologically. And that’s why we never should dignify those relationships with the term “marriage” …

Can we let them marry and just call it “a tragedy,” Bryan?  I mean, you  haven’t really addressed the case of infertile couples, but we still let them marry, even where “procreation is possible.”

How about couples who don’t intend to have children at all, Bryan?  Should we “dignify their relationships” with the term “marriage”?

[We were] talking in the first segment about Jesus’ teach and the resurrection and about marriage. This is interesting, by the way – remember, Mitt Romney is fully intending to run for the presidency in 2012. I read an article this morning – well, I just kind of scanned it …

Nice research on which to base an attack on another person, Bryan!

… – talking about the fact that his Mormon theology could be a serious problem for him in 2012 and I believe frankly that his Mormon theology ought to be an issue in 2012. I mean, we’re talking about the most powerful person in the world.

Religious convictions are out most deeply held convictions. These are the deepest part of us; things we believe to be true about God and God’s truth and God’s will. And Mitt Romney believes that there will be marriages in Heaven, that you will populate your own planet and will be siring children for all of eternity. This is flatly contradictory to what Jesus teaches. He says quite directly “in the resurrection, they neither marry nor are given in marriage.” I mean you can’t get any more direct than that – they neither marry nor are given in marriage. And yet the LDS church teaches that people will be married for all of eternity.

Because they have an extended scripture that says some things beyond just the Old and New Testaments, Bryan. Remarkably enough, that means there are differences between what you believe, theologically, and what the Mormon Church believes.  That would explain the “flat contradictions” and all the “and yet” moments.

I know — it’s shocking that anyone would believe something other than your understanding of the Bible, Bryan.  Deal with it.

So a direct contradiction between Mormon theology and the teaching of Jesus Christ himself …

As recorded in the scripture you attribute to Jesus Christ, Bryan.

… and so I think it’s appropriate for Mr. Romney to be asked about the various distinctions of LDS theology, does he believe them.

And if he does?

There’s no Christian that has to be embarrassed about publicly embracing any of the fundamental elements. You take the Apostle’s Creed, the great creeds of the church and you ask any Christian candidate for public office “do you believe in the Trinity?”A Christian has no hesitation to saying “yes.” Do you believe in the inspiration of the Scripture? Absolutely. Do you believe in the sinless life of Christ? Absolutely. Do you believe in the resurrection of Christ? Absolutely. Do you believe in the universal church? Absolutely. Do you believe in the second coming of Christ? Absolutely.

Actually, Bryan, you could probably find some folks embarrassed about some of the “fundamental elements” of Christianity, depending on how you define them.  I mean, the Trinity?  Even priests hate having to talk about that concept during Trinity Sunday because it’s a tough one to actually understand, let alone explain.

No Christian needs to have any hesitation about publicly embracing the fundamentals of Christian theology and I think it’s important to ask Mr. Romney, does he embrace the fundamentals of LDS theology and let the American people decide whether they want somebody with those convictions sitting in the Oval Office.

That’s fine, Bryan, just fine, just one, teeny, tiny, minor, trivial question:

Who cares?

Tell me how it will make someone a better President if they believe in the Trinity.  Explain to me how a faith in the “catholic and apostolic church” does (or doesn’t) improve the ability to defend the nation, grow our economy, take care of our people, win the space race, boost employment, or any of the various other things we ask a President to do.  Does believing in the inspiration of Scripture make you a better world leader (assuming we can all agree on what it means that Scripture was “inspired” — are we talking about literal and inerrant truth of Scripture, or something more nuanced?)?  Tell me how they check off the box on Faith vs Works, or the Virgin Birth, or the Intercession of Saints, makes a difference in the Oval Office.

If Mitt wears Mormon underwear, or thinks Joseph Smith found some gold tablets at the behest of an angel, or that we get married a zillion times in heaven, or that the American Indians are the lost tribes of Israel, … is pretty meaningless to me as to his presidential aspirations (unless it impacts his treatment of American Indians, I suppose).

What are his policies?  How does he lead his life?  Does he believe in justice, and mercy, and treating others well, and defending the weak, and protecting the nation?  How does he treat the help? How does his faith (if any) inform his day-to-day or larger policy directions — and what are those?

I am much more concerned about those things than about which lines of the Nicene Creed a given candidate agrees with wholeheartedly, agrees with as metaphor, or thinks are kind of goofy.  If his or her faith is an issue to me, it’s in (a) how does it drive his what he’s going to do, and (b) does he seem particularly reality-impaired because of it (whether it’s Bad Mormon Archaeology with the whole Lost Tribes thing, or Bad Creation Literalism with some sort of Young Earth beliefs).

(I realize some of my atheist friends might consider any religious faith reality-impairing, but I’m considering here beliefs that potentially have a direct impact on public policy, or that demonstrate a willingness do ignore substantial bodies of evidence in favor of a their religious mythos.)

Oh, and I’ll throw in (c) does he practice what he preaches, or is his faith worn on his sleeve to win votes, and then discarded once in power to the benefit of himself and his supporters? Is he honest, or not?

Those are the questions I’d rather people ask Mitt, or Newt, or Michelle, or Roy, or (of course) Barrack.  Not which academic points of theology they concur with.  And, I strongly suspect, that’s how most Americans feel, too. Yeah, they may get a bit hinky over some of the odder (through lack of exposure) Mormon theological and cosmological tenets, but just as with John Kennedy’s run as a Catholic (which also raised some “he believes weird stuff!” hackles), I think most Americans are more interested in performance than theory, and in fundamental behavior and principles behind it rather than esoteric creedal box-checking.

Maybe that’s why you feel you have to convince folks otherwise, Bryan.  Because otherwise, how can you make sure only the right side of the Us vs Them conflict in your world will get candidates elected?

David Barton is a Dolt (Biblically Plagiarized Constitution Edition)

Did you know the Constitution was actually all taken from the Bible? Well, if you didn’t know that, then you aren’t evangelical minister and amateur pseudo-historian David Barton.  Not only did Thomas Jefferson crib the Declaration of Independence from sermons preached in American pulpits prior to 1763, but the folks at the Constitutional Convention basically summarized the Bible’s commandments on good government in order to craft this country’s new Law of the Land?

Just watch!

Again, with the quick flip-through of Biblical passages. Let’s see if he does better here than he did with his claims about Biblical tax policy. I mean, surely we should recognize the fundamental concepts and specific details of our Constitution through the passages he’s been so kind as to provide (and set forth as proof of his thesis).  Election of representatives, no religious tests, the mechanics of passing a bill, civilian power over the military, the ability to tax, trial by jury, full faith clauses between the states — I mean, I’m sure it’s all there  and illuminated by Barton’s proof-texts.

So, what core value or fundamental mechanic will he explicate first?

Article 1, Sec. 8 – Uniform Immigration: This article of the Constitution deals with Legislative powers, and the section has a long litany of things Congress can pass laws on. One small item falls under this heading:

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

That’s an odd power to focus on (and note that it actually uses the word “Naturalization” rather than “Immigration”).  Now to the Bible verse.

Leviticus 19:34:  “The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.”

So on the one hand, Congress can establish uniform rules as to how one can become a citizen.  On the other hand, we have an injunction to treat foreigners in the country like those born here (with no proviso that they are actually seeking citizenship — does Tom Tancredo know about this Bible passage?).  Despite the fact that  both passages deal with foreigners in the country, there’s really nothing there in the Constitution that strikes me as being cribbed from Leviticus.  (The Bible doesn’t mention anything about bankruptcy, either.)

Article 2, Sec. 1 – President Natural-Born: Of all the various requirements  to be President that are listed in that section, Barton focuses on:

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President.

Now, you wouldn’t think that a requirement that the leader of the nation be born of that nation would be all that unusual — but Barton asserts this section is actually taken from this passage:

Deuteronomy 17:15: “… be sure to appoint over you a king the LORD your God chooses. He must be from among your fellow Israelites. Do not place a foreigner over you, one who is not an Israelite.”

Surprisingly enough, the Israelites preferred not to have a foreign-born ruler.  On the other hand, an elected president is not a king to be appointed.  There’s nothing about the appointed king having to be at least 35 years old.  Nor is there provision for someone who was born outside of Israel (but having been in Israel for at least 14 years) at the time of this Deuteronomical law being stated. Nor is the President Constitutionally prohibited from acquiring horses, taking many wives, or acquiring gold and silver (Deut. 17:16-17).

In other words, aside from the rather common-sensical idea of only having a chief executive (if one may so call a king) be from this country, there’s nothing that leads one to believe that the Founders stole the role of the Presidency from Deuteronomy’s idea of kingship.

Article 3, Section 3 – Witnesses: This section talks about Treason — really, the only crime dealt with in the Constitution.  It notes:

No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

And then we have Barton’s “source” Bible passage:

Deuteronomy 17:6: “On the testimony of two or three witnesses a person is to be put to death, but no one is to be put to death on the testimony of only one witness.”

So the Constitution says two witnesses; the Bible says two or three.  The Constitution is talking about treason.  The Bible is talking about worshiping other Gods (Deut. 17:2-3).  The Constitution says Congress can decide what the punishment should be.  The Bible declares a death penalty.  Aside from all that, it’s practically the same!

Article 3, Section 3 – Attainder: Same section on Treason as above.

The Congress shall have power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

And for the Bible:

Ezekiel 18:20: “The one who sins is the one who will die. The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. The righteousness of the righteous will be credited to them, and the wickedness of the wicked will be charged against them.”

In the 18th Century, Bills of Attainder usually had the sentence of treason in them, commonly with the clause of “Corruption of the Blood,” meaning that the child of the traitor would not inherit the traitor’s goods.

Of course, the Lord is not restricted by such suggestions:

Deut. 5:9:  “Thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them [idols], nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me, …”

Deut. 23:2-3: “A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the LORD for ever:”

While I think it’s keen that Ezekiel and the Constitution both avoid tarring the child with the sins of the parent, the lessons of the Bible make it clear that the Lord doesn’t follow that particular rule.  I can’t see the Constitution as being Biblically inspired in this rather particular point.

Separation of Powers:  Barton abandons specific Constitutional provisions in his PowerPoint presentation to talk more about general concepts.  Here’s his Biblical source for the idea of vesting different powers (and checks and balances) among different groups within the government.

Jeremiah 17:9:  “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”

Um … I … have no idea  what Barton’s talking about here.  A review of all of Jeremiah 17, or even Jeremiah 19:7 and 9:17, give me nothing.  Check back with us, David, when our PPT slides become inerrant.

Three Branches of Government: Ah, this looks more promising …

Isaiah 33:22:  “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; it is he who will save us.”

Um … what?  A three-piece description of God as judge, lawgiver, king (roles that the, well, king held as a single person in Israel), in the midst of a chapter all about how Zion is nifty and God will protect it … is supposed to be the basis for the three branches of government? I mean, the fact that Britain had a monarch, parliament, and courts had nothing to do with it?

Tax Exemptions for Churches:  This isn’t actually in the Constitution, I point out.

Ezra 7:24:  “You are also to know that you have no authority to impose taxes, tribute or duty on any of the priests, Levites, musicians, gatekeepers, temple servants or other workers at this house of God.”

An interesting passage — and one that I’m sure that my church’s choir members and our organist will be glad  to hear about!

The passage is a letter from King Artaxerxes of Persia, letting the Israelites go back to Jerusalem, declaring the Israelites can take whatever money they want for sacrifice and rebuilding the temple. He is instructing the tax collectors of “Trans-Euphrates” not to tax the priesthood, et al., of Israel, but instead give them a bunch of money and other goods. Ezra the Priest is also given permission to kill, banish, fine, or imprison anyone who disobeys God’s or the King’s Laws.

Oddly enough, the Constitution doesn’t include anything about funding churches (the opposite, in fact, in the First Amendment), or punishing blasphemy or sins against holy law with much of anything.  It’s difficult to see how this passage inspired the Founders — who, in fact, exempted churches from taxes both for the charitable work they did and so that taxation couldn’t be used as a tool to persecute particular sects.

Republicanism:  Yes, not only is apparently Republicanism a core Constitutional value (though the Republican party didn’t exist until sixty years after the Constitution was written), but it’s also Biblical.  Who’da thunk?

So let’s hear it, Barton!  Let’s hear about how tax-cutting, military-spending, gay-bashing, union-busting, immigrant-demonizing, small-government, anti-communist, anti-Muslim, anti-science politicos are Biblically founded.

Exodus 18:21: “But select capable men from all the people—men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain—and appoint them as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties and tens.”


Really? Really?  That’s all you got, Barton — the GOP as “capable men from all the people — men who fear God, trustworthy men who hate dishonest gain”?  Really?

David Barton is a dolt.

David Barton is a Dolt (The Holy Tax Policy of Antioch Edition)

Economics has moral implications.

I believe that’s so.  I spend a fair amount of time here talking about that, in terms of how government spending and taxation policies help or hurt people, promote or discourage activities that have a moral character, etc.

David Barton believes that’s so, too.  But for him, he’s less interested in whether a particular economic policy — in this case, taxation — produces good results, or treats people justly.  He’s interested in whether he can figure out whether a given tax or type of tax is Biblical.

Not surprisingly, his conclusions magically line up with conservative views on taxes.  Capital Gains, Income Taxes, Estate Taxes, even the Minimum Wage are all condemned, not for what they do, or for how people are treated under them, but because David Barton thinks the Bible says they are evil — and thus it’s really cool to repeal them, not because we’re repealing taxes (which is always a good thing, right?) but because we’re “repealing anti-Biblical taxes.”

