CoX – Poking at bad guys

More Kitsune/Ex-Terra action over the weekend, up around 34, which means Bricks into Founders, zone-wise. We’re picking and choosing our story arcs and generally having a good time. 

As a pair, we’re sort of like a Regen Scrapper … everything golden until it goes into the toilet fast. Ninety-nine percent of the mobs we engage we simply carve through like butter (we’re running on Unyielding at the moment). But there was some death involved over the weekend. Aside from the one case of “gosh, I guess ambushes will come after me if I stand in the train station while on bio break just after I’ve taken a hunt mish,” the rest were all about drawing too much aggro, too quickly. For all my smacky-smack controlling with Illusion, it’s also easy to draw a lot of unwanted attention with the Rad secondary. And a lot of my powers have a long cast time, so it’s easy to watch the health bar drop-drop-drop-gone while waiting to get power X fired so that I can throw a heal.

Biggest regular problem was in the Bricks (Talos) Safeguard mish on the side mission to stop the jail break. Eleventy zillion Tsoo bosses. We both took some temporary dirt naps with those.

Still, fun times.

Margie’s been doing soloing with Old Star, who’s a Fire/Rad Controller, and evidently quite soloable. I rolled a clone of Al McGordo as the same (instead of a Rad/Rad Defender), but didn’t get any play time.

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