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Happy Birthday, Sherlock Holmes!

The Great Detective’s first story, “A Study in Scarlet,” was first published 130 years ago today.

Also, some interesting bits on Mormonism and Victorian England.

The Creator of Sherlock Holmes Was, Like Many Victorians, Fascinated by Mormons
The first story featuring iconic detective Sherlock Holmes, ‘A Study in Scarlet,’ was published on this day in 1887—and set in Mormon Utah

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Sherlock Holmes, Detective Extraordinaire (and Public Domain)

The US Supreme Court has decline an appeal by the Conan Doyle Estate, leaving standing a ruling that fifty of Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes stories, published before 1923, have entered the public domain. Ten stories, from 1923-1927, are still under copyright for a few years more.

Elementary, my dear Watson: U.S. court rejects Sherlock Holmes dispute

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Waiting for Sherlock

Like everyone else, I want my fix of "Sherlock" much sooner than two years from now — indeed, I'll be ready for it this coming weekend.  That said, it's no surprise that Moffat (or, for that matter, Cumberbatch and Freeman) have a lot else in their schedule before we get another "Sherlock" series, even if everyone's committed to it.

Series 3 was — interesting. I still enjoyed it a lot, but it was in many ways more self-indulgent and interior-scaped than the previous two series, somewhat to its detriment. Flashbacks, memory castles, floating text, crazy dreams, weird percpetions, etc. and so forth are all fine and dandy, but they can be overdone.

So, too, can the idea of Sherlock being a high-functioning sociopath, or Watson being a self-destructive thrill-seeker, or that hilarity automatically ensues from same.

I saw an article somewhere along the way that the series had "jumped the shark" in the most recent set of episodes. I disagree — but I wasn't as enthralled this time out as I have been before. Don't get me wrong — I'll be buying (and watching) the disc set, and eagerly awaiting S.4 (whenever) — but I'm hoping the trends won't be continuing in the direction they were this time out.

Reshared post from +Les Jenkins

The show is so good I can wait two years for the next season. Done it twice already. Just wish they'd do more than 3 episodes if we're going to be waiting that long.

You Might Have to Wait Two Years for ‘Sherlock’ Season 4
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Another Sherlock Minisode

Oh, yeah.

Reshared post from +Les Jenkins

Such a damned good show. Can't wait for it to return.


I'd seen this recommended by enough people to make me watch it. I have to say, it's pretty astonishingly done.  Bravo to the creator.

(h/t, most recently, to +Doyce Testerman)

Reshared post from +Veronica Belmont

This fan cut is incredible…. awesome work! #DoctorWho   #Sherlock   #Wholock  


Looking forward to this.  (Note: no spoilers worth the name, IMO.)

The BBC has previously announced the US premiere (on PBS) will be almost three weeks later, 19 Jan, following "Downton Abbey" (  There will a Web minisode for Series 3 released 25 Dec (

Reshared post from +I Am Sherlocked


Finally, some footage! Had to watch this a few times to make sure it was real. It is! SPOILERS  SPOILERS SPOILERS

You've been warned. Now go watch it! 🙂

#sherlockbbc   #sherlockpbs   #sherlocklives  


Series 3 Coming to PBS here in the states on 19 January!  Woot!

‘Sherlock’ and Benedict Cumberbatch to Return in January | Movies News | Rolling Stone
The drama’s third season will be paired with ‘Downton Abbey’

Sherlock, Snape, and the Doctor walk into a bar

Well, not quite. But Benedict Cumberbatch doing impersonations of Alan Rickman and David Tennant is almost as good.

Reshared post from +Les Jenkins


The Case of the Curious Copyrights

Complexity in US copyright law is bad enough. Compound it with territorial application by each nation, and it becomes nightmarish.

There are occasional efforts to make copyright laws match across countries, but (a) the motivations behind copyright in each country vary, and (b) the efforts are almost always driven by Big Media to maximize copyright (profit) globally.

Bottom line here, in the US the Sherlock Holmes stories are public domain. Sorta. Well, mostly. But possibly not entirely. Not for a while yet. Until things change again.  Clear now?

Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Public Domain
The Independent Filmmaker Project fosters the development, production and promotion of hundreds of feature and documentary films a year.

The Reichenbach Pause

Our long, national, wait-for-the-next-Sherlock-season is … well, not over, but progressing toward completion.

Sherlock Series 3 begins filming March 18 2013
The long awaited start of production on the new series is nearly here.

Sherlock teasers

Oooh. Fun interview, and very, very much want the next series to stat up (as thrilled as am by what all the principals are doing in other productions).

Reshared post from +Sean Cowen

Creators of BBC's Sherlock reveal teasers for third series

This is a great interview and it's nice to see Mycroft and Moriarty getting some time here. Very informative…

The third series of Sherlock is hotly anticipated — with Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss continuing to puzzle fans eager to figure out how Sherlock apparently faked his own death. But the creators, joined by Moriarty actor Andrew Scott, tell Vicky Frost three words to get fans thinking — and discuss what next for the consulting detective, the theories they enjoy, and the secret of creating such a brilliant show. Plus: what can we find out about a  _Doctor Who_ anniversary celebration?

