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The Disaster of A.D. 79

I’ve had the privilege of visiting both Pompeii and Herculaneum. They are remarkable sites (and sights). A touring Pompeii exhibit — not, I think, the one mentioned in Chicago — came through Denver a few years back.

If you have the chance to go to such an exhibit (if not the places themselves), I highly recommend it. The lesson of life interrupted, of a glimpse of disaster overcoming people who had no clue it was coming, and just the plain old richness of understanding of Roman life that both these cities provide is well worth the effort.

Resurrecting Pompeii
A new exhibition brings the doomed residents of Pompeii and Herculaneum vividly to life

Original Post

Been there, ooh-aahed that. Ve…

Been there, ooh-aahed that. Very cool “@AbandonedPics: Abandoned building in Vallone dei Mulini near Sorrento, Italy

AutoAwesome Wedding Picture

So I've upgrade my Picasa for Windows, which now offers to backup your photos to Google+, which makes them available for all sorts of keen purposes, which also means that sets of similar photos will be AutoAwesomed into semi-moving pictures.

So I have to share this set from Mary and Stan's wedding in Florence, just because it lets us sort of grin and move around a bit.

Fortune and Glory, Kid!

So long about 2:02 into this broadcast of Rock Center with Brian Williams on NBC, there’s an interesting story about cliches, which segues into a discussion of a Mashable article, which … well, you should look at it first, paying special attention around 2:30ff:

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Continue reading “Fortune and Glory, Kid!”

Tweets from 2012-05-08

  • Doing last-minute prep for today's trip to Planet Houston. Will be a good, useful trip, but would rather be at home. #
  • Finished up the Pompeii pix last night (not uploading yet). On to Herculaneum! #
  • Interesting. Thought I had an extra hour this morning that, apparently, I don't. Well, that should be entertaining. #
  • Crikey. Parking at DIA was awful. 15 min cruising around, finally hawked some returning flyers. #
  • Thanks to still being all United elitey, managed to avoid most of TSA line, plus pornoscanner. #
  • On the plane, ready to go. Bulkhead leg room, which is nice. #
  • Very full flight. They were offering $200 to go later. Alas, I'm meeting (and driving) people there. #
  • And awaaaaaay we go. #
  • Hey, lookie! Houston! #
  • Been eons since I flew into IAH. (Usually go to HOU. ) Forgot they have a new unified car rental center. #
  • Table behind us at dinner consists of many loud drunks discussing "The Avengers". Astonishingly, no one is giving "SPOILER WARNINGS". #

Tweets from 2011-06-06

  • I realize a rock could be used as a deadly weapon. But not exactly a compelling hijacking weapon, despite reactions from FCO security crew. #
  • Amen! RT @meoswell: Sad to be leaving Italy, but looking forward to getting home, doing laundry, sleeping in own bed. #
  • RT @MargieKleerup: Rome, the city of pigeons. Even in the airport. #
  • Enjoying flaunting our fabulous Elite Flyer status. With appropriate Thurston Howell III accent, of course. #hoity #toity #
  • Definitely my main squeeze and trust rock moll. RT @pedzz_bd: @Three_Star_Dave now you and MK are both flagged I'm sure. #
  • On the plane! Yeah, Continental is a crappy airline, but it's a crappy AMERICAN airline, by jingo! #
  • Cool! A narrow selection of films and comedy "short subjects" to not entertain me for the next 9-odd hours! Woot! #
  • Will be bidding a sad farewell to the MiFi and its Italy-only data plan. Worked very well and made life in Italy much more tweetable. #
  • Annoyed by the odd way Twitter Android client does "quote" RTs. Even more annoyed by how Twitter Window client doesn't do them at all. #
  • You will no doubt be thrilled to know that several hours of Twitter silence (from me) will now begin. Enjoy! Ciao! #
  • Back in the USA! #
  • Apparently darling daughter and charming wife (rock moll past behind her) can avert curse of Dave Hill, International Man of Mystery. #
  • Newark is one of those annoying airports where international arrivals then require re-screening thru security to catch connection. Feh. #
  • Welcome back to the US! Now, please allow us to irradiate your nads! Feeling sooooo much safer now that I'm in my homeland. #tsa #
  • Immersed self back into US cuisine with chili cheese fries and chocolate shake. Yum! #
  • Woot! RT @meoswell: New blog post: Back in the USA Link #
  • Welcome to Chicago, city of big shoulders, long taxiways, and, apparently, broken Kindles. At least mine. Ugh. #
  • Not sure why there is just one, slow worker at gate counter for UA flight to DEN/LAX, but given lengh of line, hilarity or riots may ensue. #
  • Thank heavens just one more flight to get HOME. #
  • On the ground in Denver, huzzah. Long trip, good trip, but ready to be back. #
  • Hrm. Apparently TSA decided to inspect one of our bags in Newark, meaning it took a later flight home. Rrg. UAL will deliver in morning. #
  • RT @MargieKleerup: I think risk of having United deliver the bag is better than added crankiness of waiting an hour for the bag to arrive. #
  • So, Kindle still under warranty, so new Kindle will be shipped to replace broken Kindle. Woot! Won't help with trip, but here when I return. #

