Bells and whistles

Cool, keen stuff out there

  1. Valkyrie costume pack: This came bundled with the Mac client (about which, woo-hoo!), but will be available to everyone else for a paltry sum, along with the …
  2. Mission teleporter: Also available with the Mac client, available for others soon for a small amount. One things that CoX has steadily done over the years is reduce the grind of travel from point to point. Travel powers, obviously. But, then, PocketD (as an intersection with three, later four zones). And teleporters from bases. And a vet reward teleport to bases. And a vet reward jump jet. And then early travel powers from the Kings Row and Steel Canyon Safeguard mishes. And then extra train stops in Skyway and Founder. And Ourobous portals. And team teleport, both as a power but also as a Safeguard Power and a Vet Award. And, now, the ability to simply teleport to your mission (once ever 2 hours). Nice, if too slow. Of course, that’s changed early gameplay a lot. Back in the Good Old Days, I can remember a lot of mad dashes across the Hollows, as well as Steel. Time-consuming and dangerous, but also a chance for some good hunting skills, and an opportunity to know the zone from the ground (not to mention the between-zone gates). My problem these days is that there are so many ways to get places fast, it’s way too easy to not choose the most optimal. 
  3. Vet Reward 57: 50% discount on all tailor sessions (though, to be honest, unless you’re a clothes horse you almost certainly have a ton of unused tailor tokens from past issues).
  4. Vet Reward 60: After 5 years of play, you get all the “big” travel powers — Flight, Superleap, Teleport, Superspeed — available at Level 6, without a prerequisite. That is, take Fly without having to take Hover, or Superspeed without Hasten. Again (see #2), travel is a huge QoL item.

None of these are game balance changers, IMO — they’re just nice-tos to add to the enjoyment of the game. And, of course, an encouragement to stick around.

(For the record, I should be hitting 48 months very shortly.)

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