Spreading the Cracky Joy

bbq.jpgSaturday night, had the Testerfolks and Stan over for dinner with my folks, in part to inaugurate the new Anniversary Grill. Discussion turned, of course, to CoH, which ended up with each of us showing my folks our stables of characters, Doyce giving a demo with Hang Time of how the game works, etc. As Stan put it, it was sort of like
Then, yesterday, Margie got Mom playing, and they ran around for a while on some server or another (while all the others were down). Which was fun to watch.
Later at dinner, the unbidden comment, “That’s fun!” from Mom. Heh.
Of course, I haven’t gotten any game time for a couple of days …

6 thoughts on “Spreading the Cracky Joy”

  1. Bu Wha Wha Wha hahaha!
    Well, let us know when your mom start to play full time so that we can get her hooked up with Influence.;->
    Also, What’s her character look like/name, or did she use one of yours?

  2. Also…Puck became my richest, nondonated to other then Enhancements), character sunday just going over 200k in influence.
    w00t!, as it were.
    Also, Sunday. Got to team up with Prince Kanojo, who is disturbingly funny, and Dr Awesome, who is also very entertaining. As well as the big team ups (Noelle Frost, Mal, the Big E, Dark Neutron, Jen Sparow, Burn Cycle, Berometra, Shocky, and Kinetica). Puck also got a new badge.

  3. Margie took some screen shots, but since it was a fire/fire tanker, you can’t actually see all that much.
    She had a lot of fun with the character designer, though.

  4. It was sort of like what, Dave?
    I had class this weekend, so din’t play much. I was piddling around Sunday night when an Alliance member asked for help against the Banished Pantheon. As they are my arch-enemies now, I couldn’t very well pass up a chance to throw a monkeywrench into their plans.
    I must say, I’ve only had good experiences teaming with fellow members of the Alliance. It’s always been teamwork with them. It’s not about maximizing XP, but helping out the other players and HAVING FUN (novel concept, eh?)!
    Dave, I think that joining the Alliance was a brilliant decision. It’s really opened up the game for me. You get three stars, Dave!
    The only downside is that Coalition chat is getting a bit cluttered with greetings and such. And let’s not even discuss that Frosted Flakes nonsense Stan got them started on last night! Sheesh.

  5. Sorry about that Avo.
    I didn’t know that one comment like that was going to blow up into an hour long pun fest.

  6. Oh, I certainly don’t blame you! I was as surprised as you to see what it turned into. I also don’t understand why it was so hysterically funny to everybody. All the comments about how they couldn’t stop laughing long enough to fight the villains seemed really odd to me, as I didn’t even crack a smile. Maybe I’m getting more like my character. I’ll have to run a diagnostic check on my sense of humor…

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