Helping hands

Psi-clone and Amorpha wrapped up the Madeleine Curry story arc (which, hands-down, has some of the best contact dialog in the game) with a final assault on the Madame of Mystery, an AV.
Also known as “pound your fists against a brick wall.” As an AV, regenned damage at a furious rate, and was highly resistant to everything but psi — and despite PC having a temp psi power, he and Amorpha hammered at her for a good 20 minutes with the health bar barely nudging down below 100%, and that only for a few moments.
“If anyone can hear me, we can use some powerful help,” I /cced.
CC, in this case, stood for chirping crickets.
Fortunately, we got by with a little help from our friends. Specifically, we called in Avo and Puck Bunny, who were off on other characters, but who showed up in our contact list. Avo showed up, helped pound away for a while, then suggested some other folks. Jagoro got called in, and PB was on the way (having disconnection problems), and we’d gotten Synoptic coming in and a couple of other “New Alliance” sorts were in the wings …
… and we finally started overcoming her resistance/regen, esp. with a couple of high-level wolf whistle summons and steady pounding.
And we won.
It was interesting, and a nice demonstration of why burning of bridges is rarely a good idea. Even if I support what happened with the Alliance break-up (which I do, in principle), there are any number of individual players and their characters on the “other” side I’d be happy to go to the assistance of, and, clearly, vice-versa.
We are, after all, supposed to be heroes.
And that may well come in handy, as we start marching into the AV wars in the road up to level 50.

3 thoughts on “Helping hands”

  1. Fortunately, everybody with whom I’ve broached the subject insists that they have no problems with the idea of teaming with folks who are on a different CC channel. They key seems to be making sure you have enough people on your Global Friends list to enable you to find somebody to call for help on the channel you lack access to.
    That’s tough for me. I know a few people who are protective of their alts, and that’s made me reluctant to suggest to people that we become Global Friends. That and the fact that people started kicking me from their Global lists a few months back, and I still don’t know why.
    I guess I need to be more pro-active. So, if you’re in one of the Allied groups and you’d like to be Global Friends, send a request to @Avocet. (If your Global handle is something I wouldn’t recognize, please also send a Tell letting me know who you are, so I won’t automatically refuse. (My level 1 Kheldian was getting spammed with Global Friend requests from a complete stranger! Why would somebody do that?)
    If nothing else, I should learn something by noting the number of requests I receive, if any.

  2. I observe that some folks are extremely secretive or reserved with their @handle, for reasons that are not always clear (to avoid unwanted chitchat, or to maintain the “wall” between alts, whatever). Other folks seem to see it as something like a business card, and I’ve gotten gfriend invites from folks I just spent 10 minutes teaming with in a PUG (often folks I would just as soon never team with again).

  3. Magic Number

    Hit 47 with Psi-clone and Amorpha last last week. A magic number, to be sure. Margie’s now busy researching the Praetorian arc and AVs to make sure that we know which missions we’ll need to either dial back or get…

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