Praetorians Gored (Part 2)

As Kitsune-chan and Ex-Terra have been plowing their way through the second Praetorian arc (finding Statesman), we’ve been doing it on Invulnerable so that we can get the Praetorians as AVs. Results?

Of these guys, Infernal was definitely the hardest — but only in the first Praetorian arc (the one in the temple with all his friends). In the second arc, in the water, he’s not nearly as bad (and since we’d done it once, and not realizing it was an easier setting, we did it the second time as an Elite Boss, and didn’t take a picture). That first time out was the only one of these battles where we died — but we’d taken the portal out, so the rematch worked much better.

Bottom line, we buff the hell up, I send in “the boys” (Phantom Army) to take the Alpha, Margie goes in and just starts spining the hell out of the AV while I throw all my Rad debuffs, and pepper with Blinds, Spectral Terror, and my new epic mind blast. I rarely get hit by anything after the initial attack, my holds and illusions often keep the AV distracted at least, and Margie lets the air out of their tires. So far, it’s worked out great.

Next up — Tyrant. There will be, of course, pictures.

4 thoughts on “Praetorians Gored (Part 2)”

  1. Yeah, that Temple map is the WORST! I can’t count how often I’ve gotten lost in it or fallen off the temple treying to fight the AV. *sigh*
    For some reason ShadowHunter has also been a toughie for me. I think it’s ‘cuz the doggies start sprinting at the first sign of a debuff. Especially the Rad debuffs, if you don’t detoggle quickly you end up with the whole map mad at you.
    Maliase can be tough, but that’s mostly another annoying map issue.
    Gratz on all the AVs!
    While Tyrant is tough, he’s not the toughest by a long shot, so you should be good if you stay out ofthe lava! (In many ways Valk is tougher than Tyrant, especially since she gets back up!)

  2. Fortunately, Spines are -Fly, which, combined with their Slow and my Rad Slow, means nobody flies (or even runs) away … except Diabolique, who did all sorts of Kin speed drains and went flitting about like a hummingbird on crack.

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