To watch "QI" in the telly.
Or, I suppose, one could just hit up YouTube.
One of the fun bits about traveling to the UK is watching British TV. On the one hand, there are passingly few channels (compared to back home), and a lot of them are doing sports, news, or sports news at any given moment. Though the news tends to be interesting, or less fluffy, or certainly more international in flavor (heard the latest about the Brazilian presidential race?) than back in the US.
On the other hand, there are game shows. Lots of game shows. And relatively erudite game shows. Tuned into what I grew up with knowing as "College Bowl" (here called "University Challenge"), and those questions were hard (for example University Challenge S44E08 Glasgow vs Bath). After that was "Only Connect," one I hadn't seen before, which is all about pattern matching (for exampl Only Connect – Series 10 – Episode 5).
I mean, these are shows that make "Jeopardy" (the only popular US show of this ilk) look like the Dating Game. I wonder why these sorts of games are popular here and not back home — unless the UK likes the idea of snooty knowledge and smart people, and the US doesn't like the idea that "any pointy-headed intellectual knows more than me."
(That the score numbers are small and the cash prizes either low or not even mentioned, is probably also meaningful.)
I might need to add some of these to our home rotation, via YouTube and Chromecast.
When United fubared my flight out to Newark (thence to Glasgow) on Saturday, I ended up going to the Douglas County band competition +Kay Hill was in with her Arapahoe HS Marching Band compeers. This animated photo was shot during the dinner break. And, yeah, a swarm of high school band kids really does move around that much.
The team came in 1st in 5A schools, and 2nd overall. It bollixed up my schedule, and it was an exhausting day, but I was glad I was there to lend a hand (pushing props, in this case).
If their decision not to take on the appeals of cases against the various federal circuit courts on marriage by gays is causing apoplexy amongst Bryan Fischer, the Liberty Counsel, the Family Research Council, the National Organization for Marriage, Focus on the Family, and the Faith and Freedom Coalition, then I, for one, applaud them.
‘Unconscionable, Unconstitutional, And Un-American’: The Religious Right Reacts To Supreme Court Gay Marriage Decision
Earlier today, the Supreme Court refused to hear appeals from several states challenging court decisions striking down gay marriage bans, resulting in such marriages now being legal in several more st
The Supreme Court has declined to hear appeals against those federal circuit courts who have declared a ban on gay marriage to be unconstitutional. Which means the states covered in those circuits — including Colorado ( for more) have to abide by those circuit court decisions.
It's an oddly quiet way to resolve the matter, but perhaps a sign that it was an idea whose time had come. Congratulations to all the upcoming happy couples.
Colorado AG says all 64 clerks must issue same-sex marriage licenses
Colorado Attorney General John Suthers on Monday said all 64 county clerks must begin issuing same-sex marriage licenses after the U.S. Supreme Court decl
I mean, who arranges for 8:30 in the morning to be at 1:30am? Crazy Brits.
Mild irony that my first cuppa in Glasgow is a Cafe Americano, but irony overwhelmed by internationally recognized need for caffeine.
In Glasgow, mid cold and rain. Early morning, so waiting on room to be ready.
Now to decide on how many movies to watch. Decent selection of unlikely-to-watch-at-home flicks.
Aaaand middle seat this row shows as unpurchased. Wootastic!
The joys of an exit row on an international flight… I can actually see my feet!
Newark, here I come! (Well, in passing.)
In other news, I am back at DEN, headed to GLA by way of EWR. Hopefully I won’t be SOL but all will go AOK PDQ.
I keep having this weird nightmare where I wake up early on a weekend morning and go to the airport to fly away to a distant land.
On the bright side, I manage to score good seats for tomorrow’s flight. And spend a bit more time with the family. So could be worse.
So I fly tomorrow, and don’t have a day to recover on that end as planned. That sucks.
Ooooor not. Seems my flight to EWR is delayed 3 hrs, so no way to connect to my flight to GLA, nor any other flight there until tomorrow.
And off on the road to Glasgow. Well, more of a flight than a road. And more like Newark, for starters.