CoX – Don’t quit your Day Job!

Actually, quitting will start your day job. Current news on the Day Job feature coming in I13.

Day Jobs, a new feature for City of Heroes, rewards players even when they aren’t playing the game. It’s called offline character progression and while other games have done this before, City of Heroes takes it to a whole new level. Simply put, Day Jobs reward players with additional powers and benefits when they log back in. This also gives characters greater depth by allowing them to flesh out their identities and back-stories. Our goal was to create a robust system that benefits players now as much as possible while also allowing the system to grow with future content updates.

While I’ve seen other games provide slowed XP advancement (or credit toward same) while offline, this is the first game I’m aware of that adds additional powers and goodies through it, let alone based on location. 

The Day Job system allows players to log out from a specific location (like a hospital or vault) and when they return to play, after an extended log out period, they will gain a temporary power or some other benefit. All of the benefits granted from Day Jobs, other than badges and accolades (see below) are temporary or have a certain number of uses before they expire. However, each time a character logs out from the same area, the corresponding benefits are replenished. Most rewards take 10 days of logged out time to reach the maximum benefit.

Most of my characters tend to be logged out for 10 days at a time, at least, except for a few in current rotation. 

When characters are logged out from a designated location (consecutively or non-consecutively) for a total of 30 days they will earn a badge associated with the corresponding Day Job. This will result in additional benefits. Once a badge is earned, the rate at which characters accumulate benefits, and even the potency of them increase!

Again, 30 days doesn’t seem to be a problem for me. Though it does make me think I need to get my less active toons on and move them to a location I want.

Below is a list of most, but not all, of the Day Jobs available in Issue 13: Power and Responsibility:

Hero Day Jobs 

 Day Job Name 

 Log Out Location 


 City Official

 City Hall (Atlas Park)

 Influence Bonus upon mission complete.

 Law Enforcer

 Police Stations

 Experience Bonus upon mission complete


 Train Stations

 Travel speed bonus.

 Shop Keeper

 Store Lobbies

 Enhancement drop on mission complete.


 Portal Corp Lobbies

 Large Inspiration upon mission complete.


 Hospital Lobbies

 Out of combat regeneration bonus.


 Inside Universities

 Random tech salvage drop upon mission complete.


 Inside the Midnighter’s Club

 Random arcane salvage drop upon mission complete.


 Inside a Vault

 Influence Bonus upon mission complete.


 Pocket D

 Out of combat recovery bonus.

 Fashion Designer

 Tailor Lobbies

 Coupons that will grant a discount at the tailor.



 XP Debt Protection



Villain Day Jobs 

 Day Job Name 

 Log Out Location 



 Arachnos Building (Marconeville, Port Oakes)

 Influence Bonus upon mission complete.

 Arachnos Agent

 Arachnos Bases and Arachnos Controlled areas.

 Experience Bonus upon mission complete


 Near Black Helicopters

 Travel speed bonus.


 Ferry Docks

 Enhancement drop on mission complete.

 Crey Employee

 Crey Industries Building in Nerva Archipelago

 Large Inspiration upon mission complete.

 Pain Specialist

 Hospital Lobbies

 Out of combat regeneration bonus.


 Inside Universities

 Random tech salvage drop upon mission complete.


 Inside the Midnighter’s Club

 Random arcane salvage drop upon mission complete.


 Inside a Vault

 Influence Bonus upon mission complete.


 Pocket D

 Out of combat recovery bonus.

 Fashion Designer

 Tailor Lobbies

 Coupons that will grant a discount at the tailor.



 XP Debt Protection


Those all look fun. I note it doesn’t say what you get for hanging out at Wentworths …

An Accolade is obtained by earning two Day Job badges that work in conjunction with one another. In other words, earning multiple badges unlock Accolades. These Accolades will grant an even more enhanced set of powers and benefits. Additional ‘charges’ can also be earned for your Day Job Accolade powers by logging off from either of the areas associated with the two badges that unlocked the Accolade.

Okay, this is starting to sound like work (pun not intended).

Below is a list of some, but not all, of the Day Job Accolades available in Issue 13: Power and Responsibility:


Hero Day Job Accolades 

 Day Job Accolade 

 Day Job #1 

 Day Job #2 


 Police Chief

 Law Enforcer

 City Official

 Baton Power: Melee Minor DMG (Smashing) For Stun.

 Security Chief

 Law Enforcer


 Tear Gas: Ranged AoE Hold.




