Blowing off the dust

In an odd mood last night, so we played Velvet and P-siren. And, y’know what? They kicked ass. Still feel ponderously slow, but, damn, some big damage numbers rolling up the screen, and not a lot of damage in return. Granted, we were clearing some old mishes, but even the new stuff worked out pretty nicely.
Makes me want to continue working with them.
Meanwhile, the CC was filled with the Big MH Turn to Evil Smackdown. Which was occasionally entertaining to listen in on, but which pretty much monopolized the channel for a couple of hours at least, which was probably *not* a good thing.
Had fun anyway.

13 thoughts on “Blowing off the dust”

  1. I was only involved in that chunk of God-moding stupity for a few minutes.
    Only really because Kessa, someone that puck considers a friend, got attack and knocked out. This thankfully allowed us two to stay behind and move a great big chunk of her character plot along with some nice old fashioned RP’ing.
    The *worst* part of the stupid thing was being ordered by the Hunters to do everything over CC “so everybody in the alliance could be entertained”, and them getting upset when Kessa and I continued to talk “local” and in tells.
    If I had had the power, I would have booted the Hunters right then and there.

  2. Ahh…so that link is only good for say…you Margie and Doyce… 🙂

  3. Also…I found it very funny, that people were getting bits and pieces of themselves hacked off, and then they were magically all better shortly after it was all over.
    Also, a bit of blessing while that was going on was the all of the Voices over the comms were making Kessa crazy, thus allowing both of us to go off comms ’til the scene was over. I had no idea what had happened to it all until Rayne sent a message about Leroy Jones getting an arm hacked off (he got better…).
    Post a bit of what you posted over in the leadership forum here if you can/want to Dave.

  4. I thought Puck went off comms because I sent I asked privately if Kessa was going to be okay. Guess the timing was just a coincidence. (I may be getting paranoid; I seem to be taking everything personally thjese days.)
    I also called SV when it was over, as she and Avo have…history. She took this opportunity to end their friendship. Great. (I suspect there was more to that decision than meets the eye, but… Well.)

  5. Nope…all RP Avo. I was RP’ing hurt crazy Kessa out of the cave and on to the beach at the time…all the Voices ov the comm were making her crazier, so Puck shut them off.
    Also, Kessa asked Puck not to talk about it because it is all secret stuff…which hurts because it was all great stuff to talk about.
    Player SV has been squirrelly since coming back from vacation, and leaving a trail of distruction in their wake. Don’t take it to hard Avo, they have burned bigger birds then you in the past few weeks. Plus, you still have Aurore…and some of the best damn friends in the Alliance.

  6. I don’t think there’s anything SEKRIT here:
    Since we’ve had a lot of discussion over proper CC usage and OOC and IC clutter of the channel …
    I have very mixed feelings about the Big MysticHunter-Goes-Bad story that played out over CC last night.
    On the good side …
    No specific violation of the CC guidelines (such as they are). The chatter certainly wasn’t OOC or “profane.”
    The participants seemed to be having fun, and working effectively as a collaborative dramatic/RP troupe.
    It was a good payoff of stuff that’s been going on for a while with MH’s character.
    On the bad side …
    The CC was effectively monopolized for a couple of hours.
    I mean it — who was going to interrupt that, with seemingly every Alliance hero (or at least a good dozen-plus of them) burning up the airwaves. Especially if you didn’t want to join in the story. “Hey, Mal, how’s the weather?” “Oh, just fine. Crops might be hurt if it don’t rain soon.” Wasn’t going to happen.
    Now, as with the Burncycle contretemps, anyone who didn’t want to listen/watch had the prerogative of turning off CC. I noted several folks who did — though it’s a tough call to explain, IC, how you ignore something like that. “Oh, I see Superman’s gone crazy and is attacking people at the Daily Planet, including the rest of our JLA friends.” “Hell with that, I have an old mission I want to clear. Turn off the radio.”
    But beyond that, it did effectively block folks from asking for help, sending out greetings, or doing other IC chitchat on the CC for while it ran. Some folks might think that was “a feature, not a bug,” but I don’t. If you go back over those discussions we had over what was an effective, polite use of the CC, you don’t even have to go to the extreme of “no more than three posts on an IC thread then go off CC” to see that this violated the spirit, at least, of a lot of what was expressed there.
    And this is MysticHunter we’re talking about here (hey, guy) — one of the more sane and civil voices in the various discussions we’ve had over CC use. (Thank goodness he’s not a Phalanxer, or we’d have had a real conspiracy theory going.)
    One thing that might have helped — admittedly as well rendering it even more unmanageable — would have been a “global” request for assistance. “Anyone on this channel — heroes, we need your help!” There’s always been a sort of tacit feel that if something’s being spoken about on CC, it’s fair game for commentary or even participation. But this felt a lot more like “closed” roleplay (at least without such a generic invitation), which made its monopolization of the CC channel even more discomforting.
    I don’t know. Folks were having fun. It was good RP. But other folk were tuning out, and anyone not joining in was deprived of a major communication tool. I’m not sure what I’m driving at here — I’ve been a member of the “folks should use CC freely” club — but it felt a bit like “The Tragedy of the Commons,” and I just wonder if there was another way it could have been done.
    There’s been a fair amount of (good, positive) discussion ensuing. Some of the concerns you raised, BD, have been brought up.

  7. In other news…
    Last night was the first time I had ever seen an Arch-villian.
    Scary stuff.
    It took 3 TPK’s to take him out.
    My Favorite part was as the party started falling on the second attempt(in order as I remember it Bill, HT, Kinetica, Scorpia…memory fails) the last two standing were two of the side kicks (Puck and Chaos Girl). We held him and pounded on him by ourselves for a good 10 minutes…right until we both missed our holds and good night Gracy. But, it was a thing of beauty to watch while we were rolling.

  8. Prior to Coalition Chat we had Global Chat. I am thinking of going back to the GC channel for some of the chat that doesn’t belong on CC and would be missed by friends on Consortium super-group channel. I would have loved to have that up last night as counter-balance to the CC stuff. What do you think?
    I noticed that at the beginning of the RP the phalanxer super-group chat had some increase volume on it, but even that petered out at the RP went on.

  9. The biggest problem with Global Chat (and I’ve been thinking about that) is that the speakers’ tags are their @Global handles, not their current characters. So you’d always be “Kazima” (whether you were Amorpha or Toxic Sister), I’d always be “Three-Star Dave” (whether Velvet or Lynn or Psi-clone), etc. You’ll recall the confusion when we were doing the Alliance Leaders chat the other evening — and that us being *us*, not other characters.
    What we really need is either the capability to form ad hoc (and overlapping) teams, or ad hoc super-groups.

  10. The Phalanx Officers Channel is purely OOC, and I *think* all of us also have each other on the global list.
    But Dave is right…the global tags apply.

  11. I kind of which Global Chat had been around for a while longer than it was by its lonesome. As I recall, it came out, and within a month the Coalition Chat was online.
    With more of a gap, folks might have gotten used to talking IC with Global tags, or developed workarounds for it (initials prefixes or stuff like that). Global Chat has the flexibility we’re looking for, but that naming thing is a real OOCing obstacle.

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