Good Thanksgiving Day, all told. Spent a fair amount of time (after sleeping in) running about and tidying and getting things ready, such that Margie and I were still in our grubbies when folks started arriving around 2.
Had a good crowd — Lee/De/Rachel (who arrived first, roasted coffee, and then Lee and De stayed the night at Doyce & Kate’s, letting Katherine have a sleep-over with Rachel), Dave/Jen/Ana Sutherland (who it was great to see), Jackie (pumpkin roll!), Doyce/Kate/Kaylee, Angie, and, of course, Jim & Ginger (who did a lot of the work while Margie and I socialized).
Margie made her usual fried onion rings and mushrooms (since we had the oil heated for the turkeys), which she got the batter just right for.
Dinner was faboo as usual — fried turkey, stuffing, gravy, two types of mashed potatoes, a sweet potato dish, a pumpkin-squash soup from De (who also sharpened knives), a carrot souffle from Kate … and for dessert, pecan pie (by me), apple pie (from church), a chocolate torte from Ana and some sort of yummy coffee cake / pastry from Dave, and pumpkin roll (yay!) from Jackie.
And I’ve probably left something out.
To go with the food was plenty of drink, from the standard beer and sodas (though we really need to stock up the variety in the drink fridge again), to margaritas (with limes brought from California), to some very nice bottles of wine for dinner (if I do say so myself), to yummy coffee courtesy Lee.
Lots of fun chit-chat, a few post-dinner rounds of “Werewolf,” and folks were rolling home around 9. We did some basic straightening, Jim & Ginger retired, Margie & I played some CoH, then we went to bed.
And china and crystal fairies came overnight and cleaned everything up. At least that’s what it looked like when I got up this morning. 🙂
All in all, a very satisfying (in many ways). And for the family and friends here, I was most thankful.