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Aloha, Google+

Google turns out the light at its social site. Sigh.

I resented the platform when it first came out in 2011, as Google shut down its (RSS) Reader application to do so. But as an early adopter I came to love Plus for its ease of use, and for the great communities and individuals I found there to discuss everything from politics to geeky pop culture, from things going on in my life to photos of my neighborhood.

It was a great space, even if Google became increasingly dysfunctional in how it supported it. Still, it had a run of 7+ years, which is not at all bad, and I met a lot of interesting folk that I’m still following around on Twitter and Pluspora and Feedly.

Thanks to all the folk at Google (or wherever they’ve moved on to) who worked so hard to give us a fine place to gather and chat. It made my life a bit better while it was around — and that’s not for nothing.

The Turning of the Seasons

Major League Baseball no longer has any actives who played the 20th Century.

You can officially feel old now.

This year, for the first time, there are no players on Opening Day rosters who were playing Major League Baseball in the 20th century. And MLB is about to see its first player who was born in the 2000s.

There were two Major Leaguers in 2018 who had played in the 1990s: Adrian Beltre and Bartolo Colon. Beltre retired at the end of last season after a 21-year Hall of Fame-caliber career that began in 1998. The 45-year-old Colon — who debuted in 1997 and has pitched 21 seasons in the big leagues — has not retired and has expressed the desire to continue his career, but he’s unsigned entering Opening Day.

Ichiro Suzuki, who played the Mariners’ first two regular-season games in Japan last week before announcing his retirement, didn’t start his Major League career until 2001. So did two other players who entered Thursday on their team’s Opening Day roster — Albert Pujols of the Angels) and CC Sabathia of the Yankees. They’re the earliest debuters left of anyone on an MLB active roster.

Also interesting — despite the sense that baseball is a bit softer on its players than football or basketball, MLB is the first league this has happened to; the NFL and NBA and NHL all still have active players who started in the 1990s.

[Handwave discussion about which century 2000 belongs in.]

Nothing earth-shattering, to be sure, just … an observation about the passing of time.

Do you want to know more?  Baseball says goodbye, literally, to 20th century

On Cat Ownership

Yes, I’ve said all three of these things. More or less.

RT @scottlynch78: The three random yet recurring phases of cat ownership:

1- You are as elegant as moonlight and shadow, my sleek panther, my tiny hunter

2- You are my little boopersnoot squigglebutt squishydoodle


I love my cats. At least 2/3 of the time.


And, also, yum!

On a cold and blizzardy (let alone bombogenesisial) day, it’s hard to top a big, zesty, savory pot of posole for dinner.

Thanks, Margie!

Everybody gets tetanus shots, right? Wrong.

I grew up in a family paranoid about tetanus. If there was any sort of potentially infection injury or puncture (especially, but not exclusively, the proverbial rusty nail), records were consulted as to when I got my last tetanus shot. Nobody ended up growing a second head, and nobody got tetanus, and it all seems perfectly natural to me.

But I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that anti-vaxxers include tetanus shots in their holy regimen of Not Getting Vaccinated For Nuthin’.

Still, I suppose I have to admire this particular anti-vaxxing family’s dedication when, after having seen their kid nearly die of tetanus, with treatment including a month in the hospital, a tracheotomy so that he didn’t suffocate, and another month of rehab … they still refused to administer a tetanus shot for him.

Unlike measles anti-vaxxers, this isn’t going to infect anyone else. On the other hand, the hospital stay cost over $800K, and someone (i.e., other insurance holders, one way or another) will end up paying for it.

Do you want to know more? Anti-vax: Unvaccinated child with tetanus fights for life in Oregon

Desi Arnaz

Today is the 102nd anniversary of Desi Arnaz’ birth in 1917. Known to most (and somewhat to his frustration) for his marriage to Lucille Ball and their joint success in the “I Love Lucy” franchise as Ricky Ricardo, Arnaz was a talented musician, TV producer, businessman, and comedic actor. He passed away in 1986.

Google has done a marvelous Google Doodle for him today (with a nice short biography attached) …

… and their Arts & Culture page has an even lengthier bio that I enjoyed reading.

I grew up watching endless “I Love Lucy” reruns — it happened to show for many years right at the hour when my brother and I were eating dinner on weeknights. I probably watched any given episode a couple dozen times, and I still find them hilarious. The show (with Arnaz’ influence) pioneered three-camera shots, a live studio audience, and even the concept of reruns. It was also groundbreaking for (against the wishes of the network) starring a Hispanic with a heavy accent who is married to a white woman. It also intentionally avoided common fare of the day which would make the show skeevy for modern audiences:

It seems like a moral obligation to modern audiences now, but early on Ball and Arnaz were determined to avoid jokes that centered on ethnic stereotypes and humor based on physical handicaps or mental disabilities. The exception, according to Arnaz, was making fun of his character Ricky’s accent, but the jokes only worked when Lucy did the mimicking.

There was rampant sexism, of course, but rarely mean, and the “war of the sexes” that was the center of so many storylines was fully enmeshed in the fabric of society (and, honestly, still shows up in sitcoms today).

Great show, and a talented man. I’m glad to have been reminded of him today by Google.

“We brush, and brush, and brush our teeth”

@SandyBoynton That brings back such wonderful memories.

Christmas time was here, by golly!

It's been a very pleasant Christmas, complete with spending it here in state, having family together, and all that. Plus cats.

