Burning adventure

Most of our activity over the weekend was with Hildy/Torchy, Nothing earth-shattering — mid-30s slogging through Crey and Rikti and DE for the most part. Many encounters with Paragon protectors of different flavors and colors (note to selves: a +3 PP needs to be approached — or perhaps avoided — with special care or a pocket full of greens or various rez chits).

Spent a couple of partial evenings teamed up with T’Lauro, too, which added a bit of variety to the proceedings — healing and spot blasting/tanking more than made up for the inclusion of various Quantums on adventures, and the player always being a pleasure to have along.

I don’t know if it’s coincidence or something that just “happens” around this time, but an inordinate number of missions we had over the weekend were timed. No particular problems fulfilling them, but it was a bit annoying to have to go to a particular adventure on a given schedule, or to have to leave a contact uncontacted because the next mish is a timed and one alread has a timer ticking.

By the end of the weekend, we’d both dinged 37. Trying to decide with Torchy whether to go with Fire or Electricity as her Epic Power Pool — either work for her story. Also toying whether to bump some power in order to take Recall Friend, since she now has Invis — which doesn’t explicitly work with her backstory, but which could be made to do so.

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