I14, huzzah!

Well, I haven’t been huzzahing, but only because of serious distractions elsewhere in my life (holidays, blog melt-downs, etc.). 

Margie and I did finally hop on last night, and tried out one of arcs she built (which I’ll advertise here when it’s ready for prime time). I have to say that the whole Mission Architect thing is damned cool, and I see a lot of folks potentially doing most of their heroic careers playing in it (which is why the meta-reality around it seem wrong, somehow, though I don’t have any simple answers to that).

So, yes, I’m sure I’ll be designing something myself, Real Soon Now. Next time I have an afternoon free at home, perhaps.

6 thoughts on “I14, huzzah!”

  1. Yeah, that’s kind of my sense of it, which is why I haven’t hurled myself full throttle into it. I don’t have a lot of time to sink into it. 😛

  2. Hey! My Rad/Rad Def on Freedom dinged 38 last night (Atomic Artillery), I’m going to try and get an Eden trial run going at some point (I’ve never done it . .woot, seeing ‘new to me’ content!) preferably tonight at @10:30 Pm Central time.
    RUmor has it that it on;y takes 1-2 hours, and with at least one Rad on the team the AV Walls should be cake. I’d love to have you along if you can make it!

  3. Isn’t Eden 39-41? At any rate, I’m afraid we don’t have any chart up that high (closest is the 29-33), but have fun!
    It is, in fact, a pretty fast trial, and can be a lot of fun. I think I ran it a few times in all, a couple of years back.

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