Takin’ ‘er out for a spin

Ran Velvet around with P-Siren (and BD’s Puck Bunny) last night. Endless string of Hollows mishes (mostly), which will end (in two mishes for Margie) with the Chamber of Transcendence, or so we believe.
Biggest problem was that the endless, endless hordes of Trolls were all conning green and grey (with a very occasional blue, and, once or twice, a white). Which not only was boring, but which made creeping up to 19 with Velvet excruciating.
On the other hand, it did give me a chance to play with different toggles on her — what to use as a default, balancing damage resistance vs. endurance cost (so … must … get … Stamina …). And, ultimately, we became pretty good at looking at the victory conditions carefully, and just doing them, not clearing the caverns. No need to arrest a few hundred trolls (for an hour) when all you need to do is take down Atta and his two guards (and find a clue or two). And since many of them would ignore us (grey) unless we whomped on them, and those who wouldn’t ignore me couldn’t do much through bubbles and Unyielding, that wasn’t that huge a deal to do.
Not sure completely why they all conned so low. The mishes were new (though the trial may be old). Annoying. They were PS’s mishes, so I may break out of that assignment chain with Velvet (who was getting the same stuff from good ol’ Talshak the Mystic) after the next one.
Anyway, Velvet dinged to 19, P-Siren to 18. Good stuff.

13 thoughts on “Takin’ ‘er out for a spin”

  1. On Puck’s Mission in Boomtown, that was a level old, mostly because you can never get anybody to team up in Boomtown. For the levels in the teens, everybody is in the Hollows.
    On the plus side, Puck is my first Character to be finally rid of the Hollows missions.
    Also, I have no idea what was up with the atta mission last night. Every other time that I’ve done it it’s been scaled up to the same level as the team leader so that all the trolls are white to red in color.

  2. Not that I’m a glutton for punishment (and it was kinda fun to simply bypass large mobs, or have the gather about us impotently), but I wouldn’t mind a good donnybrook against stuff that earned me more than a half-dozen XP …
    (Okay, now that I have DOOMED myself …)

  3. Well…the first three times I did the Atta mission, I’ve averaged 13 boxes of x, and 23,000 influence. That was one of the reasons that I found last night really odd.
    Roben, Zazi, MoFo, and Puck have all been on the Atta missions.

  4. Ooh. Looks like you made the same mistake I did! You waited too long to do the mission. The levels are static.
    I hooked up with a group the other day who decided to do my Atta mission so they could get to the high-xp Cavern of Transcendence mission. People were grousing because they weren’t getting xp for the level 15s, but were told the difficulty would increase. We then encountered 16s and 17s.
    I took the next mission, which led into the Cavern of Transcendence. Our leader made sure to get some lower-level heroes to Exemplar us for the Cavern mission. Unfortunately, they didn’t Exemplar me *before* I spoke to the contact who gives the Cavern mission. At level 19, I was too high to be given the mission, and it was too late too Exemplar me after speaking to the contact. No badge for me!
    So, bear in mind that you need a team of at least 8 heroes, and must be Exemplarred down *before* speaking to the contact (whose name I forget, but Talshak the Mystic sends you to him after you defeat the CoT in the Cavern Portal mission).

  5. Cavern of Transcendence is listed as a level 12+ mish, somewhere.
    Dunno if we’re going to “make it in time.”

  6. Going with with Psi-Clone instead of Velvet should work out.
    Need to come up with more people though.
    If Margie can get Jackie to go as Tanker-Belle, we would have 5. Would only need to recruit 3 more folks.

  7. Margie and I were counting last night. If we only do “local”/Consortium folks —
    Doyce, Jackie, Dave, Margie, Stan, Avocet, Lee, Dee – that gives us 8. Not sure about the odds of making that happen, of course.
    We could also advertise to the FP, too, to get in some bodies.

  8. When I got home this afternoon, I took out Torchielle and put up the LFG flag. A group called me up — a blaster-heavy octet that was doing … Atta!
    And, at 13, it was “right” — reds and purples.
    Died twice (including in the final, climactic battle, when we took down Atta, completed the Mish, and then the Troll Wave swarmed over us and killed everyone but one player who mished out).
    But also dinged once (to 14) and went up 85% on the way to 15. Yowzers! That’s the way to play that mish!

  9. well…the level oddness continued this evening. Watched a guy go an get a new mission. He is set at unyielding level 18. Came back and the bad guys were all 14’s.
    A mission that Zazi picked up at 16 (she was all of 13 over the line into 17), and the bad guys were all 15’s. It was like this all evening over 5 missions from 5 different people.
    I’m glad you were able to see Atta as it should have been. Like I said, the last several times that I did it, everything scaled to one level above team leader. Atta has always been purple except for last night.

  10. So, who’s up for a cavern trail? I’m now 18 do I need to Exmp down before taking the mission? P-Siren also has the last “kill all gang members” mission for the Bonfire story arc. Does everyone get the bandana or just the owner of the story arc?

  11. Well, according to Avo above, 19 was too high. Dunno if that means 18 is okay.
    Of course, if you exemp, you won’t get any XP, just infl. Don’t know about the bandana.

  12. Checking the boards it looks like things changed in release 3. Currently the trail is restricted to levels 12-15 (sk and emp allowed)- I will do the pre-mission with DH this afternoon and check to see if I can get the mission un-exempt or exempt.

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