CoX – Ping

Well, I was away for three weeks on business and holiday. And then playing catch-up on stuff at home. And then …

Well, I didn’t fire up CoH until this weekend. Margie’s been doing some solo stuff while I was otherwise engaged, but she was happy to have me hop on and join up with me. Wait, that wasn’t quite the way I wanted to phrase that …

Anyway, we pulled up Kitsune-chan and Ex-Terra. I was surprised we’d gotten them up to 32, which I sort of see as a magic level for characters (perhaps because Velvet, my first successful character, plateaued at). We’re deep into Croatoa stuff right now, which means lots of nice magic salvage, and now that Kitsune has Fred the Phantasm, she has a nice array of pets, Illusion powers, and Rad debuffs to play with. Usually we start off with her turning the biggest bad guy. Then Ex-Terra hops in, and I either drop Scary Sam (Spectral Terror) or drop my Rad debuffs on the Turned guy, or both. I’m usually in close enough at that point for Fred to get involved, and for my own choking Rad cloud to be playing a role, and between spamming Blinds and keeping the heavies turned, and (as a last resort) calling in the Boy (Phantom Army), we rarely run into too much of a problem — unless one or the other of us takes a wave of damage too quickly.

Fun. Probably boring to read about, but fun. This pair could easily be our next 50.

Hit 42 months Vet Reward, by the bye, so we both now have a Team Teleport power, which just makes life a little bit easier.

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