Planner software

I’ve been a long-time user of Joe Chott’s CoH Planner for forever-and-a-day (or at least as long as I’ve played CoH). BD pointed out that the program hadn’t been updated in a while (since I5 or so — maybe a bit more recently, but definitely fallen behind), and recommended looking at Sherksilver’s Character Planner instead.
Downloaded it this morning. A couple of thoughts.

  1. Since it works, and is being updated, I’ll probably move to this. That’s made easier by the program’s import function, which will bring in a CoH Planner character into the system (kinda-sorta … a couple of glitches there).
  2. The user interface is similar (since the functionality is similar), though a lot busier and less well organized that Joe Chott’s program. One thing that both helps and hinders: slot levels for the enhancements are shown on the same screen, which is both a tremendous convenience and a lot more visual clutter. You do have control over nearly all the fonts and font sizes and font colors — and you need it, too.
  3. Sherksilver’s program has a lot of added features, tables, calculators, trackers, etc. It’s a much more complete resource. If all you’re doing is tracking slotting for your toons (99% of what I’m looking for), that’s not a huge benefit, but it’s interesting to view (e.g., look at movement speeds with different powers and enhancements on).

So I’ll probably start converting my active toons over to the new program. Thanks for the reference, BD!

4 thoughts on “Planner software”

  1. Anytime. 🙂
    I loved the interface and all of the calculaters and tables. I learnd that Zot moves at 90+ miles per hour…so no wonder she ends up on the other side of wall every so often. ;P
    Though, the best feature of the new planner was that you could tell it what level to calculate from so all the correct slots would used. That was very helpful.

  2. Yes, definitely.
    Now, what I’d like is something that would say, “Assume all enh are (even slot) TO to 22, DO to 30, SO thereafter” or something. Micromanaging the enh’s is a pain (in any of these systems).

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