Diverse hands

Tried to continue the Snap missions last night with Christmas Present and Mr. Ravenous, but, even dialed down to Villainous, still had major problems. The spectrals were smash resistant, and their and the arrow-slinger debuffs were slowing our attacks even further.
Got a request from Doyce for a Virtue hero to assist in similar efforts. Ended up with, instead, him and Ana and Jackie and BD and Sword joining us. Much, much fun — a good group to run with, both playwise and banter-wise.
Mr. R dinged to 14, so … travel power! Huzzah!
Reorganized after that arc was finished to a similar team (only with, for us, Fazenda and Araware) to do the Ganymede missions again. Which made (with Pizzaz) two Emp/Nrg Defenders, which was kind of fun (as took turns being the first by a half-second to do targeted or area heals).
Again, good banter, fun times.
Nice evening. It’s actually been kind of fun doing stuff with a variety of different characters (both ours and others). We’ll be finally getting back to Psi-clone/Amorpha this weekend, but it’s been kind of nice taking a break.
For the record (and for anyone who is confused, which sounds to be many from chatter):

  1. Any toon that signs on in the Valentines time frame will get the Heart of Xness badge and the toga costume part.
  2. There are various exclusive badges available in the various PocketD missions during this period — the Hero/Villain missions, for example, are exclusively in this period. Not sure if that’s true for the DJ Zero mission.
  3. If you give someone your CoV trial code and they then upgrade to a real account in the timeframe, then you (and they) will also get the laurel wreath and sandals costume pieces.

2 thoughts on “Diverse hands”

  1. Apparently there are also badges that you can get by farming villains in the Valentine missions.
    Spider Smasher: Arachnos
    Weed Whacker: Circle of Thorns
    If anybody would like to go for these badges, let me know. I’d like to get them for Avo.

  2. Mr. R. got Spider Smasher over the course of the evening. Didn’t take very much “farming” — just the Arachnos he encountered in the normal course of the two sets of missions.
    Didn’t notice getting Weed Whacker, but things were a bit hectic in the CoT mishes.

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