So I've seen lots of folk posting the bottom line of their "ISideWith" presidential campaign survey, enough that I felt I had to do it, too.
I don't plan on getting heavily invested into any of this until we get closer to my own state's primaries, and to the actual elections themselves. At this point, with all the posturing and positioning, it's not all that meaningful. (It's also based on public statements on policy positions, not on actual actions while in office, so that's always an important caveat.)
That said …
My overall results are here:
"I side with Bernie Sanders on most 2016 Presidential Election Issues"
My numbers, based on responses to weighted issues, are 92% Sanders, 88% Clinton, 85% Biden, 73% Martin O'Malley.
Then come the GOP candidates, starting at 25% for Bush and going down from there (with no agreement with any of them on any major issue).
In the issue areas that were More Important to me, I sided with Sanders on Social Issues, Clinton on Domestic Policy, and nobody on Electoral Policy.
In the issue areas that were Somewhat Important to me, I sided with Sanders on Environment, Economy, and Health Care; with Clinton on Education and Foreign Policy.
On the issue area that was Less Important to me (Immigration Policy), apparently I align most with … Bobbie Jindal?
My Ideology came out as 'Your political beliefs would be considered strongly Left-Wing and moderately Authoritarian on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to stand up and protect those who are oppressed or taken advantage of and believe the government should do the same.' Hmmm. I really don't think of myself as authoritarian, but it would be an interesting discussion.
Overall, my responses don't resonate well compared to my city, the rest of my state, or even the country. Ah, well. I already sort of knew that.
All that said, I don't see myself voting for Bernie Sanders at this point. My biggest priority is to keep any of the current GOP candidates out of the Oval Office in 2016; at this point, Hillary Clinton (who I apparently also align reasonably with, at least on paper*) seems most likely to do that. Should that change, I'll reconsider.
It's worth noting that there are a lot of areas with which I disagree with Clinton, most of which come back to her untoward alignment with what are traditionally called "monied interests". That, alas, afflicts many Democrats, and most Republicans as well. I'm also not all that fond of her public persona, or her clear pandering to interest groups willing to give her money or support.
That said, there's not a single GOP candidate who I could vote for in good conscience, esp. given the way so many of them have been pandering to the religious zanies and nativists and reactionaries in the GOP, the ones who have been pushing Trump up in the polls. It's not clear how many of them believe some of the stuff they have been spouting, but that they're willing to try to go toe-to-toe with Trump (and Cruz) in fringe politics tells me what I need to know about their character, too.
Check out your results at