Les goes where most sane people dare not … to the web pages of the Free Republic, to see how they’re taking the Obama win. Sadly … not too well.
Welcome to Obamanation by SFC MAC
Looks like the ACORN cheating paid off. This newly anointed moron will make Jimmy Carter and Bubba Clinton’s disastrous domestic policies, foreign policy debacles, and malicious pursuit to eviscerate the military, pale in comparison.
No self-respecting democratic Republic will give legitimacy to a socialist president, but then no self-respecting democratic Republic would permit someone like Obama to be a Senator, let alone presidential candidate.
The bulk of the ‘first time voters’ were bribed skid row drunks, college-aged kids who cast their ballot for an MTV icon, and blacks who voted for Obama because of his ethnicity. Then there are the requisite liberals–black, white, and hispanic–who will vote for a democrat, regardless. It was no landslide–the popular vote was close-51.3 percent to 47.5 percent–but it demonstrates that at least 51.3 percent of these voters have no problem with defecating on their own country.
[…] I live in Lorain, about 30 miles west of Cleveland. The entire region of NE Ohio has been a democratic cesspool for decades, and the union hacks just don’t understand why the Steel Mill and the Ford Plant are virtual ghost towns. It’s fucking depressing to see how dilapidated Lorain has become. They really think that Mr. Hopey Changytude will rob the ‘evil, oppressive, rich, white’ corporations, and come through the neighborhood with a sack full of money like a ghetto Santa Claus. Trouble is, these leeches are used to sucking off of the public teat. Why work at all when the Democrats force taxpayers to foot the bill?
I’m a retired U.S. Soldier. I AM Joe the Plumber. I’m sick to death of moonbats flinging the race card because they’ve run out of excuses for lazy, unmotivated, professional welfare recipients who blame everything on their skin color. Speaking of which, their boy Obama sat in a church for 20 years listening to the very wealthy Rev Jeremiah (god-damn America) Wright spew all kinds of hateful racist crap against ‘whitey’ and Jews. Wright will probably pick up where he left off.
[…] Our war against Islamofacism will likely suffer, if not grind to a halt. American troops who fought so valiantly in the region of the world that breeds the terrorists who attacked this country, will now be forbidden to do what it takes to accomplish the mission and prosecuted for doing so.
The Eurotrash, North Korea, China, Venezuela, and Islamic comrades (Iran, in particular) are rejoicing in this latest tragicomic episode in American politics. We are now saddled with a corrupt, socialist, terrorist cavorting, narcissistic charlatan, who suits their agenda. Obamabots placed all of their faith and adoration into an empty suit with serious defects.
Obama will kowtow to all of the world’s malefactors, fulfilling his promise to ‘negotiate without pre-conditions’. To all the asshatswho foolishly believe that being a pliant doormat will somehow make the United States a more “moral, respected, endearing, popular, positive role model”, brace yourselves. It will only serve to encourage hostile nations, Islamic ones in particular, to take advantage of a deteriorated American political and economic system, rife with Democratic milksops. All in the name of ‘world image’.
[…]We will demand that Obama and his ACORN gang be brought to justice for voter fraud, racketeering, and abuse of law enforcement through intimidation of critics. The laws they broke during this campaign were blatant, numerous, and sanctioned by Obama and his staff. The Department of Justice needs to get off its complacent ass and go after internal threats for a change.
We will be unrelenting in our call for the investigation of radical miscreants like William Ayers, and prosecution of any and all militant Islamic individuals, groups, and sects, including CAIR, Nation of Islam, and the AAAN (Arab American Action Network). They shouldn’t be allowed in this country to begin with, and the State Department needs to be held accountable for their presence.
We will continue to hammer the MSM leftwing mouthpeices–MSNBC, ABC, MBC, ABC, and CNN–for their rancid anti-American bias. We’ll also make sure the Democrat effetes in Congress and Senate, who got placed there by equally unconscionable constituents, continue to get the hell they so richly deserve.
We won’t forget which traitors in the Democratic party and the MSM prostituted themselves through word and deed, to the Islamofascists and the world’s Bolsheviks, because their hatred for the military, this country, and Republicans, overrides any sense of loyalty.
You don’t need to question their patriotism when they show a complete lack of it on their own.
A special note to you Hollywood leftwingnuts like Whoopie Goldberg, Alec Baldwin, Akon, Babs Streisand, et al, who threatened to, but did not, leave the country for the last 2 elections if George Bush became President: You now have an excuse to stick around and run your mouths for at least 4 years before we kick your Obamessiah out of office.
We will be just as ‘civil’ and ‘respectful’ to an Obamanation administration as the frothing leftwing moonbats “tolerant, even-minded liberals” were during 8 years of the Bush administration.
Welcome to 4 years of a Socialist America.
Just don’t expect the rest of us to follow suit.
Now, to be fair, I recall similar over-the-top rhetoric from folks on the Far Left about Bush winning in ’04 (and ’00). Of course, I look at where we are now, vs. where we were then, and wonder if they weren’t correct.
When I went to bed last night I was an American; I woke this morning a man with no country, no leader, no direction, and no purpose. I did not leave my country, my country abandoned me.
