“You may be eaten by a Quantum Grue.”

Ah, the golden age of computer games, when Dungeon and Zork and the like made you wander through “twisting, turning passages, all looking alike.” How I fondly remember and miss those days.

Which made yesterdays City of Heroes: The Golden Age a nice April 1st hoot. Make sure your computer has the horsepower for it! (Now, where did I leave that 1200 baud Hayes-compatible modem?)

Positron gives us the full text.

Welcome to City of Heroes(R), Horatio.
You last played on 4/1/87.

You find yourself standing in Atlas Plaza, the statue of Atlas towers above you. There is a
plaque at the base of the statue, and Miss Liberty stands on a platform to the north of the
To the south is Paragon City Hall. To the North is Atlas Drive. To the East is Emmert
Street. To the West is Dakan Ave.
Also here are Capt. Liberty, Ms. B. Haven, and The Luckster.

>Go North

You are on Atlas Drive. A small park sits to the North. To the East is Emmert Street. To
the West is Dakan Ave. To the South is Atlas Plaza.
There are two Police Officers here.
Also here is Mr. Awesome Guy.
Mr. Awesome Guy yells “Someone changed my name!”
Mr. Awesome Guy smiles at you.
Mr. Awesome Guy whispers to you, “Want to team up against some Thugs?”

>Whisper no

You whisper to Mr. Awesome Guy, “no”

>Go North

You find yourself in a park with a small lake in the middle of it. The park looks a tad run
down and unkempt. To the South is Atlas Drive. To the North is a lake.
There is a Thug here.

>Ataack Thug

I don’t know what you are trying to do.
The Thug shoots you with his pistol. (Rolls a 93)
The Thug hits you!
You lose 5 Hit Points.
You have 45 of 50 Hit Points remaining.

And it goes on from there.

Y’know — come to think of it, I don’t miss those days at all.

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