Graphic results

So Margie was having ongoing problems with the graphics on her machine, even after the card was replaced. Strange texture flashing and invisible buildings and other oddities.
Many mutters about CoX graphic tweaks and searching and cursing ensues for some weeks.
Finally, I suggest, “Hey, I just saw another mention of that ‘-useTexEnvCombine’ tweak — let me install it on your machine.”
Margie, desperate, agreed.
So while she was upstairs kissing Kitten good night, I opened up the shortcut …
… and saw it was already there.
And … um … realized I had put it in after her card went south and we were trying to run it on the native onboard graphics. And I realized …
… that was probably causing the problem now.
I never even thought of claiming I’d “fixed” it when I took the switch out.
I was just glad to see Margie’s graphics back to normal. 🙂

4 thoughts on “Graphic results”

  1. Speaking of CoH weirdness, have you noticed your characters being presented in varying order on the log-in screen? Mine always used to be “oldest at the top,” but now I have to hunt for the character I want.

  2. It did that for me once last night….but only the once.

  3. Hrm. Haven’t seen that happen.
    I have noticed an odd drug interaction between the slot number of the character I’ve played on one server and which character shows up by default when I go to a different server. Which sometimes brings up unexpected (but fun to be reminded of) characters.

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