 Sleep Gas: Ranged AoE Sleep.




 Ally Resurrect




 Ally Heal



Villain Day Job Accolades 

 Day Job Accolade 

 Day Job #1 

 Day Job #2 


 Web Weaver

 Arachnos Agent


 Web Grenade: Ranged Foe Immobilize, \-Rech, \-Fly, \-Speed

 Black Ops

 Arachnos Agent


 Smoke Grenade: Ranged AOE Foe \-Perception, \-To Hit

 Crey Scientist

 Pain Specialist

 Crey Employee

 Sleep Gas: Ranged AoE Sleep.



 Pain Specialist

 Ally Resurrect


 Pain Specialist


 Ally Heal


Note: These are only some of the available Accolades. When players obtain Day Job badges, they unlock information about which Day Jobs to collect next in order to earn the associated Accolade(s).

Okay, nothing terribly special there. Well, maybe an Ally Rez would be handy.

In addition to all of the Day Jobs, every character is “On Patrol” after they log out of the game. When players log back into Paragon City or the Rogue Isles they will gain 1 bar of double experience (when defeating enemies) for every 24 hours they are logged out. A player can earn up to 10 bars of double experience this way. Double experience is shown as a blue portion of your experience bar. One thing to note is that if a player has any experience debt, the debt will be removed first before any double experience is applied.

If your character has a number of bars of double experience that exceeds the number of experience bars you need to level up, then this double experience will carry over to the next security/threat level.

It wasn’t originally clear when first announced that this would be automatic for everyone. This is how a number of other MMOs do it, and it’s a nice feature.


When exploring both Paragon City and the Rogue Isles you will encounter several Day Job locations. You’ll know you’re in one when you see a power icon under your health bar that explains what Day Job you will work towards by logging off in that location.

Try visiting a hospital, where you will earn the Caregiver (Pain Specialist if you’re a villain) Day Job. You’ll notice a power icon that when moused over will state “Day Job: Caregiver.” Logging out from this location will earn you credit toward the Caregiver Day Job badge. When you log back in you’ll gain an out of combat regeneration bonus. Once you’ve logged out in the Hospital for a total of 30 days (consecutively or non-consecutively) or more you’ll earn the Caregiver badge and will receive an even more powerful regeneration bonus when you log out at this location from here on out.

Once you have earned the Caregiver badge you will find a hint for how to earn the Physician accolade by first earning the Professor badge. To earn the Professor Day Job badge, you will need to log out from the University for 30 (consecutive or non-consecutive) days. After an extended log out period, the Professor Day Job will grant you a random piece of tech salvage upon mission completion. This bonus will take 10 days of log out time to earn 2 hours worth of this bonus. However, once you earn the Professor badge you only need to be logged out 8 days to earn the 2 hour benefit instead of 10. 

Once you own both the Professor and Caregiver badges you will unlock the Physician Accolade. With this Accolade you will be able to earn ‘charges’ for a power that revives defeated allies by logging out from (and back in to) either a University or a Hospital. You will gain the Day Job benefits for both this Accolade and the Day Job benefit associated with the area. Nice benefits! 

The badges and even bonus powers aren’t all that special (not enough to always run back to the hospital to sign off, though that would be a fun IC/RP touch). But it’s still a fun new feature.

All in all, we’re really excited about this new feature for our game. By balancing your time in and out of the game, you’ll get unique rewards that you wouldn’t otherwise attain. When you are ready to log back in and kick some villain or hero butt… we’ll be there waiting for you, and you’ll still be powerful enough to do just that. And with the addition of our Day Job themed costume pieces you can even dress appropriately!


At one point, it sounded like the costume pieces only became unlocked once you had gotten the badges. Honestly, those might be of more interest than some of the powers, since you can never have enough non-spandex costume bits.

3 thoughts on “CoX – Don’t quit your Day Job!”

  1. “they will gain 1 bar of double experience (when defeating enemies) for every 24 hours they are logged out”
    I’m already earning XP too quickly since the “XP smoothing”. This is getting annoying.

  2. I don’t stop playing my 50s (I PvP lol) so a quick trip to 50 is fine by me. 😉
    I think this is the only MMO in existence where people actually complain about fast progression. Story is the reason why. But when you have as many alts as I do, you’ve seen the story. Boy howdy have you seen the story! Like, umpteen times. Especially redside. So I don’t feel like I’m missing anything with all the extra XP. Plus, Ouroboros. And Exemping.

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