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Faded Photographs

This is the kind of thing where you say, “Man, I wish I’d had that idea 40 years ago.”

Allow me to say, this is awesome.

Online Photo Albums

Always keep copies of your digital photos someplace you own, or figure you will one day lose them. Assuming a free service will (a) remain free or (b) always stay in business is a bad assumption.

The Last Late-Night School Craft Project

So senior parents are expected to make a photo collage (using a clap-board template) for their students to be put up in the halls during prom/afterprom next weekend. It could be about high school, friends, or various lifetime pix.

Given +James Hill‘s photogenic nature, it was an enjoyable project to put together. I came up with a set of way-too-many pix, he culled the list down to only somewhat-too-many, then I put everything together.

And, per his instruction, noting “James” as his name.

Fun times. Nostalgic times. And a memento.

Three notes:

  1. With one possible exception (upper right corner), James noted that none of the marching band pix were from this year. I think there were some in the earlier picture sets, but they didn’t make the final cut for one reason or another. (There is a pic of James playing the bass flute at last weekend’s spring concert, though.)
  2. Even more extraordinary, we ended up with a set of pictures without any of James with his tongue stuck out at the photographer.
  3. Special note to the pix bottom left and right corners, which were shot by our friend +Kate Testerman, who does excellent Senior Photos (or any other photography) for anyone in the Denver area who is looking for such professional services.

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SmugMug rescues Flickr from the Yahoo demise

The press on this, tech and photo, has been largely positive (if for no other reason than the Verizon acquisition of Yahoo is seen as spelling doom for the properties not sold off). SmugMug, as a paid photography site, has a good rep, so I’m not immediately worried about something awful happening to my many Flickr photos (while I’ve been lax in posting stuff up there recently, vs Google Photos, I have a lot of content from the past there).

So, optimistic, until I hear something otherwise.

Some other notes:

Flickr bought by SmugMug as Yahoo breakup begins | Technology | The Guardian

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Fifty Years Ago This Year

It’s gobsmacking to me that it’s fifty years since 1968.

Here are some significant news photos from that very turbulent year, which saw protests in the US and abroad (many of them violently suppressed), continued battle in Vietnam, two nation-shaking assassinations, and a US presidential campaign.

50 Years Ago in Photos: A Look Back at 1968
A half-century ago, much of the world appeared to be in a state of crisis, with protests around the world, the Vietnam War, and the assassinations of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Robert Kennedy. But there was some progress to be found as well.

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The Glamor of Lucille Ball

Most folk remember Lucille Ball from I Love Lucy or the later Lucy shows, where she played a middle-aged (or beyond) housewife. Few recall that, in the 1930s, she was a glamorous movie star and model. This photo gallery shows that side of Lucy.

43 Glamorous Photos of Lucille Ball in the 1930s
Lucille Désirée Ball (1911-1989) was an American actress, comedienne, model, film-studio executive, and producer. She was best known as the …

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Colorful Colorado

A lovely montage of shots from around Colorado, photographed by David Leiter (and his drones).

Colorado By Drone
I slept in a tent for 2 months to capture this video of Colorado, USA. Places in the video: – Mountain stream (Frisco) – Bangs Canyon (Grand Junction) -…

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The Things We Did

The 1930s-40s award-winning photographer Dorothea Lange was hired by the US Government to document the 1942 “evacuation” and “relocation” of Japanese-Americans to internment camps.

'The military commanders that reviewed her work realized that Lange’s contrary point of view was evident through her photographs, and seized them for the duration of World War II, even writing “Impounded” across some of the prints. The photos were quietly deposited into the National Archives, where they remained largely unseen until 2006.'

This article shows some of those photos, along with some stories from the people involved.

Dorothea Lange’s Censored Photographs of FDR’s Japanese Concentration Camps
The military seized her photographs, quietly depositing them in the
National Archives, where they remained mostly unseen and unpublished until

Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother photograph from 1936

Dorothea Lange—well-known for her FSA photographs like Migrant Mother—was
hired by the U.S. government to make a photographic record of the
“evacuation” and “relocation” of Japanese-Americans in 1942. She was eager
to take the commis…

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The Beauty of Birds

The 2016 Audubon Photography Award winners are, not unexpectedly, awesome.

