CoX – Wings at last

So I’ve been off CoX for a few weeks for this and that in private life. I hopped back on, ran around through various alts cashing in on all the long-shot bids and sells at the auction house that, in the long-run eventually come in (yes, I’ve become an auction house player, sigh; more on that some time).

And I thought to myself, “Y’know, now that I know how this all works better, I should sign on as Torchielle and see how tough it would be to finally get dragon wings for Torchielle.”

Brief digression: Torchielle was the daughter of a female super-hero and a male dragon, both “heroes” of Chicago. As she matured, she had both flame powers from her dad and energy melee stuff from her mom — and, eventually, the power of flight — first from Uncle Frim’s cloak (“No, it’s not cloak that Uncle Frim gave me — it’s a cloak made from Uncle Frim. Those are dragon scales, see?”), and eventually from wings …

Yes, when wings came in back in Issue Whatever, she grabbed the Demon Wings as something vaguely draconic. Fun ensued.

And then the other wingsets came in with Issue Whozits, and I was seriously torqued off because, well, there were draconic wings — like the demon ones, but larger and scalier — but they were only available if you found an ultra-rare recipe or else if you spent eleventy-zillion influence at Wentworths. Grumbling ensued.

So … flash-forward to tonight. “Hmmm. I have like 5 mil in Influence. Let’s see what I can do about the dragon wings.” I headed over to Steel and went into Wentworths and looked up the recipe and …

… huh? 

… wha–? 

Wing recipes are the Tulipmania bubble of today. Whereas once they were all selling in the millions, now draconic wing recipes were selling for 20K or so. Part of that was increasing the supply. Part was the marketplace just eventually getting saturated. Only so many heroes want wings.

So for about 100K in recipes, supplies, and effort, I ended up with the recipe.

And now Torchielle has her wings. Huzzah!

2 thoughts on “CoX – Wings at last”

  1. Gratz on the wings! It was very interesting watching the value on wings drop so precipitously.
    Part of the reason the prices dropped was indeed folks getting them and not needing more, but the Devs also increased the drop rate to make them more accessible. But it is nice to know that anyone can get the wings they want for very few resources.
    It’s these little touches that keep me coming back to the City!
    In related news: My Fire/Kin Corr hit 37 last night: only 13 more levels to 50! Thank you XP smoothing!

  2. Woot!
    Yeah, I’m actually glad. I never agreed with wings (which should be character concept) being something that had to be “bought” — so the fact that it’s relatively easy to buy them now makes that better.

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