Here’s a snippet of Barton at the Rediscover God In America Conference:

Well, that certainly sounds definitive, doesn’t it? I mean, he has chapter and verse as to why God dislikes all those taxes.

Of course, it might help if we actually look at what those passages say.  Even if you’re going to argue that the Bible should be the basis for deciding whether a tax is moral or not, it would be good to understand what the Bible actually says.

Capital Gains Taxes

Luke 19:13-26:

So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. ‘Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back.’

“But his subjects hated him and sent a delegation after him to say, ‘We don’t want this man to be our king.’

“He was made king, however, and returned home. Then he sent for the servants to whom he had given the money, in order to find out what they had gained with it.

“The first one came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned ten more.’

“‘Well done, my good servant!’ his master replied. ‘Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.’

“The second came and said, ‘Sir, your mina has earned five more.’

“His master answered, ‘You take charge of five cities.’

“Then another servant came and said, ‘Sir, here is your mina; I have kept it laid away in a piece of cloth. I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take out what you did not put in and reap what you did not sow.’

“His master replied, ‘I will judge you by your own words, you wicked servant! You knew, did you, that I am a hard man, taking out what I did not put in, and reaping what I did not sow? Why then didn’t you put my money on deposit, so that when I came back, I could have collected it with interest?’

“Then he said to those standing by, ‘Take his mina away from him and give it to the one who has ten minas.’

“‘Sir,’ they said, ‘he already has ten!’

“He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. (Luke 19:13-26, New International Version, ©2011)

A capital gains tax is a taxation upon the increase in value of an investment.  If I buy stock at $10/share, and then sell it at $15/share, a capital gains tax would tax me on that $5/share profit. I’ve made money on the investment, the same as my making money on a job.

The Right tends to dislike capital gains taxes because, well, a lot of the money theymake is from capital gains, vs salaries (though we’ll get to income taxes later).

This story is also known as the Parable of the Talents, and shows up in Matthew 25:14-30 (the other passage Barton quotes).  (A talent was a measure of silver worth about 60 minas.)  There are several interpretations to it — the most common being that we should take the gifts that God has given us (wealth, “talent,” etc.) and put them to good use, as we’ll be called to account for it.

Barton, however, seems to think this is a condemnation of capital gains taxes, since the parable doesn’t mention any taxation on the minas that were earned, thus it must not have existed, therefore any tax on capital gains is against the Bible.  Of course, the parable doesn’t mention anyone wearing clothes, but I don’t think we can assume that the participants were nude.  Also, the parable is about the king, who presumably gets to skip taxes.  And, finally, it’s a parable, a tale told to teach a moral point.  It’s clearly not meant as a teaching in economics, but as a teaching on, as suggested, making use of your life and what you have been given.

Barton, of course, would probably also note the final passage, “to everyone who has, more will be given, but  as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away.” See! The rich should get richer, and the poor poorer, and certainly the rich should not have anything taken away!

Unless, again, you’re not treating this as a literal guide to economics (which it pretty clearly is not), but, again, discussing applying one’s gifts to God’s work, where there is reward for those who do, and banishment for those who do not.  That interpretation is enhanced by looking at the introduction to this passage, in verse 10: “While they were listening to this, he went on to tell them a parable, because he was near Jerusalem and the people thought that the kingdom of God was going to appear at once.”

It’s not about economics and tax policy. It’s about how you need to be doing God’s work until God (the king in the passage) returns. Duh.

(Barton also ignores the next verse, where the king orders that those who spoke out against him should be executed — I would hope that’s not the basis for his beliefs on freedom of speech and jurisprudence.)

Income Tax

Barton hops back to the Old Testament for this:

  • Leviticus 27:32: “Every tithe of the herd and flock—every tenth animal that passes under the shepherd’s rod—will be holy to the LORD.”
  • Numbers 18 — which talks about the Levitical priests and how they are to be supported by Israel, and how they are to tithe their sacrifices to God.
  • Numbers 28 and 29 — which talks about required food offerings to God.
  • Deuternomy 14:22: “Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year.”

So none of this is really talking about taxes.  It’s about holy offerings to God. (Deut. 14:22-29 spells out that 1/10 tithe is essentially to be eaten at the temple, or turned to money so you can go to the temple to buy food and drink for such a feast, except for once every three years when it’s to be given to the Levites, per the passage in Numbers 18.)  It’s about tithing in thanksgiving.  But that has nothing to do with taxes for the functioning of government, or taxation of income.

(For that matter, later Biblical injunctions against burnt offerings invalidate Numbers 28 and 29, so why are we even paying attention to them?)

Ah, but Barton adds another word  to the category: Progressive Income Tax.  That’s what he (and the rich) really dislike, because it means that they have to pay taxes at a higher rate than those who have less.

Barton’s suggestion seems to be that the Biblical injunction about everyone in Israel tithing 10% of their agricultural production as a religious offering means that government taxation should also be a single, flat number (maybe a teeny-tiny 10% as well).  The Bible doesn’t say that, of course (though it does have some choice words for those who are rich), but Barton seems willing to contort the text to make it fit what he wants it to say.

Estate Taxes

Barton indicates the Bible is all against taxation on the estates of the rich who have died.

Proverbs 13:22: “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.”

Barton would seem to be arguing that there’s no mention of an estate tax here, thus the estate tax is un-Biblical.  There’s no mention probate court, either — is that also un-Biblical?  Nobody in the Old Testament inherited any automobiles.  Is inheriting automobiles un-Biblical?

Actually, reading this passage literally, it sounds like the only people who can Biblically inherit from your estate are your grandchildren.  Is that what Barton would suggest?  Or would he interpret this to mean that you must leave an inheritance to your family, rather than cutting them off and giving it all to charity?

For that matter, the passage simply says “an inheritance,” not that the inheritance is everything they own.  Estate taxes never consume the full inheritance (by definition, they are a tax on a portion of the inheritance — and they only kick in, in the US, at a very high level of inheritance).

In reality, this passage has nothing to do with estate taxes, but about building up something to leave the following generations, rather than squandering  it all on yourself.  (The second half of the verse doesn’t have an obvious meaning to me.)

1 Chronicles 28:8: “So now I charge you in the sight of all Israel and of the assembly of the LORD, and in the hearing of our God: Be careful to follow all the commands of the LORD your God, that you may possess this good land and pass it on as an inheritance to your descendants forever.”

This is King David speaking to the Israelites.  I assume Barton’s argument is that estate taxes interfere with “passing on this good land as an inheritance to your descendents forever.”  Of course, as prophecy, the Israelites didn’t get to do that (presumably, in the eBible, beause they didn’t follow all the commands of God).  But, again, it’s silly to turn this into an indictment against estate taxes.  It’s like saying sales taxes are un-Biblical because when there’s a command in the Bible to buy something, no mention of a sales tax is made.

The point of this passage is certainly not about inheritance law in Ancient Israel (even if we assumed that we were ordered by the Bible to structure our law around how Israel ran things — which, to me, sounds like we would also need to reinstitute a kingly theocracy … is that what Barton would argue?).

Ezekiel 46:18: The prince must not take any of the inheritance of the people, driving them off their property. He is to give his sons their inheritance out of his own property, so that not one of my people will be separated from their property.

Aha! Now that sure sounds like a Biblical injunction against the estate tax, as passed on by Ezekiel, speaking for what a person in a dream told him on behalf of God.

A bit broader context changes that a little, if we look at Ezekiel 46:16-18:

“‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: If the prince makes a gift from his inheritance to one of his sons, it will also belong to his descendants; it is to be their property by inheritance. If, however, he makes a gift from his inheritance to one of his servants, the servant may keep it until the year of freedom; then it will revert to the prince. His inheritance belongs to his sons only; it is theirs. The prince must not take any of the inheritance of the people, driving them off their property. He is to give his sons their inheritance out of his own property, so that not one of my people will be separated from their property.’”

Doesn’t sound very fair to his servants, does it?  Does Barton support that part of the vision?

And the whole “prince” thing — we’re not talking about princes, are we?

In fact, the point here is that princes already have wealth.  They can’t steal from the people to garner more wealth to hand out to their princely children.  The federal estate tax is not about increasing Obama’s personal wealth so that he can give more money to his own kids.  There’s nothing in common here.

And, of course, the prophecy is all about the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel.  The passages all around this are all about how the temple should be rebuilt and so forth.  Why is this one passage, about inheritance, supposed to be applicable to the contemporary United States when none of the rest of the surrounding chapters are?

Minimum Wage

Okay, I’m mildly annoyed that the video clip cuts out before we hear about what passages Barton thinks indicate Jesus dislikes the minimum wage.  Looking around the web, I find that one justification he’s given previously is the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard:

“For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a denarius for the day and sent them into his vineyard.

“About nine in the morning he went out and saw others standing in the marketplace doing nothing. He told them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.’ So they went.

“He went out again about noon and about three in the afternoon and did the same thing. About five in the afternoon he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them, ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’

“‘Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.

“He said to them, ‘You also go and work in my vineyard.’

“When evening came, the owner of the vineyard said to his foreman, ‘Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last ones hired and going on to the first.’

“The workers who were hired about five in the afternoon came and each received a denarius. So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. When they received it, they began to grumble against the landowner. ‘These who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said, ‘and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.’

“But he answered one of them, ‘I am not being unfair to you, friend. Didn’t you agree to work for a denarius? Take your pay and go. I want to give the one who was hired last the same as I gave you. Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Or are you envious because I am generous?’

“So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” (Matthew 20:1-16, New International Version, ©2011)

Apparently this passage has become a huge hit amongst “biblical capitalists,” because, they say, it proves that employers can make any exploitative contract they want with their workers, with the Bible’s blessing, and the workers have no choice but to suck it up, because the Bible says they have to.  Ergo, a minimum wage law is un-Biblical.

Jesus wept.

First off, this is a parable about the Kingdom of God, not instructions for the Kingdom of Earth.  It’s not really an argument that an employer has a moral or legal right to cut whatever deal he wants, any more than it is an instruction to pay people a flat amount per day no matter how many hours they work.

Instead, it’s about how God treats humanity — and that the reward of Salvation (to put it in orthodox terms) is not dependent on how long you’ve been a member of the church, or when you repented or were born again or were forgiven of your sins.  The saint who is born and baptized and leads an exemplary and holy life gets the same grace from God as the horrible sinner who only confesses and sincerely repents on his deathbed. That sounds unfair — but that very perceived unfairness is what the Parable is about.  As with the Parable of the Prodigal Son, God’s love and forgiveness and grace are absolute.

That is, as I said, pretty orthodox, even conservative, theology.  To turn that lesson into an instruction booklet on employment and wage law is not only ludicrous, it’s profane, ignoring the moral message in favor of a license to exploit laborers.

So, to summarize:

  1. Most of Barton’s passages have nothing to do with what he’s asserting.  He essentially did a word search on the Bible and picked out passages that had key words like “inheritance” and claimed, taking a literal interpretation, that it demonstrated some Biblical law about what inheritance must (or must not) be.
  2. Barton treats Jesus’ parables — stories told to illustrate a moral point using examples from everyday life — as, quite literally, the Law, telling us how taxation and wages are handled in a Biblical fashion.
  3. David Barton, evangelical minister and pseudo-historian, is a dolt. At best.  I’ll be charitable and assume he’s not simply coming up with excuses for the rich to get richer.

(via RightWingWatch)

Bryan Fischer is a Dolt (Constitution for Me but Not for Thee Edition)

Bryan Fischer, Dolt

Dagnabbit, Bryan — it would have been nice to have been able to retire the whole BFiaD category, but in your unhinged hatred for the things you hate (for which I at least applaud your unwavering dedication), you keep providing targets that simply cannot be ignored.

To wit, your latest screed: Islam and the First Amendment: Privileges But Not Rights.

Because the Constitution is all about which Americans get rights and which Americans don’t.

You start off, like all good essayists, by clearly stating your thesis.  I will give this to you, Bryan — you never leave anyone in doubt as to how you feel about something.

The First Amendment  was written by the Founders to protect the free exercise of Christianity. They were making no effort to give special protections to Islam. Quite the contrary.

I’ll hit up the rest of the essay in its Islamaphobic glory in a bit.  But let’s talk about whether the Founders were out just to protect the free exercise of Christianity.

Short answer: No.

Part of is is that the understanding of what “Christianity” meant to the Founders was something quite different from what we think of it today.

Most folks today would consider “Christian” anyone who more or less believes in Jesus Christ and goes to a “church.” Sure, you get some folks on the edges not sure whether to include Mormons in that.  Or Unitarian/Universalists.  Or (and this is still in fact around) Catholics. And you get some folks (glances over at Bryan) who spend a lot of time parsing out who is a True Christian — what particular creed they have to profess, what particular magical words or actions they have to have gone through, what particular doctrines they must (or must not) agree to.

But even there, in the modern world, that division is still about “True” Christians and “False” Christians.  They’re all more or less Christians, there’s just some debate about who gets admitted into the final members-only show.

That’s small beer compared to the world of the Founders.  They had centuries of European history — English in particular — where the definition of a Christian was writ in flaming letters, and anyone who disagreed with that definition (which varied, of course, from place to place and time to time) would be subject to torture and death.