Tweets from 2011-06-05

  • Quoth Margie to my mom in re the Internet: "It's not just for porn, Gloria." #
  • Packed up, cleaned up, ready to rock and Roma. #
  • After last night, greasy lasagna lunch at AutoGrill seems vaguely disappointing. #
  • In Rome (or environs thereof). My hotel room, netbook, and MiFi have turned into On-line Check-in Central for the party. #
  • Did you know the straw basket around a chianti bottle is called a "fiasco"? #
  • Logistics of car returns, flight times, hotel airport shuttle starting to resemble logic puzzle involving fox, chickens, rowboat, scorpion. #
  • From our massive dinner last night. Nom-nom-nom! RT @meoswell : New blog post: Margie gnawing on a bone Link #
  • This is the way the vacation ends, not with a bang but a twitter … Killing time — Chez Oswell Link #
  • Where we ate last night. This guy was a hoot, the food was massively faboo. :: Antica Macelleria Cecchini Link #
  • I have been intentionally not posting non-travel news during this trip. But I've been flagging a lot of articles to follow up on … #
  • Dinner at Holiday Inn Rome Eur Parco dei Medici – overpriced, marginally satisfactory food, slow service, but decent coffee. #
  • Checked thru FCO security, despite brief DHIMOM concerms at ticketing, and apprehension of Margie as my dangerous Rock Moll. #


Michelle and Kay have been room mates for most of the trip. Kay, for one,
has had a blast doing so.


A Fiat Doblo (not ours)

The vehicle I was one of the official drivers of was a Fiat Doblo — nicknamed by us “The Toaster”.  It’s a fun essentially-mini-van vehicle, seating five, with huge cargo space.  It was comfy, pleasant to drive, 6-gear manual with good performance, a diesel engine, sliding rear doors, and a nice stop-and-go feature (when you are at a stop and in Neutral, the engine turns off, then turns back on automatically when you shift into gear).

It was a great touring car, and something that would make for a good US mini-van substitute (if we could get over our memories of early-generation diesel engines, or fears of foreign vehicles). And, in fact, it’s scheduled to appear in the US under the Dodge “Ram” brand, in 2012.  Neat!

I admit, one of the cool things about traveling abroad is exposure to brands and models of stuff we just don’t see back home (sometimes for good reason, but often out of commercial fear or consumer pigheadedness).  Cars rate right up there, and while there are a lot of cars I’d just as soon not see in the US (Fiat Panda, I’m shaking my fist at you from behind as you putter up the autostrade at 50 kph), there are a lot of others that would work perfectly well in the US market.  The Doblo is one; the Peugeot 5008 (the other vehicle in our expedition) is another.  (And the plethora of Smart cars around Italy is another sign to me that it’s a brand that should be getting far more attention in the US, too.)

