CoX – Roots

Current rules on what sort of powers will root (keep you from doing other things during activation) and which ones won’t:

Toggle Powers:

  • Any toggle that damages, debuffs, or applies a status effect to an enemy is considered an attack and will root the player while activating. (Toggles that only Taunt will not root)
  • Any toggle that affects yourself and/or allies will not root you while activating.
  • Any toggle that only affects yourself will not cause you to be rooted while activating.

Toggle powers that root should all only root for 45 frames (1.5 seconds), after which the animation should be interruptible by movement or other power animations.

Click Powers:

  • Any click power that damages, debuffs, applies a status effect, or taunts an enemy is considered an attack and will root the player while activating.
  • Any click power that is a PBAOE ally buff, single target ally buff, or single target ally heal will root the player while activating.
  • Any click power that is an PBAOE ally heal will not root.
  • Any click power that is a self only buff or self only heal will not root.
  • Any click power that is a ‘placed’ effect (pet summon, Teleport, Rain of Fire, etc) will root while activating.
  • Any click power that is a ‘tier 9’ power (Unstoppable, Moment of Glory, Elude, etc) will root the player while activating. These powers should only root for 45 frames before being interruptible.

There can be exceptions to any of the above rules as deemed necessary.

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