Even in the American colonies, the track record was appalling. Individual colonies were founded in favor of one religion or another — they didn’t consider it denominational differences, or sectarian ones, but profound We-Are-Christians / You-Are-Not kind of establishments.  And if you weren’t of the local flavor, then you were a second-class citizen at best, or maybe an exile into the Wilderness (see Roger Williams and the founding of Rhode Island), or maybe you’d just be jailed, or exiled, or even executed if you came back.

Quakers were favorite targets, outside of Pennsylvania.  But Catholics were Papist idolators whose Jesuitical agents were out to expand the Pope’s unholy empire.  And James Madison got to see first-hand the beating and jailing of Baptists in Virginia as a young man.

And, then, of course, there were Deists, Unitarians, and even Atheists, not to mention the rare Mohammedans … and, of course, the Jews.

The US Constitution mentions religion only once in its original writing.  Article 6, para. 3, states:

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

This was meant to counter Test Acts that appeared in England in the 17th and 18th Centuries — mostly requiring oaths affirming that one was a member of the Church of England (as opposed to, most commonly, a Catholic or a Dissenter/Non-Conformist).  But during the debates over the Constitution (both at the Constitutional Convention and in the various states ratifying it), the argument was brought forth again and again that without such Religious Tests — well, then, anyone could become a government official, even (gasp) “papists … deists, atheists, &c” or “pagans, deists, and Mahometans.”

Nobody denied that.  Nobody said, “Well, yeah, we see what you mean, but, really, we just meant that clause to apply to Christians — you know, not just Episcopalians and Presbyterians and Congregationalists (as much as you all disagree with each other), but even Quakers and Baptists — heck, maybe even (if the wind is blowing in the right direction) Catholics.  But certainly not pagans or deists or atheists or Muslims or Jews.”

In fact, they said just the opposite.  Like James Iredell in North Carolina during the ratification debate there (he would eventually go on to be a Justice of the US Supreme Court):

But it is objected that the people of America may, perhaps, choose representatives who have no religion at all, and that pagans and Mahometans may be admitted into offices. But how is it possible to exclude any set of men, without taking away that principle of religious freedom which we ourselves so warmly contend for? This is the foundation on which persecution has been raised in every part of the world. The people in power were always right, and every body else wrong. If you admit the least difference, the door to persecution is opened. […] It would be happy for mankind if religion was permitted to take its own course, and maintain itself by the excellence of its own doctrines. The divine Author of our religion never wished for its support by worldly authority. Has he not said that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it? It made much greater progress for itself, than when supported by the greatest authority upon earth.

Governor Johnston of North Carolina similarly discussed such concerns:

When I heard there were apprehensions that the pope of Rome could be the President of the United States, I was greatly astonished. It might as well be said that the king of England or France, or the Grand Turk, could be chosen to that office. It would have been as good an argument. It is apprehended that Jews, Mahometans, pagans, &c., may be elected to high offices under the government of the United States. Those who are Mahometans, or any others who are not professors of the Christian religion, can never be elected to the office of President, or other high office, but in one of two cases. First, if the people of America lay aside the Christian religion altogether, it may happen. Should this unfortunately take place, the people will choose such men as think as they do themselves. Another case is, if any persons of such descriptions should, notwithstanding their religion, acquire the confidence and esteem of the people of America by their good conduct and practice of virtue, they may be chosen. I leave it to gentlemen’s candor to judge what probability there is of the people’s choosing men of different sentiments from themselves.

Wow. Belief in democracy at its finest.  Kinda makes you choke up, doesn’t it, Bryan?

Now, Bryan, I understand, that’s actually about the religious test clause of the Constitution, not the First Amendment.  But this was a debate that was already had when the new debate over the First Amendment came up. This was what the Founders had already discussed and what, as a young nation, had been accepted.

So, the Constitution (including Article 6, clause 3) was accepted by the states. Then came the discussion over the First Amendment and the clauses there over establishment and free practice of religion.

There’s much to say that, to some degree, that amendment as written was a compromise by the individual states (and their predominantly sectarian populations) to ensure that, on a federal level, no single denomination (presumably Christian) would take over.

But to think that the Founders only debated about whether different Christian churches should be given equal rights, with nary a thought about other faiths (or lack thereof) is silly. That debate had already occurred over the No Religious Tests clause. And it had been around in many of the Founders’ thoughts for years.

Thomas Jefferson, in 1776, co-sponsored a bill in the Virginia legislature to allow Jews, Catholics, and other non-Protestants to become citizens of Virginia.  He quoted John Locke (Locke was a huge influence on the Founders) in saying “neither Pagan nor Mahamedan nor Jew ought to be excluded from the civil rights of the Commonwealth because of his religion.”

Later, in discussing his more successful Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom (1779) Jefferson noted:

Where the preamble declares, that coercion is a departure from the plan of the holy author of our religion, an amendment was proposed, by inserting the word “Jesus Christ,” so that it should read, “a departure from the plan of Jesus Christ, the holy author of our religion;” the insertion was rejected by a great majority, in proof that they meant to comprehend, within the mantle of its protection, the Jew and the Gentile, the Christian and Mahometan, the Hindoo, and Infidel of every denomination.

Richard Henry Lee, who proposed the Declaration of Independence, wrote in 1784:

I fully agree with the presbyterians, that true freedom embraces the Mahomitan and the Gentoo [Hindu] as well as the Xn religion.

Theophilus Parsons — later a state supreme court jurist — was one of the drafters, along with John Adams, of the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution.  He said that document was meant, among other things, to ensure “the most ample of liberty of conscience” for even “Deists, Mahometans, Jews and Christians.”

A group of citizens of Chesterfield Co., Virginia, petitioned the state assembly in 1785:

Let Jews, Mehometans and Christians of every denomination enjoy religious liberty … thrust them not out now by establishing the Christian religion lest thereby we become our own enemys and weaken this infant state. It is mens labour in our Manufactories, their services by sea and land that aggrandize our Country and not their creeds. Chain your citizens to the state by their Interest. Let Jews, Mehometans, and Christians of every denomination find their advantage in living under your laws.

Jefferson and Adams, of course, eventually had to deal with, as Presidents, Islamic states.  Adams signed a famous treaty with Tripoli, noting the United States was “not in any sense founded upon the Christian religion” and therefore had “no character of enmity against the laws, religion and tranquility of Mussulmen.”

Now, there’s no question that most of the Christians of early America preferred their own faith to that of Islam, or that rumors and memories of Muslim conquest in Europe (or of pirates in Islamic North Africa) colored perception of Islam.  But enough of the Founding generation understood how religious freedom was rendered weaker and less meaningful the more boundaries you placed around it. Thus, they rejected explicitly stating — even when the possibility was raised — that the First Amendment (or Article 6) only applied to Christians.

It was suggested.  And it was rejected.

And now, with that history lesson … back to you, Bryan!

We actually at the time were dealing with our first encounters with jihad in the form of the Barbary Pirates, which is why Jefferson bought a copy of the Koran.

Jihad — in its one sense of holy war for the advance of Islam — has nothing to do with piracy.  The Barbary Pirates by the 18th Century had pretty much nothing to do with killing infidels for Allah, or advancing the world-conquering role of Islam. It was slaving and riches, plain and simple, a way of seizing wealth to the benefit of the Beys of Tripoli, Tunis, and Algiers. Any religio-political aspect to their founding (after the reconquista of Spain) had long since faded — as demonstrated by the participation of European corsairs in their number.

He was told by the Bey of Tripoli that Islam requires Muslims to rob, kill and pillage infidel Christians wherever they find them. Jefferson naturally found that hard to believe, so he bought a copy of the Koran to read it for himself. Sure enough, it’s right in there, in the 109 verses of the Koran that call for violence against the infidels.

Actually, he was told something along those lines by Abd Al-Rahman, ambassador from Tripoli, in London in 1785, alongside John Adams.  Of course, he was also told that tribute would buy off such a “requirement,” and, indeed, that’s what the US did for many years, through Adams’ presidency (under which that above-quoted tribute-promising treaty with Tripoli was signed) and into Jefferson’s. That such piracy (and the “indulgence” of tribute) were given a patina of religious motivation by the governments in question showed the same sincerity as that of the slavers of Africa claiming  to work on behalf of converting the heathens to Christianity.

One problem, though, Bryan, is that your timeline is kind of askew.  While Jefferson encountered Al-Rahman in 1785, Jefferson’s Qur’an (the one that Rep. Keith Ellison swore his oath of office upon) was purchased in 1765, as part of his research into natural law and religious history.

Islam has no fundamental First Amendment claims, for the simple reason that it was not written to protect the religion of Islam.

(Indefinite antecedent there, Bryan.  Check with your editor.)

While the First Amendement was not primarily written to protect Islam (or Hinduism, or Judaism), that it would do so was recognized in the debates of the time.

Islam is entitled only to the religious liberty we extend to it out of courtesy.

Because the majority only ever grants rights to the minority out of courtesy.  That’s what the Constitution’s all about, right?

While there certainly ought to be a presumption of religious liberty for non-Christian religious traditions in America, …

Sounds pretty presumptive of you, Bryan.

… the Founders were not writing a suicide pact when they wrote the First Amendment.

That’s doggone gracious of you, Bryan.  What you are proposing, extending a “privilege” of religious liberty out of “courtesty,” sounds like, is tolerance by the majority and empowered, as opposed to inherent equality under the law. Which, interestingly enough, is something that many of the Founders explicitly rejected.

George Washington wrote to a Jewish congregation in 1790 (during the debate over the Bill of Rights):

All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship. It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights. For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens, in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.

(He also ended the note with the hope that “the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.”  Washington was as aware as any other of the educated Founders that “the Stock of Abraham” included Muslims.)

Thomas Paine wrote, in 1791 (the year the Bill of Rights was approved by the states):

Toleration is not the opposite of intoleration, but is the counterfeit of it. Both are despotisms. The one assumes to itself the right of withholding liberty of conscience, and the other of granting it. The one is the Pope, armed with fire and faggot, and the other is the Pope selling or granting indulgences. The former is church and state, and the latter is church and traffic.[…] Toleration therefore, places itself not between man and man, nor between church and church, nor between one denomination of religion and another, but between God and man; between the being who worships, and the being who is worshipped; and by the same act of assumed authority by which it tolerates man to pay his worship, it presumptuously and blasphemously sets up itself to tolerate the Almighty to receive it. Were a bill brought into Parliament, entitled, “An act to tolerate or grant liberty to the Almighty to receive the worship of a Jew or a Turk,” or “to prohibit the Almighty from receiving it,” all men would startle, and call it blasphemy.

St George Tucker in 1803 wrote, as commentaries on Blackstone’s Law and its application within America:

Jesus Christ has established a perfect equality among his followers. His command is, that they shall assume no jurisdiction over one another, and acknowledge no master besides himself. It is, therefore, presumption in any of them to claim a right to any superiority or pre-eminence over their bretheren. Such a claim is implied, whenever any of them pretend to tolerate the rest. Not only all christians, but all men of all religions, ought to be considered by a state as equally entitled to it’s protection, as far as they demean themselves honestly and peaceably. Toleration can take place only where there is a civil establishment of a particular mode of religion; that is, where a predominant sect enjoys exclusive advantages, and makes the encouragement of it’s own mode of faith and worship a part of the constitution of the state; but at the same time thinks fit to suffer the exercise of other modes of faith and worship. Thanks be to God, the new American states are at present strangers to such establishments. In this respect, as well as many others, they have shewn in framing their constitutions, a degree of wisdom and liberality which is above all praise.

The Bill of Rights — and the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence — are not written about Christians.  It’s not We the Christian People.  The rights promulgated in those documents were recognized, by the Founders, as universal rights, inalienable, belonging to all mankind, and certainly to all those within the United States.

Back to you, Bryan!

Our government has no obligation to allow a treasonous ideology to receive special protections in America, but this is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do right now with Islam.

I concur that a “treasonous ideology” — in terms of an ideology looking to overthrow the United States government by unlawful means — receives no special  protection as such.  But Islam, per se, does not call for the overthrow of the US, any more than, say, Christianity does. (Looking at the rhetoric of some Christianists about taking over the nation and recrafting its laws and Constitution to reflect their image of Christianity seems to me at least as “treasonous” as anything I’ve heard any American Muslim say.)

From a constitutional point of view, Muslims have no First Amendment right to build mosques in America.

From a constitutional point of view, Bryan, do you believe that Hindus have a First Amendment right to build temples in America?

From a constitutional point of view, Bryan, do you believe that Jews have a First Amendment right to build synagogues in America?

From a constitutional point of view, Bryan, do you believe that Mormons have a First Amendment right to build temples in America?

From a constitutional point of view, Bryan, do you believe that Catholics have a First Amendment right to build churches in America?

Who do you actually include under the Constitution, Bryan?  Who gets those “inalienable rights” inherently, and who is merely “privileged” to be granted tolerance?

Which Constitution are you actually reading, Bryan?

They have that privilege at the moment,…

You’re a real sweetheart, Bryan.

… but it is a privilege that can be revoked if, as is in fact the case, Islam is a totalitarian ideology dedicated to the destruction of the United States.

Which sounds like they not only have no inherent rights as part of “we the people,” but are, in fact, not deserving of the “privilege” they have been so graciously (or, perhaps you would say, stupidly) been granted by their dupes in government.

What other rights don’t Muslims get in your world, Bryan?  Freedom of speech?  Fair and speedy trial?  Protection from self-incrimination?  Protection from unreasonable search and seizure?  Protection from cruel and unusual punishment?