2018-12 – Christmas
8 new photos · Album by Dave Hill

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Living Next to the Best Place to Live in My State

Yyyyeah, I'll be happy to live in the next community over from the "best place to live" in my state — the touted "job growth" is effectively just as high, and we don't have the tyrannical HOAs they do.

This Is the Best Place to Live in Every State
Did your town make the list?

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A Very Merry Christmas To You

Or whatever aspect of this time of year brings you and yours joy. And maybe gifts. But at least mid-winter calm and promise and perspective. I wish it all for you.

This is the first year we're celebrating in our home state of Colorado since I moved out here 24 years ago. With Margie's folks, and now my mom, in Colorado, it made more sense to hold the celebration here — thus leading to a whole new set of traditions being started.

And James is home from school, and my brother John is visiting, so it's a wonderful family time. Christmas dinner at our place tonight, including some friends, which is also awesome.

Good times. I hope yours are good as well.

(And here's looking back fifty (eep!) years at Apollo 8 and the most famous picture taken of our planet.)

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Yeah, I’m a sucker for a Personal Q&A memes like this

Favorite smell – Sauteeing onions and garlic; cookies baking; apple pie; mimeographs
Favorite foot attire – Birkenstocks
Favorite restaurant – The Wooden Table (Greenwood Village, CO)
Favorite cereal – As a cold cereal, Cheerios (with plenty of sugar).
Jeans or shorts – Shorts. Though I can put up with jeans.
Favorite Condiment – Sriracha, as a sauce. Garlic Pepper, as a seasoning.
Beach or Mountain – Mountain. I’m seriously not a big sun-and-sand person.
Favorite day of the week – Friday. The anticipation of rest and recreation is so powerful.
Favorite Holiday – Christmas. Gifts, family, food. Hard to beat that.
Tattoos – Do. Not. Want. Needles.
Like to cook – When I want to do something nice for +Margie Kleerup (or when she’s on a business trip).
Favorite color – Cobalt Blue
Do you wear glasses – Since 1st Grade.
Favorite season – Autumn. I love fall colors and cooler temps. Spring is a close second.
Beer or wine – Wine (usually). Preferably a peppery red Zin. In beer, a wheat / hefe.
Favorite drink – Alcoholic: Caipirinha (though at a bar I’ll usually order a G&T). Non-Alcoholic: Root Beer (or, if not indulging, unsweetened iced tea).
Dream Place To Live – Tuscany. As a vacation home.
Favorite Fruit – Limes. For limeades, and for various cocktails.

[h/t +Stuckin D’South]


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Three Media Questions

@GailSimone 1. No idea. They all blur together. I know a lot of the early ones were yellow-spine DAW pbs.

2. New Teen Titans #2

3. Simon & Garfunkel’s Greatest Hits (on cassette).

RIP, Purrl

We inherited Purrl (fully, “The Black Purrl”) just over four years ago when she arrived as an elegant 11-year-old (full story). She easily made her way into our household over that time — never being lovey-dovey with Neko and Kunoichi, the other cats, but always ready (and willing (and demanding)) to plop into a lap, eat any greenery she could get to, get a drink from a sink, come sit in bed at our feet (or between our pillows), or climb to the highest point on the kitty tree and take a nap.

She was always a featherweight, and in the last year or so she’s had some health problems, including some liver disease, that made her a bit skinnier — but never slowed her down, made her less ornery to other kitties getting in her personal space, or kept her from jumping wherever she damn pleased.

Before we left to take James to college, she started having a few mouth problems, a bit of drooling — we assumed a dental issue and made an appointment for after we returned. When we went in, though, the word was more dire, and went with the now-visible swelling in her jaw: bone cancer, already well progressed and spreading quickly.

It’s not been a constant distress for her, but its made eating progressively more difficult and uncomfortable, so, to take care before her life did become a constant pain, we put her to sleep this afternoon.

Even if that now puts us at human:cat parity in the house, she will be missed. For a stand-offish cat with strangers, with friends she could be a major purrbox far beyond what you would expect from her tiny frame. And she was limber and quick to the end in going after her treats.

She was a good kitty, and we were privileged to be able to share our home with her for these last years.

2018-09 Farewell to Purrl
24 new photos · Album by Dave Hill

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Good Dog!

RT @dog_rates: This is Pugsley. He lost control of his rubber duck. Happens to the best of us. 13/10 my thoughts are with him…

Tales of the Empty Nest, One of a Series

There’s all sorts of ways we’re missing +James Hill now that he’s off to college … but, boy, the laundry sure gets done more quickly.

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Dropped Off

Today was official move-in day on campus for freshmen (the class of 2022!). Ultimately, there are no more words of advice, no more direction of decisions to make, no more "We'll address that tomorrow" concerns …

… well, yeah, all of those remain, but they won't be the same from several hundred miles away.

James is off on a new, grand adventure. We can only trust we've helped him lay a strong enough foundation to make it a successful one. We will certainly miss having him around on a daily basis, but we're sure he's ready and able to tackle this next chapter in his life, and we in ours.


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Somebody is ready to head off to college

Sorry, Kunoichi — I can only afford one tuition payment at a time, and +James Hill takes priority.



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Purrl is all ready to go!


In Album 7/11/18

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Raising Them Right

It's been an 18 year operation, but overall it's been pretty successful.

fowl language comics — Gotta raise ‘em right… Bonus Panel Get a signed…

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In addition to the first day at a new job (albeit a day full of training), today was +James Hill‘s official first Casting of a Vote in an Election. Huzzah for civic involvement!


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