Last Night

Cocktails at the fabulous Holiday Inn Eur Parco dei Medici near FCO.

Tweets from 2011-06-04

  • Saw some guys from Florence, all wrapped in bandages, sneaking into vinyard. Believe they might have been Tuscan Raiders #
  • After two weeks on holiday, fatigue and crankiness starting to set in. Want to stay, but looking to being home, too. #
  • Lovely Tuscan countryside is lovely. Also rainy. #
  • Charming two-lane Tuscan country roads are a scosh less charming when blocked by a traffic accident. But at least I'm with my honey. #
  • Less entertaining than it sounds. 🙂 RT @meoswell: Waiting to pass an accident on a small Italian road in a thunderstorm. #
  • Wine tasting at Vignamaggio in Greve in Chianti was very successful, thus followed by wine buying at Vignamaggio … #
  • QVACKVS! RT @meoswell: New blog post: An Etruscan Duck Link #
  • Carpacchio, them vegies, then steak, then steak, then potatoes, then OH LORD *MORE* STEAK! #
  • Oh my Lord … the MEAT! #
  • Back at villa … full … tired … sleeeep … #
  • Now is the time we run around like (sad) lunatics packing to leave Tuscany. #

MiFi is Spiffy!

Portable WiFi hotspot with an unlimited Italian data plan. Makes for easy
tweeting and picture posting, for the whole group. Not an inexpensive
rental, but better than an overseas data plan.

Positively Medieval

Thank goodness we are long past such barbarity.

Twilight of the Tourists

Volterra is a remarkable walled Medieval hill city, renowned for its
Etruscan artifacts and alabaster craftwork. Also, apparently, they filmed
some bit of some US movie here, and the place is full of posters, shirts,
books. *sigh*

Tweets from 2011-06-03

  • Taking a small, elite task force into Florence today. Target: lovely, photographable stuff! #
  • Battistero San Giovanni lovely, plus great Last Judgment with Munching Devil mosaic on ceiling. Zany yet terrifying! #
  • Museo dell'Opera del Duomo full of cathedral art actually removed fr cathedral and replaced by replicas. And no crowds! #
  • Is Gelateria dei Neri actually the best gelato in Florence? Difficult to argue no, but believe it will require more intense research. #
  • On a very warm train waiting to start heading back to Montecatini. Picked up some decent swag for K & M at Duomo museum store. #
  • Faboo wedding videos up on YouTube and look great, aside from the fact that nobody can access the playlist. Will have to fix this evening. #
  • RT @meoswell: Afternoon trip to Florence very nice-saw Duomo Museum, Bargello museum, gold on the Ponte Vecchio and, of course, gelato. #
  • Moved to rail car with a/c. This is improving the ride aboit a zillion percent. #
  • Just had a conductor check ticket for 1st time since we got to Italy. And she didn't feel compelled to wear gun, badge. How civilized. #
  • Disaster! Post-train shopping stymied by so-called "national holiday" early grocer closures. Running low on prosecco, olive oil, wine, eek! #
  • Google Logo: Festa della Repubblica – Italy 2011 Republic Day! Link #
  • One last day of madcap touring … wine tasting … walled towns … massive dinners … today. Sono molto triste … #

Putting on the Ritz

For dinner tonight, we are spoiled by using as napkins special embossed
Tuscan-region paper, carefully separated and folded by an authentic Italian
grandmother! Such luxurious treatment!

Mary had a little purse …

Mary overcame her discomfort about people buying things for her to let Stan
buy her the cute red purse she was looking at.

At the Cafe

Noshing at Rivoire on the Piazza della Signoria. Uno birra, per favore!

Tweets from 2011-06-02

  • Being driven into Florence lets us see clearly why one should not drive into Florence. Twisty streets, bumper to bumper … #
  • Drivimg back from Firenze to the villa, post-wedding. Lovely ceremony, lovely setting, lovely couple. #
  • Wedding pic! RT @pedzz_bd: Link #

Gelato di esposi!

It’s the ceremonial wedding gelato in front of Neptune’s fountain! What a