I am reminded of those who believe that Jews are out to control the world. Are they protected by the Constitution, Bryan, or only graciously granted “privileges” by a duped government?

How about those Catholics, Bryan — you know, the not-really-Christian idolators, the ones whose first loyalty is to the Pope and the Vatican, those idolators and indulgence-peddlers and Jesuitical fiends and all that jazz.  Are they protected by the Constitution, Bryan, or only graciously granted “privileges” by a duped government?

The Constitution, it bears repeating, is not a suicide pact.

Yes, you keep repeating that.  Yet, somehow, it’s magically a protection for anything believed by your brand of conservative Christianity.

For Muslims, patriotism is not the last refuge of a scoundrel, but the First Amendment is.

Ah. all Muslims are scoundrels.  Sweet.

As Joseph Story, a long-serving Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court said:

“Probably at the time of the adoption of the constitution, and of the amendment to it, now under consideration, the general, if not the universal, sentiment in America was, that Christianity ought to receive encouragement from the state, so far as was not incompatible with the private rights of conscience, and the freedom of religious worship. An attempt to level all religions, and to make it a matter of state policy to hold all in utter indifference, would have created universal disapprobation, if not universal indignation…

Well, not quite universal.  Several of the Founders (Jefferson, Madison, Adams, perhaps Washington, come to mind) would have been fine with that.

“The real object of the amendment was, not to countenance, much less to advance Mahometanism, or Judaism, or infidelity, by prostrating Christianity; but to exclude all rivalry among Christian sects, and to prevent any national ecclesiastical establishment, which should give to an hierarchy the exclusive patronage of the national government.”

Yup, that was certainly one of the motivations.  Yet, at the in the same essay, Story also writes:

It was under a solemn consciousness of the dangers from ecclesiastical ambition, the bigotry of spiritual pride, and the intolerance of sects, thus exemplified in our domestic, as well as in foreign annals, that it was deemed advisable to exclude from the national government all power to act upon the subject. […] Thus, the whole power over the subject of religion is left exclusively to the state governments, to be acted upon according to their own sense of justice, and the state constitutions; and the Catholic and Protestant, the Calvinist and the Arminian, the Jew and the Infidel, may sit down at the common table of the national councils, without any inquisition into their faith, or mode of worship.

Except by you, Bryan, of course.

Story, writing as a constitutional historian, is quite clear. The purpose of the First Amendment was not “to advance Mohametanism” but to “exclude all rivalry among Christian sects.”

… and to allow even “the Jew and the Infidel” to “sit down at the common table of the national councils, without any inquisition into their faith, or mode of worship.”

Sounds damned suicidal and un-American to me, Bryan.  What do you think?

Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but Bryan Fischer is a (Constitutional) Dolt

Bryan Fischer, Dolt


Bryan Fischer, Dolt and Christian Whacko, argues that Christian Whackos that he claims to disagree with can and should be silenced by the government.

Justices Roberts, Scalia, and Thomas are all wrong in their ruling on the reprehensible Westboro Baptist Church protests at military funerals.

For the record, I confess that I FULLY AGREE  that the WBC’s protests are reprehensible.

Alito alone is right.

That should be about all you need to know.

As he says, the First Amendment is “not a license for vicious verbal assault.”

Actually, yes, it is.  I can call you a dolt, Bryan.  You, Bryan, can call gays and Muslims demonic, evil, awful, treasonous, eaters of babies and kickers of kittens.

And, remarkably, neither of us can be silenced by the government.

Isn’t the First Amendment grand?

The gay-haters at Westboro have plenty of free speech avenues open to them – books, articles, video, audio, TV, radio, public forums, internet postings, emails etc.

Yes, if only they used your various media outlets, gay-hater Bryan.

But they do not have a right to “intentionally inflict severe emotional injury on private persons.”

If their intent is solely do so, I’d be inclined to agree.

But, then, the basis for the SCOTUS ruling was that their protest was making a political/ideological statement (“THE US IS CURSED BECAUSE WE DON’T KILL TEH GAYZ!!”), something I’m sure you can appreciate, Bryan.  Sure, some folks might be offended, even emotionally injured by that. But if we jailed folks who offended or emotionally injured others, Bryan … where would you be?

The Supremes in this 8-1 decision have taken ugliness off its leash, turned it loose, and legitimized the most vile forms of public verbal attack. They have cried havoc and let slip the dogs of vitriol.

If the First Amendment does not protect the most objectionable and (subjectively judged) vile public discourse, what does it, in fact, protect, Bryan?

The free speech plank in the First Amendment was intended to protect robust public discourse, not vulgarity, profanity, obscenity or pornography.

Well, there’s the trick, Bryan — what’s “vulgar, profane” etc., and what’s public discourse.  Frankly, I consider much of what you write to be vulgar … even profane … and, yet, I would never suggest that what you write should be censored or subject to civil penalties.  Mockery, rejection, “vulgar and profane” rebuttal, certainly.  But that’s public discourse for you.

Every state at the time of the Founding, for instance, had laws against public utterances of blasphemy, and no one considered for a moment that these laws were contrary to the First Amendment.

Yes.  Every state, I believe, allowed slavery, too, Bryan, without considering it contrary to American principles and the Constitution.  Would you agree with that, too?

Most states at the time of the Founding had established churches, Bryan. Many vigorously argued that the First Amendment only applied to the Federal Government establishing a church.  Yet, within a few decades, most states disestablished their official denomination.  What’s your take on that, Bryan?

Such utterances weren’t for one second considered to be protected forms of speech.

And today they are.  So were people wiser in 1789 or in 2011? On what basis, other than personal preference, would you say so?

And there were enforceable laws against slander and defamation of character. Those weren’t considered protected forms of speech either. This latest and egregiously misguided ruling is wholly out of phase with the Founders’ intent.

Slander and defamation of character aren’t considered constitutionally protected today, either, even by SCOTUS. What’s your point?

The only upside here is that if the Supreme Court says it’s okay to say “God hates fags” …

Note that there is a difference between saying something is legal, or Constitutionally protected, and saying it’s “okay.”

… – something that’s not even true, since the truth is the God loves homosexuals enough that he sent his only Son to die for them – …

Which is, oddly, the most positive thing you’ve ever had to say about homosexuals.

… then it certainly must be okay for students in a classroom, for public officials, and for radio talk show hosts to express reasoned and rational criticism of homosexual conduct without any kind of penalty whatsoever.

It certainly is.  Nobody’s suggested censorship against or legal penalties against a person expressing their opinions about homosexuality being wrong or sinful or harmful (“reasoned and rational” or not).  And, by the same token, expressing “reasoned and rational criticism” of such doltitude is, similarly protected from legal interference.

Similarly, I might say that Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, or Atheism is reprehensible and socially unacceptable. And, similarly, people can call me an asshat and not invite me to parties.

We just need to tell heterophobes and Christophobes to get a grip, lighten up, back off, and read the Supreme Court’s Westboro ruling and go away.

“Heterophobes”? Pray tell, Bryan, who’s actually advocating a heterophobic position.  Really, I want to know.

Christophobic, perhaps, to the extent that Christians position themselves as opponents of a particular group or belief.

But, then, SCOTUS would certainly suggest that the law or public officials cannot discriminate against personal political expression, as an individual.  By the same token, they have upheld that, when speaking or acting as an agent of the state, discriminatory public expression (whether against blacks, gays, Christians, left-handers, the elderly, etc.) is not protected.

I understand it’s difficult to distinguish between “public” and “private” or “personal” and “government” actions, Bryan, but think about it a bit.

And it certainly must be okay for students in counseling programs to express their moral disapproval of homosexual behavior without getting bounced out of counseling programs and having their professional careers torpedoed before they even start.

Again, Bryan, it depends.  A private counseling program can choose what it decides to adopt as a moral basis for whatever it wants. If it is public, though, or publicly funded, discrimination — based on gender, religion, race, national origin, or even, yes, sexual orientation (all of which have been defended by people on religious grounds) — is not acceptable.

If you are seeking to serve the public, you need to put aside moral approval or disapproval of the public’s actions.

Despite what you’ve heard, DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) is perfectly constitutional. The Supreme Court ruled in 1939 (Pacific Employers Insurance v. Industrial Accident) that “the full faith and credit clause does not require one state to substitute for its own statute…the conflicting statute of another state.” Q.E.D. States cannot be compelled to recognize same-sex marriages performed in another state if their own constitution and law prohibit recognition of such unions.

Note that DOMA has two components:

First, it says that states don’t have to follow what other states assert represents marriage (from a gender mix standpoint), even with the Constitutional “full faith and credit” clause.  That’s kind of interesting, since it also suggests that if state X disagrees with state Y on the age of consent or of consanguinity, it can similarly decide that state X can declare a married couple as not-married for purposes of their state law.

Of course, that never happens in most cases.  It did happen in the case of inter-racial marriages.  And DOMA gave coverage for it to happen regarding same-gender marriage.

Frankly, whether it’s a full-faith-and-credit suit, or an equal-protection suit, I think such state laws are indefensible.

The second component is more interesting, as it says that the Federal Government will not recognize state-recognized marriage, in this particular instance, as marriage.  As it currently stands, the Federal Government always recognizes marriage as whatever a given state recognizes.  Age, consanguinity, racial makeup, whatever, the Feds respect a given state’s marriages.

Except in the case of same-gender marriage, in which case the Feds apparently are willing to disregard what a given state allows marriage to be.

Not very state-friendly, wouldn’t you agree, Bryan?

More confirmation that the Bible is right when it says that homosexual sex is “contrary to nature,” …

Which I’ve never quite understood as an argument.  Are humans not part of nature?

… and that those who engage in it “receive in themselves the due penalty for their error” (Rom. 1:26, 27). There has been a rash of new HIV infections in Idaho, primarily among men having anonymous sex with men in city parks, highway rest stops, university libraries, and bookstores. In a park, you signal availability by how you park your car or what path you walk. There are websites and GPS phone apps devoted to arranging anonymous encounters. A health official says, “I don’t know what the future holds…if we don’t do something to help educate our people.” How about educating men to stop having sex with men? How about educating them that every act of homosexual sex could give them a death sentence? How about educating the public that we should not grant special rights and privileges based exclusively on sexually deviant behavior? That would be a logical, rational place to start.

Well, gee, Bryan.  Maybe, alternately, if men who were seeking sex with men has the same social outlets as men seeking sex with women, you wouldn’t end up with a ton of anonymous, dangerous sex, either.  There’s nothing about gay or lesbian sex that I’m aware of that is intrinsically promiscuous, save that it’s pushed to the shadows by our heterosexual culture.  Anonymous, promiscuous heterosexual sex is pretty dangerous, too, even fatal.  But we have paths that we socially encourage heterosexuals to pursue thatencourage responsible sexuality.  If the same were true for gays, I suspect we’d have much less of a public health problem there, too.

Got your Religion of Peace update right here: a blond-haired, blue-eyed 13-year-old girl in California had to run away to escape a forced marriage arranged by her Pakistani father – to a dude in Pakistan. Her father wanted to take her on a two-month vacation to Pakistan, and I’m guessing he wasn’t planning on having her come back. Islam is flatly, utterly, totally and irredeemably in conflict with the values of a Christian nation. It must not be allowed to take root and flourish here.

Well, that’s certainly what she claims.

I’m certainly not going to defend a forced arranged marriage. But neither am I going to claim that this is a case of “Islam” (unless you’re willing to posit that arranged marriages have never taken place in Christian families).

We’ve had to deal with Muslim pirates for 227 years. Jefferson finally stopped paying blackmail money and sent in the Marines “to the shores of Tripoli,” as the Marine hymn reminds us. It’s time to get tough on Muslim pirates again. Right now Muslim pirates from Somalia are holding more than 30 vessels and more than 600 hostages. They made hundreds of millions of dollars last year in ransom payments. International law permits us to execute them on the open sea when we capture them, and even pursue them into port. (Two UN resolutions, 1851 and 1897, allow “hot pursuit” of pirates right into port and onto land.) The Romans, by the way, used to crucify pirates and the Carthaginians used to flay them alive. Let’s just shoot ‘em in the head and dump ‘em in the ocean.

Allow me to point out that piracy is not now, nor historically has been, a Muslim pursuit.  Indeed, ostensibly Christian pirates were as much a threat in the early days of the Republic as those of Tripoli.

I hold no truck with pirates, but calling them “Muslim pirates” is no more appropriate than calling them “African pirates” or “Northern Hemisphere Pirates” or “Indian Ocean Pirates.” Sorry, Bryan, your Islamophobia is showing.

If you want to see where we’re headed: Canadian doctors are now doing end-of-life discussions with patients in coffee shops because there’s no place else to do them. They’ve got gurneys double-parked in hospital corridors. More of the wonders of socialized medicaine. Answer? Repeal ObamaCare in its entirely. Don’t even attempt to reform it – it’s not possible. As C.S. Lewis said, no arrangement of bad eggs will make a good omelet. Repeal and replace.

Um, the article you link to, Bryan, is so frelling ideological that it’s impossible to make any coherent sense of it unless you are already bought into its proposition.

And I’ll counter that in the American system, end-of-life discussions aren’t nearly as likely to occur, because ideologues such as yourself have  made them tantamount to death panels and killing grandma.  Instead, the discussions are held with insurance companies denying further services, doctors scared of law suits, and families unable to pay for further care. Not a very good trade-off, Bryan.

