Per Statesman (et al.), ED is scheduled to go onto Test next week sometime. It’s not thought to be likely that it will be ready to go Live in time for the CoV roll-out on 31 October, but …
Several people have noted that ED will “inevitably” cause a slowdown in leveling. That’s why we’re putting this up on test; internally, we didn’t notice a change. There’s a variety of reasons for this (less Endurance cost, slotting of different powers that reduced downtime, etc.), but I wanted to see the effect on the Training Room. I’m more than happy to increase XP should ED slow stuff down too much…
Okay. If, indeed, the intent is that levelling will continue at the same rate, I reserve more commentary until I see better how it works. Though the implementation in CoV isn’t nearly as informative as I’d hope for.
To me it sounds like standard whining. “I can’t s1x slot damage…Whaaaaa!”
Well I’m not sure they will get much of a test. Most serious player/tester are in COV beta and it is a real pain to switch back and forth between COH test and COV beta because the use the same updater.
Rrg. I’m sure that design decision made sense once up a time, but …
I noticed a second test server on last night peering over Doyce’s shoulder (Kethos looks great).
Hmmmm. Using CoH/CoV as character (visual) design for a Supers RPG …