In our 40s

We managed to ding both Kitsune-chan / Ex-terra and Rita & Runt up to 40 over the weekend, despite the presence of ‘rents in the household.

It had been a while since we’d pulled R&R up to play, and … well, I’ve forgotten a bit about playing a regen scrapper (“You’re golden until you’re suddenly dead”). Once I hit my stride, though it was fun. I think I’m more of a stand-off-and-pound-em-from-afar kind of player, but there’s nothing wrong with a bit of up-close clawing action to take the edge off now and again.

7 thoughts on “In our 40s”

  1. Yeah, I’ve recently started putting F10 “Grats!” binds on my solo characters. Makes me feel all courteous and encouraging.

  2. Those characters are made of awesome. I can’t stand playing Regen (I’m a SR junkie) but it’s a fine set in the hands of one such as yourself. Gratz!

  3. I’ve done SR, but never gotten very far with it (though Scrappers are not my AT of choice). But of the scrappers I’ve done, I’ve had the most fun with Regen. (My highest-ranked is an Invuln, but it’s been a while since I played her. Hmmm.)

  4. My highest level melee (and indeed my first toon) is a DM/SR scrapper and he’s only 24. I must admit I never really *got* melee’s, but that may be because I had a low spec PC, and I always found melee’s suffered more from lag than other AT’s.
    Having said that I’ve just started a Consipated bananas-of-doom wielding porcipine (Spines/Regen) and she’s quite a hoot.

  5. Spines is a great power set that I find just really annoying visually and conceptually.
    I’ve done a few scrappers — none higher than this (my next highest is a DM/Invuln at 32, plus a MA/Regen at 32 as well). They’re good solo beasts, but I tend to not be mixing it up mano-a-mano.
    Of the secondaries, I like Regen best, probably, just for simplicity’s sake. Invuln is doable, Dark has alway seemed like too much work. I’ve not done WP long enough to get a good feel for it (that may be telling itself), I’ve not been impressed by SR, and I’m only mildly curious about Shields.

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