Focal Point update: My interview yesterday with Gov. Mike Huckabee got some media mentions and a lot of traffic from the wingers in the blogosphere. For instance, the Washington Post referred to the interview. Salon mentioned it while calling me a “prominent conservative,” the nicest thing wingers have said about me, maybe ever. On the other hand, Little Green Footballs called me “the religious right’s most crazed fanatic.” Guess you can’t please everybody.

Would that be the one where you supported Huckabee’s proposition that Obama was fundamentally un-American, had an un-American, Kenyanesque, anti-British childhood? Yeah, I agree, nothing there newsworthy to cover, except that Huckabee (no matter how charming he is on The Daily Show) is a dolt, too.

Bryan Fischer is a Dolt (Potpourri Edition)

Bryan Fischer, Dolt

I guess Bryan was unhappy with my shifting my dolt title over to some other folks and felt the need for a shotgun doltage discharge.  Here’s Bryan taking on everything under the sun … though, of course, it’s mostly about Teh EVIL GAYZ and Teh EVIL PRESIDENT WHO LOVES THEM EVEN THOUGH HE’S A CLOSET MUSLIM AND ALL MUSLIMS ARE OUT TO KILL ALL GAYZ.

(Note: I don’t really think Bryan pays any attention to me. It’s a rhetorical device.)

Here is some analysis of President Obama’s refusal to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in Court.

Obama is violating his oath of office by refusing to defend DOMA. The Constitution he took a solemn and sacred oath to “preserve, protect and defend” requires him in Article II, Section 3 to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” This refusal to do his sworn duty makes him derelict in his duty, and is both inexcusable and even impeachable.

On the other hand, if he considers a particular law unconstitutional, doesn’t that very oath to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution require him to not execute (or defend) a law?

This isn’t without precedent, either in terms of protecting a law in court, or in terms of issuing Signing Statements to not enforce a law. It’s not a tactic I particularly care for — probably for the very reasons you claim to hold, Bryan — but it’s not unprecedented, and I can understand the reasoning behind it.

Oh, sorry, I used the “R” word.

George Washington: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and Morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness…” President Obama is not just “subvert(ing)” these pillars, he is destroying them with RPGs and WMDs. He is no patriot and is a clear and present danger to his own country.

Hmmm.  Religion and morality.  You may not agree with Obama’s religion, but to claim that he doesn’t have them is, frankly, despicable, Bryan.

Obama says DOMA is based on “moral disapproval” of sexually deviant behavior and therefore is bad policy. But his refusal to defend it is based on his “moral disapproval” of those of us who defend natural marriage. If “moral disapproval” is no basis for policy decisions, he has no right to make that the basis for his refusal to defend this duly enacted law. He’s shamefully guilty of the very thing he criticizes in others.

Um … projecting much, Bryan?

On what basis do you determine that Obama is acting on basis of moral disapproval of anyone.  It sounds like legal disapproval, to me.

The entire argument based on marriage “equality” is just gas. Homosexuals already have full marriage equality: they can get married, same as everybody else, to an adult, non-relative member of the opposite sex. Don’t let them fool you with all this “equality” bloviation.

And those uppity blacks in South in the 50s?  They had the same right  as any white person  to ride in the front of the bus if they’re white. They had the right to buy their own bus company and make whatever policies they wanted, just like whites, too.

It’s like saying that it’s okay to persecute Jews, because they have the same equality of any Christian to … be a Christian.

They already have full equality under the law; they have exactly the same rights as everybody else. What they want are special rights based solely on sexually deviant behavior. No sane society should ever commit such folly.

But they wouldn’t have special rights in that case, Bryan.  You would have just as much right to marry another man as any homosexual male would.

Here’s a thought. Obama is refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act because he thinks it’s unconstitutional. If he gets away with this, let’s just have the next Republican president refuse to defend a challenge to ObamaCare. Let it go down in flames. Gone. History. In the archives. Wonder how Democrats would feel about that??

I’m sure they’d  be angry and outraged, too.  Like they were over the flood of signing statements by George W. Bush saying that, hey, you know this law you just lawfully passed?  I don’t think the following parts of it are constitutional, so I’m going to ignore them.

Yes, going tit-for-tat in that fashion is, ultimately, destructive — almost as bad as having a GOP Senate Minority game the system and control all legislation and appointments for the last two years.  That’s why, in a civil society, we discourage such activities except in the most extreme cases.

DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) prevents states from having to recognize gay marriages performed in other states. If DOMA goes down, even states with marriage amendments in their constitutions may be forced to recognize sexually deviant marriages from pro-deviancy states. This is not an incidental matter. DOMA is rooted in the 10th Amendment, protecting the right of states to establish marriage policy without coercion from the central government. If DOMA is overturned, it will leave the 10th Amendment in tatters.

Um … I’m sure you’re more of a constitutional expert than I am, Bryan, but DOMA didn’t create the 10th Amendment.  Even if DOMA is defeated in court, that doesn’t mean that 10th Amendment appeals on the subject of recognition of gay marriages from other states will suddenly lose all their basis.

More importantly, DOMA prevented the federal government from recognizing marriages, even in the state where they were held and were deemed legal.  In some ways, DOMA is more of an assault on state’s rights (by effectively discounting what a state considers legal) than its repeal would be.

Other items of note:

Thank goodness.

Union thug calls one Tea Partier a “little s***” and then assaults another – on tape. And we’re the haters?

I grant, even without viewing the video, the gent’s actions may have been improper, even ugly and violent. I condemn it were it so.  But unlike you, Bryan, I’m willing to admit that it’s not a matter of one side being all white hats and the other side all black hats.  It’s not always a matter of the Forces of Light vs those of Darkness. And certainly we’ve seen similar “thuggery” (provoked or un-) from the TPers and others on the Right before.  There are union thugs, just as there are management goons and police jerks and liberal assholes and conservative dolts.  Look for trends, look for results.

Republicans have offered a CR that will keep government going and reduce spending. If Democrats want to grind government to a halt, let ’em.

Yes.  This is just like my saying, “Sure, honey, I’ll help make dinner — oh, and I’m putting rat poison in the stew.  If you go hungry, it’s your fault.”

Or, to put it in terms that I’m sure you’d agree with, Bryan, it’s the the Dems saying, “Sure, here’s a CR that will keep government going and increases taxes at the same time. If you GOPers want to grind government to a halt, on your heads be it.”

But, then, you know that.

Even wingers on the left, like the ones at Politico, …

Oh, yeah, that Politico is just full of left-wingers …

… are getting worried that this whole thing is a suicide-vest for Democrats. If they want to blow themselves up politically, Republicans should just get out of the way and let ‘em do it.

Funny, that’s what I hear a lot of folks on the Right worrying about for the Republicans in this.

Wisconsin taxpayers right nowpick up 99.4% of the cost of teacher pensions (Gov. Walker wants to reduce that to 94.2%); in the private sector, employers pick up 21.9%. Wisconsin taxpayers pick up 94.4% of teacher’s health insurance premiums (Walker wants to reduce that to 87.4%), while private employers pick up 70.1%. Bottom line: Wisconsin teachers ain’t got nothing to complain about, and won’t even if the new law goes into effect.

Except they lose the right to collectively bargain with the state government (their employer).  And their funding base gets slashed.

The teachers (and other unionized public workers in the state — except, oddly enough, for the police and fire fighters unions, which supported Walker’s candidacy and are singularly excluded from the legislation) have already offered to concede on all the financial points.  Walker’s insistence on moving forward without any compromise makes it clear that there’s much more to this than immediate finance.

James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal has it exactly right: when public unions “negotiate” with the politicians they bankrolled into office, it’s not a negotiation, it is a “conspiracy to steal money from taxpayers.”

And when major corporations and billionaires “lobby” with politicians they bankrolled into office, it’s not lobbying, it is a “conspiracy  to steal money from the taxpayers.”  Why should they get all the fun?

Utter folly: The U.S. ICE agent cut down in cold blood in Mexico by a drug cartel was unarmed! At U.S. insistence!

Actually, at Mexican government insistence.  They kind of have a funny thing about American law enforcement officials walking around in their country armed. I’m sure people here in the US would be kind of worried about Mexican law enforcement officials, doing case work support for our DEA or something, wandering around armed.

Now, is that safe enough, and is that the arrangement that we want to have, in working with Mexican army and police to deal with drug cartels largely funded by sales in the US?  Those are fine questions.  But I think just labeling it “utter folly!” is … well, the sort of careful, nuanced, insightful analysis that I’ve come to expect from you, Bryan.

This is just as bad as forcing the soldiers at Ft. Hood to be unarmed when Maj. Hasan shouted “Allahu Akhbar” and started shooting up infidels.

Yes, because we should all be walking around armed, waiting for someone to start shouting, “Allahu Akhbar!” and shooting up infidels. It happens with such frequency, it’s staggers the mind.  Or … not.

Rick Santorum and James Dobson are Dolts (Evil Planned Parenthood Nazis edition)

I don’t have the full transcript of today’s broadcast of Rick Santorum and Gary Brauer talking with James Dobson (Focus on the Family) about Planned Parenthood and their evil, evil ways. I just have this transcribed snippet from the show (courtesy of Right Wing Watch, which has the audio as well to match up).

(Note: Gary Brauer is probably, through association, a dolt, too … but he’s not quoted here.)

Dobson: We’re going to talk about Planned Parenthood today which has been in the news recently in scandals that reveal just how evil and how sinister this organization really is.

Hi, Dr Dobson.  Would these “recent scandals” be about the scam pulled by Lila Rose’s group Live Action, where they sent in people undercover posting as a pimp and an underage girl, trying to get the Planned Parenthood folks at the offices being visited to say incriminating or scandalous things? The scam that Planned Parenthood itself contacted the FBI about, concerned over a possible sex trafficking ring or else a hoax?

Santorum: They have been pushing their agenda for close to a hundred years.

Um, just like Bank of America has been “pushing their agenda” for over 100 years, or the Red Cross has been “pushing their agenda” for 150 years?

I mean, it goes all the way back to Margaret Sanger and her views on eugenics, of culling the race from inferiors, that started Planned Parenthood. This was a movement to try to purify the race and she was for abortion and sterilization and things to get to her aim of a eugenics movement in this country and it was, unfortunately, widely accepted in the early part of the last century. That, with what happened in Nazi Germany which, by the way, took a lot of their eugenics ideas from Margaret Sanger and from the American eugenics movement and applied them to the Jews and other quote “undesirables” in Nazi Germany.

Sanger! Eugenics! Nazis! Planned Parenthood! EEEEVVILLL!

Got history, Rick?  This is the standard libel against Margaret Sanger (and, by association, Planned Parenthood).  Here are some of the facts:

  1. Sanger’s primary activism was for birth control and sex education as a means to free women (of all races) from unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Sanger, ironically, opposed abortion on mostly moral grounds — indeed, she saw one of the benefits of family planning services and education as a reduction in the abortion rates that America had at the time (even while it was illegal).
  3. Sanger did believe in eugenics in some fashion (it was a popular belief in the early 20th Century, peaking in the 20s and 30s, and was held by many other notables such as Alexander Graham Bell, Teddy Roosevelt, the National Academy of Sciences, quite a number of state legislatures, Winston Churchill, George Bernard Shaw, etc.). But “eugenics” meant many things to many people.  Sanger’s emphasis was on immigration reform and forced sterilization to keep the most feebleminded population of the United States as low as possible; she firmly rejected both race-based eugenics and euthanasia as a eugenic tool, and condemned the Nazi’s programs and prejudices long before the war. (Planned Parenthood, on its part, rejects Sanger’s eugenic positions.)

It’s a bit difficult to research Sanger through Google, given the rabid Santorumesque anti-abortion articles that vilify her.  Wikipedia and Planned Parenthood have good (and well-cited) overviews of her career and both her real controversial statements and those falsely attributed to her.

But Planned Parenthood is the offshoot, is the progeny of Sanger and this movement and it continues today as they set up their clinics and as they try to … again, if you look the statistics, target the minority community, the African American community where the abortion rates are much, much higher. This is no accident.

No, it’s no accident.  Planned Parenthood’s services (not just abortion, which is a tiny fraction of its business, but family planning and women’s health care) are more widely used among poorer Americans — which includes, disproportionately, African-Americans.

When a woman walks into an abortion clinic, she’s entitled to a dead baby and it doesn’t really matter how you do it – that’s where the abortion movement is moving.

I have no idea what that means. Nobody is “entitled to a dead baby” — but those who are “pro-choice” believe that the decision about whether to have an abortion or not is something that a woman, in consultation with her doctor, should decide — not a state legislator, a preacher, or a conservative talk radio host.

It’s worth repeating, by the way, something I noted a few paragraphs up.  Folks like Santorum and Dobson make Planned Parenthood out to be some sort of abortion factory, churning them out as fast as they can, gleefully twirling their mustachios at some shadowy master plan. In reality, 86% of PP health care is for birth control and family planning (35%), testing and treatment of STDs (34%), and cancer screening and prevention (17%). Another 10% is for other women’s health services.  Only 3% involves abortion — and none of that is paid for by federal tax dollars.  PP gets a third of its funding from government grants, the rest is from fees charged at clinics and from private donations.

So all that posturing for cutting federal grants to Planned Parenthood by the GOP in the House?  It’s not going to reduce abortions one iota.  They’re not funded by federal money.

What will it do instead?  It’s going to reduce birth control services (more unwanted pregnancies, likely more abortions), reduce STD testing and treatment (more deaths of both women and their babies), and it’s going to reduce cancer screening and prevention for women (and thus still more death).

