Character Quiz

A character quiz, via BD:

  1. Pick one of my characters, any one.
  2. I will tell you the origin of his/her/it’s name.
  3. I will tell you five random facts surrounding his/her/its creation.
  4. I will give you one random fact of his/her/its backstory.
  5. I will give you one random fact of his/her/its forestory.
  6. You may ask me up to ten questions about the character (but if a question is too spoiler-y I’ll respond with gibberish or a dirty limerick or something)
  7. If you place this in your journal/blog, I will return the favor.

An interesting idea. Any takers?

5 thoughts on “Character Quiz”

  1. Fazenda and why she seems to be against type for you.

    2. I will tell you the origin of his/her/it’s name.
    This was a word used in a long-ago game of Balderdash. My suggested definition (at least, I think it was me) was a word used by 19th Century stage magicians (akin to abra-kadabra). The real definition is essentially the Brazilian (Portuguese) version of hacienda.
    When I created a magician character, it seemed a natural.
    3. I will tell you five random facts surrounding his/her/its creation.
    – I wanted to run a Defender AT.
    – Since I was familiar with, and comfortable with, Empathy from PC, it seemed a natural.
    – Bright sparklies were also a natural for a magician, hence the Energy seconday.
    – Duoed with Araware (a Spines scrapper). Actually, a pretty effective pairing.
    – I was under the heavy influence of John Constantine and other Vertigo-style magicians in her personality, and under the influence of Zatanna in her appearance. (The latter was helped when I snuck in and got fishnet stockings and a top hat before they were widely available).
    4. I will give you one random fact of his/her/its backstory.
    Despite being, apparently, a magician, she actually combines “normal” sleight-of-hand with a high-tech (alien tech, actually) energy harness (think New Gods sort of thing).
    5. I will give you one random fact of his/her/its forestory.
    Sooner or later, someone’s going to come looking for that particular piece of tech …
    6. You may ask me up to ten questions about the character (but if a question is too spoiler-y I’ll respond with gibberish or a dirty limerick or something)
    Hmmm. Against type? Well, she’s kind of a cynical and not-always-pleasant sort , which I guess is something I don’t play very often (not being that sort of person myself). As I said, I blame the current trend of magic-users in the comics industry.
    Or against type in terms of being a Storm Knight? We wanted to branch out to another group, and, Faz/Ara seemed a great pairing for the SK origins. They were also an active group, which was handy.
    Hmmmm … do they still do Knight Nights? I’d crack that pair out some time in order to do that. Heck, we might just have to play them regardless.

  2. And, just for fun, we hopped on with Faz/Ara tonight and had a good time (along with Horehound for company for most of it).

  3. And this has finally inspired me to move a couple of folks’ origin data over to AoC Lite site. Yay.

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