2016 Audubon Photography Awards
Spectacular wildlife photography: Winners and runners-up from the 2016 Audubon Photography Awards competition.

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The Horrors of Stock Photo University


27 Worst Things About Going To Stock Photo University
Why are we always sitting on the stairs?

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Moon Shots

This is part of what makes the Internet and the digital age an awesome thing.

Originally shared by +Les Jenkins:


Over 8,400 NASA Apollo moon mission photos just landed online, in high-resolution
Space fans, rejoice: today, just about every image captured by Apollo astronauts on lunar missions is now on the Project Apollo Archive Flickr account. There are some 8,400 photographs in all at a …

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Good-bye, European Panoramas

The EU is looking at a copyright reform bill that would require commercial use of any copyrighted public work — buildings, art, etc. — to require prior authorization and, possibly, payment before they could be used.

So putting together a tour book of Europe? Better get permission before you include any pictures (even ones taken by tourists) of works under copyright. Have a TV show that does a panoramic sweep across a major European capital? They may rely on a narrower picture (or none at all) rather than seek out each copyright holder and possibly have to pay them off.

It seems to me that if you are putting your art out on display — especially a building — you are inviting photography and videos of same. Sure, a photo of Sculpture X that is turned into a poster should earn something to the copyright holder. But a photo of Sculpture X in a montage of scenes around City Y strikes me as something very different, even though it may no longer considered as such by the EU.

Alert: Freedom of Panorama Under Threat in Europe
Should photographers be able to include copyrighted public building and sculptures in photos without having to worry about payment or permissions? The conc

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An epic new film with Alan Rickman

Epic. From the project "Portraits in Dramatic Time," by David Michalik.

(h/t +Les Jenkins)

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Beautiful Bird Pix

A look at the 2015 Audubon Photography Awards. These are all really stunning, and any of them would make fabulous desktop wallpaper.

(Plus, +Scott Randel — an Avocet!)

2015 Audubon Photography Awards
Winners and runners-up from the 2015 Audubon Photography Awards competition.

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Synthesizing time-lapse photography

Very, very cool project, utilizing the zillions of photos of famous landmarks and scenery in Flickr and Picasa, plus various stabilization and perspective algorithms, to create stable time-lapse videos. A breathtaking use of this kind of data.

(h/t +Yonatan Zunger)

Google researchers create amazing timelapses from public photos
There are a zillion digital photos in the public domain and scientists have just figured out something very cool to do with them. A team from Google and

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Some remarkable drone photography

Here are some remarkable photographs in Europe taken by Amos Chapple before governments started cracking down on commercial drone photography in many locations.

37 incredible drone photos from across the globe that would be totally illegal today
Drones are everywhere from the battlefield to…

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It's "Cars," only for real

Route 66 is an amazing tale. Here are some gorgeous images of it.

Originally shared by +Thomas Hawk:

#Route66 America


In Album 2015-05-04

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The Ruins of WWII

Some neat pix of the crumbling remains of coastal defenses in France, Norway, and the UK.

The Ghostly WWII Ruins of Europe’s Northern Coasts | WIRED
A photographer tracks the vanishing remains of WWII bunkers along Europe’s coastline.

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Exploring abandoned worlds

I hadn't considered this application for drone technology, but it's an interesting way to look at abandoned places (in this case Belle Isle Zoo in Detroit, closed since 2002) that doesn't involve risk of life or limb (or trespassing charges).

Originally shared by +Les Jenkins:

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Asgard, on film!

Mount Asgard, that is, in Auyuittuq National Park, on the Cumberland Peninsula of Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada.

Also, pretty.

Originally shared by +Smithsonian Magazine:

Mount Asgard. Photo by Artur Stanisz. #photography #photooftheday


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