Hardly a “culture of life” stand to be taking, Messrs. Dobson and Santorum.


Bryan Fischer is a Dolt (Good Injun Edition)

Bryan Fischer, Dolt

Bryan, you just can’t stop when you’re behind.

After writing a post for the AFA … er, excuse me, on the AFA website, but disavowed by the AFA, ahem … about how the Native Americans deserved to have their land taken by the Europeans because they were brutal, savage, pagan perverts (just like the Canaanites), you found, Bryan, that people just couldn’t handle the truth and the AFA had to yank the post down.  Even though you argued that you’d been correct, but the nation just isn’t mature enough to hear the truth, you seemed willing to let sleeping rabid dogs lie.

Yeah, I  know, that drew a chuckle from me, too, Bryan.  Because, as we’ve seen with Gays and Muslims, once you sink your teeth into a target, you’re never willing to let go until said target is stoned on the outskirts of town.

Thus, today’s bit of let’s-carry-on-the-argument-I-said-we’d-drop, “Pocahontas shows what might have been.”

Yes, you went there.

Pocahontas was the daughter of a powerful native American chief, Powhatan, at the time of the settlement of Jamestown. According to John Smith, Pocahontas intervened to save him from certain death at the hands of her own father.

She doesn't quite look 10 here. But that's okay, because he doesn't look 42, either.

Yes, Bryan, we’ve all read the elementary school history, as well as seen the Disney movie.  That Smith didn’t record this tale until long after it supposedly happened, and told a similar story about being similarly rescued from the Turks in Hungary, casts a bit of doubt on the whole foundational tale, Bryan.

She also did much to help the early colony of Jamestown avoid both starvation and attack from the surrounding tribes, by bringing both food and information during what became known as “the Starving Time.” In fact, John Smith subsequently said that, “next, under God, [she] was still the instrument to preserve this Colonie from death, famine and utter confusion.”

I'm sure it happened just like this

Pretty remarkable for a woman who was only ten when she saved John Smith (who was 42).

She subsequently was captured by English settlers, who intended to exchange her for English prisoners who had been taken into captivity by the Algonquins, or Powhatans, who also helped themselves to various weapons and tools. The Powhatans, along with many of the indigenous peoples, seemed to have little respect for private property, including boundaries, and little regard for obedience to the eighth commandment and its prohibition against stealing. (On the Oregon Trail, the primary problems travelers suffered from the indigenous peoples were not massacres but thievery.)

Yes, well, theft and stealing and taking of various things (coughLANDcough) seems to be pandemic among, oh, humans.

Chief Powhatan released the prisoners, but did not return the weapons and tools which his people had stolen, so the English held on to Pocahontas. During a chance encounter with the Algonquins, Pocahontas rebuked her own father, accusing him of valuing her “less than old swords, pieces, or axes,” and informed him that she preferred from that time forward to live with the English.

During that year-long wait, she was treated with “extraordinary courteous usage,” according to colonist Ralph Hamor. A local minister by the name of Alexander Whitaker taught her about Christianity and helped her to learn English. She became a follower of Christ, was baptized, and took the Christian name “Rebecca.”

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

Hey, Bryan, how would you feel about an American Christian woman held captive (even well-treated while in captivity) by Muslims who, over time, rebuked her father for not giving into the demands of her captors, and converted to Islam, taking on a new name and marrying one of her captors.

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

The rotunda of the United States Capitol since 1840 (before political correctness began radically distorting American history) has featured a huge mural by John Gadsby Chapman which pictures the Christian baptism of Pocahontas.

The explanatory note that accompanies the reproduction of this painting on the website of the architect of the U.S. Capitol indicates that Pocahontas, or Rebecca, “is thought to be the earliest native convert to Christianity in the English colonies.”

Yes, remarkable that Christians in the mid-19th Century, in the midst of ongoing conflict with the Native Americans, would seized on to a mythologized Indian woman who converted to Christianity as an exemplar of what they wished all the Indians would do.

I’ll leave it to the reader how realistic they think the painting actually is.

Her marriage to John Rolfe shortly after her baptism into the Christian faith established peaceful relations between the Tidewater tribes and the early colonists until her death in 1617.

Yes, intermarriage often calms diplomatic problems.

But Chapman included, in the shadows of the painting, intimations of trouble to come. Pocahontas’s regally dressed brother turns his head away from the ceremony, while an uncle of Pocahontas sits sullenly on the floor, refusing even to watch. Upon Powhatan’s death in 1618, this uncle replaced him as chief and led the Pamunkey River massacre of 1622 in which 347 colonists, about a third of the population, were cut down in cold blood.

Which massacre was driven by colonists encroaching on their lands and the murder of said uncle’s chief advisor.  Y’know, kind of like that whole “illegal aliens” thing the Right keeps getting so stirred up about.

After her baptism and wedding, Rebecca traveled to England with her new husband, where she was honored and feted as a princess, the daughter of a king in the New World. She met King James, the King James of Bible fame, while there.

She was feted as a princess, though she actually wasn’t.  She was also great publicity for the Virginia Company as an example of an Indian who was not hostile, increasing the chances that folks would sign up to sail to the colony.

John Smith, who by then was living in England, wrote to Queen Anne in anticipation of Rebecca’s visit, remarked on her “present love to us and Christianity,” and urged the Queen to treat her well during her time in England. And treated well she was.

Interestingly, Pocahontas had been told that Smith was dead, before discovering he was alive after she arrived in England.  Smith’s letter to Queen Anne was less generous than a warning that mistreatment of Rebecca might lead to renewed hostility back in the Americas.

Rebecca reunited with Smith during her stay in England, although she apparently was miffed he hadn’t stayed in touch. But she told him forthrightly, “I tell you then,…you shall call me child, and so I will be for ever and ever your countryman.”

Actually, there’s a very weird interchange between the two of them where she calls him “father” and he dislikes the title because he believes she outranks him in royalty.  Plus, it kind of highlighted how he was 30-odd years older than her.

It’s arresting to think of how different the history of the American settlement and expansion could have been if the other indigenous peoples had followed Pocahontas’s example. She not only recognized the superiority of the God whom the colonists worshipped over the gods of her native people, she recognized the superiority (not the perfection) of their culture and adopted its patterns and language as her own.

Yes, if only the Europeans had kidnapped and held hostage among them all of the Native Americans, then they might have come, Stockholm Syndrome-wise, sympathetic to their captors and converted to their religion.

Instead, those silly Europeans decided it was easier to simply exploit any hospitality they received, and then take the lands they wanted, killing any Native Americans who got in the way. Those who survived, converted or not, could always be shuffled off to another tract of land, further away. Certainly, Christian or not, they weren’t fit for European company.

Yeah, those silly Indians.

In other words, she both converted and assimilated. She became both a Christian and an American (technically, of course, an Englishman). She melded into European and Christian civilization and made her identity as a Christian and an Englishman her primary identity. She was the first manifestation of what became our national slogan, “E Pluribus Unum,” “Out of many, one.”

Out of Many, One

Except that “Out of Many, One” implies that the “One” carries aspects of all the “Many,” not just aspects of the “One” that’s in charge.  That would be like a Rhode Islander arguing that “E Pluribus Unum” meant that folks from Massachusetts and Virgina both should be more like Rhode Island.

By the way, didn’t Obama come under fire from the Right, Bryan, for mentioning that “national slogan” as our “national motto,” rather than the official motto adopted in the 1950s, “In God We Trust”?  Sounds like he got his slogans and mottos mixed up, right, Bryan?

Had the other indigenous people followed her example, their assimilation into what became America could have been seamless and bloodless. Sadly, it was not to be.

So had all the Native Americans converted to Christianity, and learned to speak English … the Colonists would have left them alone and not taken their land?  Really, Bryan? That’s … a remarkable speculation.

Pocahontas was the Rahab of the American continent.

Oh, here we go with the “Native Americans as Canaanites” schtick again.

Um, Brian, in case you hadn’t notice, even if one grants the idea that the Canaanites were the on the wrong side of God’s scorecard because he promised the Holy Land to the Israelites, there’s nothing in the Bible that talks about bloody conquest and might-makes-right as part of a Manifest Destiny for the United States. There’s nothing in Jesus’ words (or any other New Testament author) that indicates that military force should be used to exterminate those who don’t turn to Christ, or that treaties made with same can and should be broken.

The United States is not Palestine. Though I’m sure you’d prefer all the Muslims in this country have to flee to refugee camps.

Rahab, you will remember, was a Canaanite woman who lived in Jericho at the time of the Israelite conquest. She placed her faith in the God of Moses, rather than the gods of Canaan, provided material assistance to the coming settlers, and assimilated into the nation of Israel. She played a highly honored role in Israel’s history as a result, occupying a place in the bloodline that led both to King David and to Christ.

She had access to the same truth her follow Canaanites did, but she chose to embrace it while they rejected it. The results for her native countrymen were both avoidable and tragic.

Burial of Indians in a mass grave, Wounded Knee, 1891

Hey, Brian, maybe they didn’t agree that it was the truth.  The only proof that you seem to offer that it, in fact, was the truth was (a) the holy Scripture recorded by the winning side, and (b) that the Israelites won.  Hardly convincing, dude.

Alas, not enough of her fellow indigenous peoples were willing to follow in Rebecca’s footsteps, and a long and sordid trail of bloodshed and violence followed, which lasted until the turn of the 20th century.

Yes, the bloodshed and violence that followed until the turn of the 20th century was all the fault of those zany indigenous peoples and their unwillingness to assimilate. Who’d have thunk it?

But Rebecca, the former Pocahontas, showed us what could have been.

Perhaps if they’d known there would be a Disney movie in the offing for them, Bryan, they might have behaved differently.

*     *     *

Sometimes it seems curious as to why I spend so much time and effort fisking a dolt like Bryan Fischer.  I mean, the dude is clearly a fringe Right nut-job, right?

The problem is, Fischer is a prominent voice in various prominent conservative organizations, including his parent American Family Association.  Aside from the question of when he is/isn’t talking for the AFA, he is the voice (written and broadcast) of that group.  He appears on stage regularly with a variety of conservative movers and shakers.

In other words, he’s not a fringe nutjob.  He’s (God help us) a prominent part of the activist GOP base.

So the more I can heap scorn and ridicule upon his head, the greater the chance that someone, somewhere, might feel some doubt when Fischer is spewing his venom toward the gays, the Muslims, the Native Americans.  And to the extent that his beliefs and arguments are picked up and echoed by others, someone has to speak out against this lunatic.

Plus … it’s just too much fun.

Unblogged Bits (Tue. 15-Feb-11 1030)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. KS GOP Rep. Connie O’Brien Says She Can Tell Who Is ‘Illegal’ Because They Have ‘The Olive Complexion’ – I think Rep O’Brien should have taken “time to think” before she actually spoke. Her words are a fine example of racism (skin tone = national origin, and non-white = illegal alien).
  2. South Dakota Moves To Legalize Killing Abortion Providers | Mother Jones – That’s … just swell. Idjits.
  3. Ayn Rand on the Big Screen – Yeah … not on my list.

Bryan Fischer is a Dolt (“You Can’t Handle the Truth” Edition)

Bryan Fischer, Dolt

Poor Bryan.  You were heartbroken by the American Family Association finally having had enough of something you’d written, and pulling down your insane screed against the Native Americans.

Despite your long history of hateful tripe against those you disagree with (primarily Gays and Muslims), the AFA clearly felt you’d gone over the line (or damaged enough potential contributors) by writing about how Native Americans deserved everything that had happened to them at the hands of Europeans because they were savage and pagan and perverted, just like the Canaanites had been.   They didn’t even feel that “Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio” disclaimer at the end of the article covered them enough, especially since you’re their “Director of Issue Analysis.”

So here you are, mocked and humiliated.  And at this point there’s really only two things you could do: blame it all on the Gays and the Muslims, or else paint it as … well … proof of everything you’ve said.


On Tuesday, I posted a column on the settlement of America by Europeans.

Actually, it was a column about the “conquest” of America by Europeans, and how the aboriginal population deserved to have their land conquered — in fact, you reached the odd conclusion that conquest was self-justifying and a sign from God.

The column generated so much intense, vitriolic and profane reaction …

Perhaps because it was so intense, vitriolic, and profane in the first place.

… that it threatened to take on a life of its own, and serve as a distraction to the fundamental mission of AFA, even though when I blog I am speaking only for myself and not for the organization.

Which is a pleasant fiction, but clearly not the truth as the public sees it (or, really, as you probably understand it).

The AFA: Protecting America's Families from Goofus & Gallant's Liberal Template since 1977!

So the reaction to one of your blog posts was so vitriolic that it threatened to “distract” from “the fundamental mission of AFA“?  That mission is “to motivate and equip individuals to restore American culture to its moral foundations.” But given how your column was all about how lack of decency and morality and good moral behavior on the part of the Native Americans meant that they deserved to have their land taken from them, how could this be a distraction?  and certainly you’ve had plenty of other columns that have drawn “intense, vitriolic, and profane” reaction before.  So why take it down?

So we took it down.

If you really are knuckling under to the criticism when trying to teach a pertinent, courageous, vital point that is, in fact, dead center of the AFA’s mission … well, shame on you, Bryan.

But the issue I addressed in the column is an important one, and at some point, a rational discussion and debate about it must be held.

“We’ve taken the argument down (along with all the comments made about it), but I’m going to continue it anyway.” Mixed messaging, Bryan!

