32! 32! 32!

Got Psi-clone up to 32 (for real, this time), munching through Devouring Earth and Council sorts. Yay!
So now I get my Ultimate Power! My Pet! My … Phantasm!
Who is …
… well, imagine the most inept and annoying energy blaster you’ve ever had on a team. Not a clever, helpful, and suggestable one like Avocet, but a really annoying one who attacks before the team is ready, knocks-back the mobs you’ve carefully clustered, and then shunts off the aggro onto you.
Actually, the Phantasm is too bad. He does pack a whallop, he’s good when the balloon goes up, and he does add to our general firepower. He’s also good at tackling the little “debris” monsters, like Rubble. I just wish he understood some basic commands, like, “Heel!” and “Down!” and “Play Dead!” Like a dog.
Hmmm. I’ll have to give him a name.

4 thoughts on “32! 32! 32!”

  1. Avocet’s clever? Thank you! Helpful? Glad to hear it. Suggestible? Uh… “These aren’t the droids we’re looking for.”
    A name for an inept Phantasm…? Shemp? Lou? Stan? (You see where I’m going here…)

  2. Oh! Regarding this post’s title…
    Those aren’t Psi-clone’s measurements, are they?

  3. *glee*
    I havethe best pet ever…Mini-me stays right where I put her…stays within 20 feet otherwise.
    It only draws aggro when I solo…and is most helpful on a team.

  4. I’m discovering when Fred the Phantasm is useful:

    1. When the balloon goes up and we need firepower, quickly.
    2. When I can use his knockback to slam folks into adjoining walls, as opposed just away from the scrapper. (Margie has asked, very politely, to warn her when I’m going to unleash him.)
    3. When soloing, since PC’s firepower is pretty minimal.
    4. When doing a “Defeat All” mish. Fred’s a lot better about spotting strays than I am. (His PA brethren, both mine and the ones he generates, are, also.)

    What he’s not good for:

    1. Stealthing around.
    2. Carefully taking out small packs of mobs in a large room (or outdoor area) full of bad guys.
    3. Coming to my rescue when enough bad guys area aggroed to me because of him. Fortunately, Devouring Earth (our current pick of baddies) are pretty slow at hitting. And, fortunately, I can heal …

    I do like Fred. But he’s like a five year old (interestingly enough). You just need to know what errands you can and can’t trust him to do …

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