Lowbies on Parade

Had a fair amount of solo time on this weekend, so played with some of my low-level solo characters (I did make one attempt to bring on Lynn, but nobody was around and I just wasn’t feeling in the mood for her solo).

Actually, most of these I don’t really care to run solo — I like getting onto PUGs (for better and for worse) with them. Indeed, of them, only LZ is really solo-friendly.

Honor the Flag – Managed, by hook or by crook, to solo a pip-and-a-half to get her to level in Skyway, including a brief stint assisting some folks in pounding on Babbage. She still runs into Endurance problems, and will until, of course, 20. Sigh. Got invited to and accepted membership on an SG — “The Good Guys,” I think it is. Did some SKing into the New Faultline (I think the real estate interests really need to encourage them to rename that neighborhood — maybe back
to its original pre-invasion name), and earned an SG promotion due to presige gathered. Had fun playing a tank.

Lady Zebra – Trying so hard to get her to 14 and travel powers (SS planned). Ended up invited onto a Frostfire team, which was a hoot — lots of fun, two near-TPKs, and, at one point, the original mission owner, who discoed, came back on with another team and into the same mission instance. Yikes. As usual, the final battle was anticlimactic. Other fun running around Steel, and burned a costume token at Icon to give her actual hooves (which, alas, I can’t stripe).
Most fun solo character, at the moment. Also invited onto a team, “The Freedom Phalanx: Black Ops Division” (I noted to the SG leader it was odd that a black ops group would be advertising via Broadcast). Built customized tell files for her, too.

Fr. Frank – And sometimes an Empathy Defender is a “Healer.” Played in a couple of Hollows PUGs which did not turn out well, though I was able to use my jet pack to bypass Grendal Gulch. In one case, the team leader was a lunatic blaster who liked to charge first into melee range to let fly (hint: don’t torque off the healer in the group too often); in the other, we ended up forging across the Hollows only to have our team leader — and damage-dealer — drop off
for “SG needs,” leaving us pretty much without anything to do. Still having fun, though Built customized tell files for him.

Molly Magpie – Still at only 6. Joined up with a higher level Controller quartet in the Hollows and learned (a) imps are nasty, (b) kill me twice, shame on me, (c) Personal Force Field is very helpful sometimes. I do like her power set (Grav/FF controller), and she’s fun to play and watch.

5 thoughts on “Lowbies on Parade”

  1. Customized bind files including stray combat comments. E.g., I set up a bind file “c:\zebra.txt” that includes tells and emotes for the standard F-keys, and include as its last line:

    t “local Hey, $target, here’s how I get my kicks.$$bind_load_file c:\zebra1.txt”

    Then I set up a “c:\zebra1.txt” that says:

    t “local Here’s where $target learns about pain, straight from my mouth.$$bind_load_file c:\zebra2.txt”

    Etc., until the last one looks back to zebra1.txt. Voila, I hit “t” in the middle of combat, and Lady Zebra says something witty about $target. I have these on most of my regular characters.

  2. Zebra’s a piker with 9 bind files like this. Ho-Ho has 15, Lynn has 25, and Mr. Ravenous has 29.

  3. “Molly Magpie”? She look anything like the Thieving Magpie?
    Hey, may I digress a bit? I thought of a new SG you guys could create characters for: The Lightningdogs! The leader could be Wolfo, accompanied by Coyotor and Jackalo and Foxa. Whatcha think?

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