CoX – Unappreciated

Was on a large PUG the other evening and we got a police band mission — “Stop Archon Roget and his bodyguards.”

Quoth my character, “Archon Roget — he’s the wordy one, isn’t he?”

Beat. Beat. I’m waiting for the LOLs.

“I dunno – we’ll have to see,” someone finally said.

Man, a line like that would get dice thrown at me at a tabletop game. I know — it has.

10 thoughts on “CoX – Unappreciated”

  1. Actually, it never occurred to me that someone in these newfangled times would never have heard of Roget (as opposed to “”).

  2. Yeah, maybe you could have said: “Hey! There’s this word-book thing called a ‘thesaurus,’ and the most famous version of it was compiled by a guy with the last name Roget, so that’d make this guy really wordy, huh?”
    I would have loved the joke, Dave, but I might have been forced to silence you in the global, at least temporarily, to keep to infection from spreading . . .
    (Actually, puns are one of my secret indulgences.)

  3. I fear I am a disruptive breaking-the-dramatic-moment kind of guy at tabletop games in that way. Even the ones I’m running. 🙂
    Maybe better would have been. “Archon Roget? That reminds me of something, but I can’t think of the exact word …”

  4. “Hey, do you think he’ll autograph my copy?”
    “Is his full title ‘Archon Roget, the Saurus’?”
    “There’s a word for guys like him…”

  5. Maybe this works better over voice than via text. My major in college was comparative literature and I didn’t get the joke immediately, either.

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