No Marvel, but Champs?

I’d heard rumors (and saw that it was being discussed at the CoX boards), but it took Les to point me to something that confirmed that the long-planned Marvel MMORPG has been canceled — though it’s not clear whether it was because of development troubles or if Microsoft decided that MMORPGs were not a likely profitable venture. He also points to word that Cryptic is instead (swapping out the costumes?) doing a Champions MMORPG

I never played Champions, but I do think there’s room for another superheroes MMO (heck, if there can be umpteen zillion fantasy MMOs …). I hope it’s successful, and not just an attempt to recoup losses (and code) from the Marvel cancellation.

8 thoughts on “No Marvel, but Champs?”

  1. What’s with this “squee” thing you guys are so fond of?

  2. So far the screenshot, not unsurprisingly, look a WHOLE lot like CoH. Something I did notice, though, was more detailed fingers on the models.
    The possibility of adding even more customization is a definite plus for me. I hope they take a little more from the Hero system and allw things like battlesuits and foci. I’m watching this carefully! I’ll take part in the beta or at least a trial period.

  3. I see that you get to create an archenemy for yourself. That sounds like a very nice touch.

  4. Which is something that Statesman wanted to do for a long time. Glad he’s pulling that idea forward to this.
    The other thing I noticed of the images was a slightly more “cartoony” / comic book look — a bit heavier edges on objects, most particularly. It does look good.

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