The template that the left has generated is that the displacement of indigenous tribes by European colonists and settlers was irredeemably evil.

It’s hardly a “template,” nor is it just “generated” from the “left.”  And by “displacement” do you mean extermination, deceit, theft, breaking of repeated treaties and agreements, forcing of populations into marginal land areas (places that the American citizenry didn’t want … at least until they did), and systematic impoverishment of the survivors?

“Irredeemably evil”?  I don’t think anything is irredeemable, but I certainly would disagree with your original thesis, Bryan, that the “indigenous tribes’ had it coming to them, just like the Canaanites.

All the land which now comprises the United States was stolen from its rightful owners.

As a gross generalization, yes.  Not that the Native Americans themselves were gentle, unconflicted, Pocahontas-like nature lovers who never fought against each other.  The total of human history is, arguably, the theft of land (and property, and life) by one group of humans from another. It’s unpleasant, even depressing.  But it’s certainly not some divine action prompted and lauded and blessed by God.

Our very presence on this soil is a guilty, tainted presence.

Our national actions of the past taint our nation today.  Sin, unless acknowledged, repented, and (if possible) fixed, remains sin. That’s fairly orthodox Christianity, Bryan.

If I killed the previous owner of this house and moved into it, just because I liked the look of the property and wanted to possess it, I might create the loveliest dwelling imaginable, a wonderful home my family and children, a place of refuge and hospitality for my friends, a house of joy that warms the hearts of all around.  That wouldn’t make my original action right.

But something tells me, Bryan, you’re going to try and justify it anyway.  Even though the AFA apparently decided to drop the controversy.

So the question is whether that template is right, or whether the displacement of indigenous nations was consistent with the laws of nature, nature’s God, and the law of nations and history.

“Laws of nature?”  In nature, “red in tooth and claw,” might makes right.  The “winners” are the ones who survive.  You might find this shocking, Bryan, but that’s called “natural selection.”  It’s something those Darwinists go on about all the time.  Is that really what you’re arguing for?

But remember ... they had it coming to them, right, Bryan?

The “law of nations and history”?  As noted, history is full of stronger people conquering weaker ones, at least for a time.  The Moors conquered Spain.  The Romans conquered Palestine.  The Germans conquered most of Europe.  The Russians conquered half of it on the way back.  That stuff happens, certainly. But it’s not what we’d call “right” or “moral” or “desireable” or … Godly.

A lot is at stake here. If Americans believe that the entire history of our nation rests on a horribly evil foundation, then there is nothing to be proud of in American history, …

All-or-nothing much, Bryan?  The conquest of land from the native populations (which is not just something the United States did starting in the 16th Century, but the Canadians, the Mexicans, and pretty much every other contemporary nation in the Western Hemisphere) is certainly a dark blog in our national heritage, all the darker when it’s denied or explained away by nationalist asshats.  It’s not the only part of that heritage, though, and there are many things of  which we can be proud.

But I was wrong, Bryan — I was thinking you were missing the Christian point about right not justifying wrong, or sin unacknowledged remaining sin. You were pursuing another, more radical theological point — that one is either pure and blessed and elect of Heaven, or else damned and condemned to Hell.  There’s no middle road for you, Bryan, no gray areas.

Of course, that ignores Christian principles of redemption and salvation.  Orthodox Christianity would note that nobody deserves by their actions to be rewarded by God … that we all fall short of the mark, and rely upon God’s grace, not to turn our sins into virtues, but to forgive us our sins.

But for sin to be forgiven, it first has to be recognized as such, and repented from. And it sounds like that’s just too scary for you, Bryan.  If there’s sin, it must be all-encompassing, all-tainting, and forever degrading and damning.  There’s no hope for salvation or redemption … so, instead, you have to pretend like it wasn’t sin in the first place.  “He was asking for it!” “Did you see the way she was dressed?” “It’s all part of the laws of nature!”

Order today! Tickets are selling out fast!

That’s very sad, Bryan.

… and our president is correct to identify America as the source of all evil in the world and to make a career out of apologizing for her very existence.

Zing! “Not only are you wrong if you think the cultural and physical destruction of the Native American tribes was immoral and unjustified, but that makes you a lacky of that Obama guy we keep railing against.”  Never mind it’s utterly laughable that Obama has “identified America as the source of all evil in the world” or is making a “career out of apologizing for her very existence.” The point is, Bryan, you’re trying a not-so-subtle ad hominem attack by turning the position against yours into a straw man for the (presumably hated by your audience) President.

If, however, there is a moral and ethical basis for our displacement of native American tribes, and if our westward expansion and settlement are in fact consistent with the laws of nature, nature’s God, and the law of nations, then Americans have much to be proud of.

I’m amazed by this continuous reference to “the laws of nature” here.  By that argument, someone who dies of influenza (or AIDS, or small pox, or cancer, or old age) has had a moral and ethical death because, well, it’s the laws of nature (and nature’s God) at work.  Um … really?  Does that make antibiotics a tool for our running-dog president to defy nature and nature’s God?  Damn Gay Muslims!

All part of the "American Experiment"

This latter view certainly would not compel us to believe that Americans were never guilty of evil themselves. But saying that America was wrong here, or there, is certainly a different thing than saying that the entire American experiment is rooted in evil.

Look! It’s al- or-nothing again!  While conceding that there might have been a few Americans who were evil, the idea that America as a whole did something wrong is apparently beyond the pale for you, Bryan.  Further, you’ve  now recrafted the systematic conquest and resettlement of the North and South American continents (and the roughly simultaneous analog of the Australian continent) as some sort of grand, intentional, planned “experiment,” uniquely (!) “American” (despite starting well before the United States and extending far beyond America’s borders).  I suppose in the analogy that you drew, Bryan, between American conquest of the Indians and the Israelites’ conquest of the Canaanites (which we know was blessed because the Bible tells us so), we simply ignore all the other conquest that was going on around it in order to focus on the stars of our morality play.

It’s one thing to have folks throw trash in the stream on occasion, because the trash can be fished out and the water’s purity can be restored. It’s quite another thing for the stream to be polluted at its headwaters. If the stream is toxic from its very source, then everyone who drinks from it drinks poison into his soul, and we certainly should not be bottling this water and shipping it overseas to peoples looking to slake their thirst for a model of liberty, freedom, prosperity and security.

But what about pollution that makes Indians cry? How does that fit into your metaphor, Bryan? Huh? Huh?

But what about a river that’s polluted midstream? What about taking actions to detoxify and purify the water before drinking of it? What about recognizing that pollution is actually taking place and working to remediate it?  Are you suggesting we need more environmental regulations, Bryan?

So this is a conversation that needs to take place. But based on the reaction to my column of Tuesday, America is not mature enough right now for that robust dialogue to occur. Until it is…

“So we need to have this conversation. But we won’t have it now because You Can’t Handle the Truth. So I’ll make it a one-way dialog by justifying my position through my framing of the debate. But we won’t call it that conversation. Which we can’t have today.  Because you are all silly, immature lackeys of our presumably Muslim Gay-Loving president who thinks America is evil.”

That’s a bit longer than a tweet, Bryan, but it sure would have saved everyone a lot of time if you’d just left that as the “final word” on the previous post.

Bryan Fischer is a Dolt (Evil Injun Edition)

Bryan Fischer, Dolt

Dear Bryan,

It’s been far too long since I did an overly-long post elucidating how you are a dolt. Not that you haven’t done doltish things in the interim, but mostly they’ve been that dull, boring “Oh, the Gays are Anti-Christian Faggots” and “Oh, the Muslims are Anti-Christian Terrorists” varieties, and after a while mocking that doltiness does, in fact, get old.

Plus, y’know, I’ve been busy.

Fortunately for me, Bryan, you keep coming up with new and improved ways to prove, once again, how you are a dolt. Take, for example, this gem: Native Americans morally disqualified themselves from the land.

(By the way, Bryan, what’s with that “Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio” disclaimer at the end of all your articls? Has the AFA ever kept you from posting your doltishness on their website, or broadcasting your doltitude on their radio show, or listing you as their Number One Blogger, or identifying you as Director of Issue Analysis? Come on, AFA, man up!)

In all the discussions about the European settlement of the New World, one feature has been conspicuously absent: the role that the superstition, savagery and sexual immorality of native Americans played in making them morally disqualified from sovereign control of American soil.

Maybe that’s been absent from the discussion (since the actual conquest of the New World by European immigrants and their descendants, at which time it was bandied about as a convenient excuse) largely because it’s nonsensical, racist, and goofy.

There is no such thing as “moral disqualification” (or qualification) for sovereignty.  You even mention a different set of qualifications for sovereignty in your next paragraph, Bryan, and morality has nothing to do with any of them.

International legal scholars have always recognized that sovereign control of land is legitimately transferred in at least three ways: settlement, purchase, and conquest.

Hmmm … does that mean the huge number of undocumented workers in this country have a claim to sovereignty over it?  I suspect you’d disagree.

The Siege of Vienna was just the Ottoman Turks trying to establish their legitimate sovereignty, right, Bryan?

Does that mean that foreign investors (Chinese, Saudis, whomever) in debt or property have a legitimate claim to “sovereignty” over the US?

Is conquest a “legitimate transfer” of sovereignty? Effective transfer, sure, but generally considered unlawful.  Or did the Ottomans advancing into Central Europe have a legitimate sovereignty over the lands they conquered? (I suspect you’d disagree, since they were Muslims = Anti-Christian Terrorists.)  If we invaded, say, England and, at gunpoint, took over Cornwall and populated it with Americans, would we have legitimate sovereignty through conquest and settlement?

Europeans have to this day a legitimate claim on American soil for all three of those reasons.

Geez, Bryan … racist much?

Because, you know, we’re not Europeans (often used as perjoritive term by the Right when it deals with “socialism” and the like, but still proudly hailed by the Right as a synonym for, y’know, “Whites” … especially when it’s Northern Europeans being referenced — Slavs and Latins need not apply).

They established permanent settlements on the land, moving gradually from east to west, while Indian tribes remained relentlessly nomadic.

No permanent settlements to be seen here! Move along!

Silliness. Many American Indians (I’ll go ahead and use that term rather than constantly correct you with “Native American” or “First People” or the like) had permanent settlements.  This was more true, in the 16th Century, in Central and South America, but even in North America there were permanent settlements, as well as what were considered tribal lands.

Yes, there were nomadic tribes as well, esp. in North America.  The population there was, technologically, some thousands of years behind Europe, meaning hunting-gathering and nomadic lifestyles.  That doesn’t mean they couldn’t exercise “sovereignty” — just that it was militarily easier for the “conquest” method of the Europeans and Americans to succeed.

Does Might Make Right, Bryan?

Ah, but to jump to the end, that’s the point.  You think it does, because cultural and “sovereignty” success is, to your mind, a matter of God’s blessing.  God blesses a country, thus it succeeds.  Indeed, even if it succeeds by conquest and an endless array of broken treaties and death, that’s okay, because its success demonstrates God’s blessing.  Right Makes Might.  Might Demonstrates Right.

So Israel is justified in its conquest of Canaan because God said it was the thing to do, and they succeeded, so they were Right.  Killling and enslaving is all made Right because God gave His blessing, you would argue.  Similarly, the Exceptional Nation known as the United States must, because it has God’s blessing, succeed, justifying anything done against the American Indians (search for moral justification here), and we know this because success can only come with God’s blessing.

Which makes it odd, Bryan, that you worry about the Islamic conquest of the United States.  After all, if they succeed, then it’s God’s … er, Allah’s will, right?

Much of the early territory in North American that came into possession of the Europeans came into their possession when the land was purchased from local tribes, Peter Minuit’s purchase of Manhattan being merely the first.

Yes, sometimes European settlers purchased territory.  If they’d done that with all their territory, then we’d today consider it fair, and just.  Mutual decision-making, negotiating, treating one another fairly.

And the Europeans proved superior in battle, taking possession of contested lands through right of conquest. So in all respects, Europeans gained rightful and legal sovereign control of American soil.

Sure the Romans sacked Jerusalem in AD 70 ... but that was just reestablishing their rightful and legal sovereign control, right, Bryan?

Again with the Might Makes Right.  The Mongols “rightful and legal sovereign control” of most of Asia.  Germany’s quest for Lebensraum gave it “rightful and legal sovereign control” of Central Europe.  The Aztec hegemony over Meso-America gave it “rightful and legal sovereign control” over the tribes it conquered.  The Roman had “rightful and legal sovereign control” over Palestine.  Yay!

But another factor has rarely been discussed, and that is the moral factor.

Like the “moral factor” of the Mongol, German, Aztec, and Roman conquests.

In the ancient tradition of the Hebrews, God made it clear to Abraham that the land of Canaan was promised to his descendants. But he told Abraham the transfer of land to his heirs could not happen for 400 years, for one simple reason: “[T]he iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete” (Gen. 15:16).

The Amorites, or Canaanite peoples, practiced one moral abomination after another, whether it was incest, adultery, sexual immorality, homosexuality, bestiality or child sacrifice, and God finally said “Enough!”

We know this, because the people who conquered them (the Israelites) said so.  Whatever a conquering people say about the people the conquer must be true, because conquerers have “rightful and legal sovereign control” of the conquered territory and, obviously, have God’s blessing. QED.

By the time he brought the nascent nation of Israel to the borders of the land flowing with milk and honey, he had already been patient with the native tribes for 400 years, waiting for them to come to the place of repentance for their socially and spiritually degrading practices.

