9 thoughts on “What’s a cape without, well, a cape?”

  1. Very nice…
    Sadly I don’t Think I invisioned any of mine with capes, so no big push for this on my part

  2. Velvet’s the only major alt of mine likely to get a cape.
    Certainly it wouldn’t work with Psi-clone’s outfit, though I have a suspicion that he’ll feel “forced” to buy some sort of Gaudy, Elaborate Hero Outfit for special occasions, which would then require a cape.
    Torchielle? I don’t think so — I like her outfit a lot as is.
    And it would look just plain silly on Honeygun (unless it was, say, camouflage patterned and designed for stealth …)

  3. That cape mission was brutal! I went to Icon first, not knowing the procedure, and got the mission from him. Stepped outside, and… Sleep… Sleep… Sleep… Sleep… Hospital. Fortunately Phoenix Aurora, the 22nd-level Blaster I had been asking about capes, had volunteered to help me with the mission. She wiped out all the Tsoo for me, and then explained that I needed to talk to the city rep. That mission was easy enough. So, I got my fancy-shmancy cape, a style available only to owners of the DVD version of the game.
    Phoenix Aurora did ask for a favor in return for her help: if she’s ever online when I need help, I’m to call her. This is a favor?

  4. I’ve been running across more ambushes lately, so I was ready when I exited Icon. And, being a tank, Velvet didn’t worry too much about puny Tsoo …
    The most daunting bits were going to Independence Port and Talos Island, both of which were new for non-SK play and still have that “EVIL! DEATH! DOOM!” mental sense about them — even though, as Margie points out, IP is definitely in Velvet’s range. Probably good to have broken out of that current set of comfortable zones (which is, doubtless, part of the idea).

  5. Yes, that was my introduction to Independence Port, where I saw a bunch of orange/red/purple Family members. Now, all of my old contacts have abandoned me, and my only contacts are out in those zones.

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