#sherlock   #sherlockbbc   #sherlocked   #sherlockholmes   #Moriarty   #MycroftHolmes   #teasers  +Sherlock 

SPOILER ALERT: if you haven't watched the second series all the way through, skip this part! 6:34 to 8:57 (If I'm off a bit, or missed any other parts giving anything away – no blame, please).

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Tweets from 2012-08-24

  • On the ground in Denver, ear-lie in the morning. #
  • Indian visa signed, stamped, and stuck to my passport, so I'm good to go next month. #
  • RT @steven_moffat: So. The three tease words for the next run of Sherlock … Rat. Wedding. Bow. #
  • Me. RT @NaNoWriMo: Ok, well, I probably use the comma the most, right? But in terms of punctuation I OVERuse, the em dash. Probably. Maybe? #
  • Back from picking up Kay's flute, books, homework she's missed. A busy weekend (amidst the recover from her bug) ahead. #

Tweets from 2012-08-06

  • Congratulations to all the folks behind Mars Curiosity. I confess I was skeptical. Well, well done. And WOOT! #
  • Fifteen minutes of chaotic high fives and hugs. And now everyone’s back at their console and working. #Curiosity #JPL #workinggeeks #
  • “Sherlock Holmes II” – Just plain fun. Plus guns, horses, chess, and camouflage. #

Tweets from 2012-08-05

  • 2 of 5 stars to Batman and Robin, Vol. 3 by Grant Morrison Link #
  • Dear @NBC – I truly love James Bond, and would love to see a special about him. Meanwhile, can we see some #Olympics , please? Yeesh. #
  • "Captain Horatio Hornblower" – suffers from overcompression to film length, but still a decent Hornblower movie. Link #
  • Finished up "Sherlock" season 2. Poignant,and rest-of-family unsettling. So … can't wait for season 3. #

Tweets from 2012-07-25

  • Having visited the clinic for travel immunizations, I can confidently say I am a truly a Hep cat. #
  • RT @pedzz_bd: @Three_Star_Dave …and heard 3 Tweens saying "whaaaaaaaaaat?" on the mall, so K is not the only one that does it. #
  • "Sherlock" is such a great show that even with as weak an ep, plot-wise, as "The Hounds of Baskerville," it's still triffic entertainment. #
  • Remarkably, pleasantly cool out this evening. Time to (finally) open up the windows and let the blower suck in some fresh air. #

Tweets from 2012-07-19

  • Starting planning for an impending business trip to India. Visa process is less than transparent. Also reviewing my vaccination record. #
  • My next-cube neighbor has a big bowl of M&Ms. I am doomed. #
  • "Sherlock: A Scandal in Belgravia" is up for an Emmy. Excellent. #

Tweets from 2012-07-15

  • Very cool! RT @DaphneUn: At their panel, @doycet and @scalzi. #sdcc <a href="" title="Twitter / DaphneUn: At their panel, @doycet an”>Link #
  • 4 of 5 stars to Friends with Boys by Faith Erin Hicks Link #
  • Sherlock "A Scandal in Belgravia" – great fun, fine drama, lots of twists, AND meaningful parent-daughter conversations! #

Tweets from 2012-06-07

  • Father/Daughter TVpalooza: "Sherlock: A Study in Pink" – dark, funny, witty, Moffat, Mycroft, geekyjoy. Also, echoes of Vizzini. #
  • Heavy rain and hail. Well, the plants should be happy. Ish. #
  • MT @coloradowx: Doppler-est. rainfall amounts from storms last ngiht. Some places saw up to 5" of rain! #Denver #COwx Link #
  • Woke up last night when a big rain/hailstorm blew thru around 1:30a. No damage here far as I can see, but was pretty intense. #
  • Father/Daughter TVpalooza: The rest of S.1 of "Sherlock." "How many angry letters do you think BBC got after ending?" quoth Kay. #
  • Sunset plus clouds means the back yard is suffused with a soft, indirect golden light. Loverly. #
  • Father/Daughter Movepalooza draw toward a close! "The Adventures of Robin Hood" (1938). In Technicolor! And tights! And great music! #

Tweets from 2012-06-06

  • Father/Daughter TVpalooza: A couple episodes of "Batman – The Animated Series" to cap off the evening. #
  • Father/Daughter TVpalooza: "Firefly" – "Train Job": amazing *2nd* premiere ep gives all the intro beats, but utterly different fr 1st. Fun! #
  • Father/Daughter Filmapalooza: "Sherlock Holmes" with Downey, Law. Sherlock on cocaine. Which is so very appropriate. #

This is why we can't have good things (on American TV)

Because we're locked into shows fitting into the hour/half-hour marks, minus commercial time or other promotional time for cuts.

Thus, the most recent episode of "Sherlock" had 8 minutes of its 90 minute length cut. Even PBS only has 82 minutes available for each 90 minute slot. So 9% cut ensues. Which, even if it's non-critical-to-the-mystery part is still a big pain for a character- and atmosphere-driven show.

And, yes, the same thing happens on "Doctor Who".

There's a reason that watching the episodes on disc or streaming video-on-demand services has its advantages.

Embedded Link

Sherlock Holmes and the mystery of the missing eight minutes
American viewers really can't get enough of Sherlock, one might deduce. After an appearance by Benedict Cumberbatch prompted scenes of hysteria in New York, US fans complained that eight minutes of th…

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