Jesus asked his Father to “forgive them for they know NOT what they do.” I am not Jesus and will NOT forgive the murder of a country that I once fought for and was willing to die for, that country no longer exists, a breed of americans (note lower case) have beaten it down and traded it for trinkets worth less than the beads that bought Manhattan Island so long ago.
Do you liberals REALLY believe you are going to get all these things the Boober promised you? Do you think this Muslim-Marxist mutant mole cares about you and wants to shower you with benefits and free money?
Where did the Americans go? I don’t know the people who put this phlegm-wad in office. Who the hell are you and what did you do with my country? I do not know you, BUT I WILL. I know where to look for you.
What makes you think you deserve this country? You didn’t bleed for her, you didn’t invest in her spiritually, you mocked her and chastised her even as she sheltered you and kept you safe and warm. Because you did not have the courage and backbone to stand up and fight to save her you have no claim to her future, such as it is, such as it shall become I fear.
I find it ironic that the government which used to pay me combat and flight pay, gave me a weapon and told me to shoot communists has now become that which I used to destroy. This is a journey no man, no warrior should ever have to take, yet here we are, day one of a brazen new world couched in racism and empty rhetoric and worshipped by men and women who are not worth the powder and shot it would take to blow them all to glory. What a long strange trip it has been too.
There are many reasons no one reason is a complete telling of this tale. We could analyze the election, the candidates, the tactics and so on and in the end solve nothing…WHY is a luxury we cannot afford yet must pony up to pay for when the bill comes due.
The main reason WHY in a word: APATHY.
We allowed this scum to build up in the filters until it choked the engine to silent sputters then we ignored it until it died. Why is unimportant now, all we are left with is the WHAT DO WE DO NOW?
A brother in ink newsletter writer told me last year..
Yes JakSavin, it is our fault. We didn’t care enough to safeguard her, we didn’t believe she was vulnerable and didn’t…scratch that..WOULDN’T see the danger. Well,…do you see it now? You will very soon if not tonight, next week or next month.
How does it feel to watch our own complacency eat our nations guts from the inside out? Was your apathy worth the trade you made?
Tonight I mourn for my brothers on the Wall in Washington, tonight they died again. There are millions of dead men walking around tonight that don’t even know they’re dead yet, are you one of them? I share the blame, I could have fought harder, I could have sounded the alarm, I could have thrown rocks at the son of a bitch if nothing else but I too was asleep. I believed in and cast my faith to the American people, a people who have proven unworthy of keeping the grand republic we inherited through the blood sweat and trials of our fathers and their fathers fathers fathers fathers…as far back as there was a nation called America. YOU gave it away, I gave it away.
Now…what are you and I going to do about it? They taught me in Jungle Evasion and Survival training school that the best time to plan an escape is early in your captivity so you still have the strength and will to carry it out, time plays FOR the captors and works against the prisoners. Are you going to roll over and play possum? Wait till the sun shines Nelly..by and by?
The most vulnerable of the legs which this beast stand on is the media. Oh, yeah, I’ve been hammering these useless pieces of dog crap since 2003 but I’m not done with these weasels yet.
Unless you are blind or have been living in a cave for five years you have seen the press and talking heads thoroughly tattooed to O’Boober’s hip, in lock step and pushing him every yard of the way. This PERSON would not even be recognized let alone elected without the strong voice of the media behind him.
So here’s something we can do, it will take a concentrated effort and may require some small sacrifice but at this time, it’s the only weapon we have.
First you must commit to buying and using ONLY generic products. Write a letter to each network and news show tell them I WILL NOT BUY ANY PRODUCT ADVERTISED ON OR SPONSORING YOUR SHOW, NONE..ZERO. Then write the sponsors and tell them the same thing, make sure they understand the connection between the advertising dollars, their grossly slanted journalism, and YOUR power as a consumer to NOT buy their products thereby cutting off the advertising dollars and the operating funds that pay their salaries.
This applies to automobiles too…if you were going to buy a new Ford, buy instead a year old Ford from a private owner or used car lot PUT NO MONEY IN THE POCKETS OF COMPANIES THAT SPONSOR THIS FIFTH COLUMN REPORTING. The effect will not be immediate but hang in for the long haul and punish the sponsors and dollars that put this un-American slug in office and it WILL have an effect. IT IS VITAL THAT YOU MAINTAIN CORRESPONDENCE WITH THE NETWORKS AND THE SPONSORS SO COUNT ON SPENDING SOME MONEY IN POSTAGE…E MAILS DON’T WORK DON’T WASTE THE ELECTRONS EVEN SENDING E MAILS.
This must start as an organized grassroots movement with the purpose of disabling the liberals “bully pulpit” and putting the newsies on defensive for a change.
We’ll work on the rest once we get this piece started and we have to start somewhere and soon. Are you a warrior or a possum? an American or a “citizen of the greater world?” Your call, I know what I’m going to do GENERIX.
Beansimple said it, what are you going to do now, fight or flee?
and above all
think for yourself and pray for our nation
And there’s more. Much, sadly, more.