It's okay, they're Canaanites. Or, maybe, Native Americans.

Isn’t God omniscient?  Why would God be “patient … for 400 years”?  Didn’t He already know the outcome?

His patience was not rewarded, and finally the day came when the sin had reached its full measure. The slop bucket was full, and it was time to empty it out. Israel under Joshua was God’s custodian to empty the bucket and start over.

Yes, the Canaanites were slop buckets.  Classy!

(Waiting for Bryan to draw a connection between slop buckett Canaanites and Muslim Palestinians.  Maybe later.)

The native American tribes at the time of the European settlement and founding of the United States were, virtually without exception, steeped in the basest forms of superstition, had been guilty of savagery in warfare for hundreds of years, and practiced the most debased forms of sexuality.


“Basest forms of superstition” means, I assume, they weren’t Christian.

“Guilty of savagery in warfare for hundreds of years” surely stands on contrast to the Europeans who were … guilty of savagery in warfare for hundreds of years (but with gunpowder!).

“Practiced the most debase forms of sexuality.” Um … I’m sure Bryan will tell us all about it later.

One of the complaints listed by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence was that King George “has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”

No European religious-based "savagery" or "constatt warfare" to see here ... move along ...

Unlike the Israelites who slew (according to the Old Testament) “all ages, sexes and conditions.”

The Lewis and Clark journals record the constant warfare between the nomadic Indian tribes on the frontier, and the implacable hostility of the Sioux Indians in particular.

As opposed to the Germans and the French, or the French and the English, or the Catholics and the Protestants, or …

The journals record the morally abhorrent practice of many native American chiefs, who offered their own wives to the Corps of Discovery for their twisted sexual pleasure. (Regrettably, many members of the Corps, Lewis and Clark excepted, took advantage of these offers and contracted numerous and debilitating sexually transmitted diseases as a result.)

Ah. Hospitality. Sort of like Lot offering up his daughters to the men of Sodom, rather than violating hospitality he had promised to the visiting angels.  How morally abhorrent!

The native American tribes ultimately resisted the appeal of Christian Europeans to leave behind their superstition and occult practices for the light of Christianity and civilization.

“Hi. We’re here to take your land. And we’re violating all the treaties we sign with you. Hey, want to change your religion to ours? Really, He’s a cool, kind, beneficent deity whose teachings we adhere to vigilantly.”

Manifest Destiny ... hey, that kinda looks pagan, don't you think?

Yeah, that’d go over well.

They in the end resisted every attempt to “Christianize the Savages of the Wilderness,” to use George Washington’s phrase.

They rejected Washington’s direct counsel to the Delaware chiefs in 1779, “You do well to wish to learn our arts and ways of life, and above all, the religion of Jesus Christ.”

Thomas Jefferson three times signed legislation appropriating federal tax dollars for the evangelizing of the Native American tribes. It all came to nought, as one tribe after another rejected the offer of spiritual light and advanced civilization.

Jefferson (any opinions about his editing of the Bible, Bryan) and Washington (any opinions about his rather distant, non-participating church attendance, Bryan) were leading nations whose expansion depended upon assimilation or removal of the Indian population.  You don’t think, Bryan, they might not be the most unbiased judges of the matter, do you?

Missionaries were murdered in cold blood, including Marcus Whitman, who was tomahawked to death in his own house in 1848 by the Cayuse and Umatilla Indians in what became the Oregon Territory.

I’ll be the first one to note that the idea of the Indians as Pocahontas-like peaceful nature-dwellers is silly. The American Indian tribes were as prone to warfare and violence as any other group of humans.

The Inquisition hunts down Cathars. Thank goodness Indian savages weren't involved!

Of course, the treatment of heretics and folks of “different” religions within, oh, say, Europe is pretty exciting and violent, too.  Whether it’s the slaughter of heretical groups like the Cathars or the Waldensians, or the warfare between Catholics and Protestants (consider the civil wars and near-pogroms of opposing faiths in England itself).

Were the American Indians any more violent and savage and cold-blooded than the anti-Protestant crusades of “Bloody Mary”? Or the persecutions of the Huguenots?

God explained to the nation of Israel that because of the “abomination(s)” of the indigenous Canaanite tribes, the land had become unclean and “vomited out its inhabitants (Lev. 18:25).”

Yes, the Israelites certainly wrote that God said that to the Israelites.

Is this to say the same holds true for native American tribes today? In many respects, the answer is of course no. But in some senses, the answer is yes. Many of the tribal reservations today remain mired in poverty and alcoholism because many native Americans continue to cling to the darkness of indigenous superstition instead of coming into the light of Christianity and assimilating into Christian culture.

We all know Real Christian Americans aren't poor.

If only they were good European Christians, the wouldn’t have to suffer the poverty and alcoholism of the Rez.  Because the only problem facing them is that they are not Christians.  Because, of course, poverty and alcoholism are unknown among Christians.

Oh, wait, Good Christians aren’t poor.  Or alcoholic.  Because Good Christians are blessed, so anyone who is poor or alcoholic must not be a Good Christian. QED.

(And, of  course, American Indians who are actually Christian are rewarded with a total lack of alcoholism or poverty, right, Bryan?)

The continued presence of native American superstition was on full display at the memorial service for the victims of the Tucson shooter, when the “invocation” (such as it was) was offered by a native American who sought inspiration from the “Seven Directions,” including “Father Sky” and “Mother Earth,” rather than the God of the Bible.

Yes, people who aren’t Christian insist on not invoking the Christian deity.  The nerve of them!

Sadly, this column will likely generate a firestorm of nuclear proportions among wingers on the left rather than the thoughtful reflection the thesis deserves.

No, Bryan, I think I’ve given it all the reflection it deserves.

Your “thesis” is that “Christianity is the One True Religion. Anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that is Cursed at best, Evil at worst. We know this because the Christian Bible says so, and Christianity says the Christian  Bible is real, so it must be true.”

Even worse, the reaction will likely obscure the sobering lesson for today. America in 2011 is as guilty of “abominations” as the native American tribes we replaced. We have the blood of 53 million babies on our hands through abortion. We have normalized sexual immorality, adultery, and homosexuality, all horrors in the eyes of God, and are witnessing a surge in incest, pedophilia and even bestiality in our midst.

God warned the ancient nation of Israel not to lapse into the abominable practices of the native peoples “lest the land vomit you out…as it vomited out the nation that was before you” (Lev. 18:28).

Time eventually ran out for the Canaanites, because they filled up the full measure of their iniquity. Time ran out for the native American tribes for the same reason.

The only question that matters today is this one: how much time does America have left to repent of its superstition, its savagery and its sexual immorality before it is too late, before we will have filled up our own slop bucket and will have morally disqualified ourselves from sovereign control of our own land?

Based on our indebtedness to the Chinese, not long.  After all, “purchase” is a legitimate basis for “sovereignty,” right?

But what’s your point, Bryan?  If America is evil, it should be destroyed, and certainly cannot be blessed by God.  So whoever takes advantage of our “moral disqualification” will surely be God’s chosen nation / race / corporation.  You should rejoice in that, Bryan!  That’s their foretold destiny!

Because you know it's for their own good!

Thomas Jefferson wrote at the time of the Founding, “I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” It is long past time for us once again to tremble for our country.

Jefferson, of course, was speaking of slavery, a practice condoned for the Israelites against the “vomitous” Canaanites.  He wasn’t speaking of the immorality, sexual license, etc. of the American people, except in that particular sinful act … except, of course, it couldn’t be sinful for the Israelites because, after all, they were ordered by God to take slaves from the people the conquered (except when they were ordered by God to kill them instead).

But that does raise an interesting question, Bryan: now that you’ve condemned the American Indians to poverty and alcoholism for their wickedness, sexual immorality, and lack of Christianity … who are you picking on next?  If you ask me, I’d suggest you claim that African-Americans deserved to be slaves in America because they, y’know, wandering around topless, just like in National Geographics, and they believed in superstition, and it was the White (Christian) Man’s (Profitable) Burden to free them from their sin by shipping them to this country for some good, honest labor and baptizing. Just like the Israelites treated the Canaanites, right, Bryan?  Except with more cotton picking.

I’ll be waiting …

UPDATE: Bryan expands on his thesis:

Unblogged Bits (Sun. 6-Feb-11 1630)

Links (most recent first) that caught my eye, but did not warrant full-blown blog entries ….

  1. Local group cancels Palin visit, citing “personal attacks” – The Denver Post – Brave, brave Sir Palin, scared off from a “Patriots and Warriors Gala”(!) by “negative feedback” and “an onslaught of personal attacks.” And she wants to be president? (Or, reading the story more carefully, was she ever actually attending in the first place? Or was she attending, but shied away due to poor ticket sales?)
  2. Word salads are a dish best served cold – Palin’s unscripted comments make Dubya sound like Olivier.
  3. When the right people pick the wrong hero – Expecting either awareness or honesty out of Rush on any element of conservative ideology is probably foolish.
  4. Bill Kristol Slams Conservative ‘Hysteria’ On Egypt, Calls Out Beck’s Delusional ‘Caliphate’ Theory – “Nor is it a sign of health when other American conservatives are so fearful of a popular awakening that they side with the dictator against the democrats. Rather, it’s a sign of fearfulness unworthy of Americans, of short-sightedness uncharacteristic of conservatives, of excuse-making for thuggery unworthy of the American conservative tradition.”
  5. Illinois Gets Civil Unions [Dispatches from the Culture Wars] – Well done, Illinois.
  6. The Avengers mystery woman is revealed! (Spoilers) – I win! Um … okay, I guess. (Another clue was that the new Avengers cartoon has been pulling in movie elements from Iron Man, at least, and Maria Hill is part of the SHIELD crew there, too.)
  7. Shadow of the Hegemon: Jon Stewart Needs to Get the Hell Over It – Comparing the GOP to Goebbels is unhelpful because then the conversation degenerates into whether the GOP is as bad as the Nazis (no, they aren’t). Noting the use of the “Big Lie” technique by various GOP pundits and pols is, on the other hand, descriptive (and accurate), and can illuminate the tactics being used by them.
  8. D-squared Digest — Arseholes, considered as a strategic resource – “This is my advice to any aspiring dictator; early on in your career, identify and inventory all the self-pitying, bullying shitheads your country has to offer. Anyone with a grievance, a beer belly and enough strength to swing a pickaxe handle will do. You don’t need to bother with military training or discipline because they’re hopefully never going to be used as a proper military force – just concentrate on nuturing their sense that they, despite appearances, are the backbone of the country, and allowing them to understand that although rules are rules, there are some people who just need a slap. The bigger and burlier the better, but when the time comes they’ll be fighting in groups against people weaker than themselves, often under cover of darkness, so numbers are more important than anything else. The extractive industries are indeed often a good source, as are demobbed veterans (Zimbabwe) or the laity of an established religion.” Talking about Egypt here, but the lesson does seem to apply elsewhere. Even here …
  9. Tattoo locations » This Blog Rules – It’s probably just as well that tattoos were not popular when I was much longer, or else I’d probably be really embarrassed by what lame SF/Fantasy property I was permanently carrying affixed to my body. “Space: 1999 — what the hell’s that, dude?”
  10. Banned Speedo Suit Reborn in Fashion – Super-hero movie folks, are you paying attention?
  11. Light Stalking » The 7 Deadly Sins of Indoor Photography – I’d love a compact digital camera that would allow me to bounce the flash. I hate-hate-hate indoor flash photography, but sometimes it’s a necessity. (Note that some of these suggestions apply to staged interior photography, as opposed to the candid I usually shoot).
  12. The two paths to success – There’s a huge amount of good thinking here — but, like so much, it’s capable of being abused for excuses (“It’s not fun, so I decided not to learn how to do it well”) as the other approach described (“You didn’t do well, so you must be lazy”). Realizing that life isn’t always fun, but that it shouldn’t be drudgery either, seems to me a balanced approach. Considering what your goals are — in self-development or in helping your kids achieve and lead happy, healthy, productive lives (and even considering how those three adjectives interact) is also useful.
  13. Lunar New Year Cooking Party Recipes – Our cooking party yesterday at Lee and De’s (pictures in posts below). The pork and the mushroom potstickers, the spring rolls, and the char siu bao were my vast faves. I contributed a modicum of labor, some beer and wine, and chauffeuring duties, so I came out way ahead of the game.
  14. A look at most of the Huntress’ Costumes – I’ve never much cared for the Huntress as a character, for a variety of reasons, but if there’s one thing she should not be is some sexy-sexy vixen with all sorts of vulnerable skin (thighs, belly, upper torso) showing. (The linked article has a lot more info on the evolutions.)
  15. (de)motivating employees – Most people leave jobs because of bad bosses. That’s pretty well established. Here’s an example of that in the making (and some counter-examples of how it could have been avoided).
  16. Funny heat-gun manual – I hope it doesn’t cause them some legal grief later. it shouldn’t, in a just world, but …
  17. The courage of journalists, the cowardice of Limbaugh [Thoughts from Kansas] – “When Rush Limbaugh mocks attacks on journalists, this is what he is attacking. This fierce drive to bring the truth to the world, to expose ugliness where it exists, and to expose love and beauty where it exists.” Not all journalists are saints, by any means, but Limbaugh’s routinized mocking of them (even his ostensible ideological allies) treats harrassment, beating, and arrest of journalists as an acceptable norm. Is that really the road Limbaugh wants to go down?
  18. This can only end well …