CO catch-up

  • On the differences between CO and other MMOs. The focus of the article is on fantasy MMOs, WoW in particular — which, yeah, is going to be very different. I’d like to see more discussion (without snark) on differentiators from CoX.
  • Another interview and discussion about powers and themes. The travel power outline (first, second, third gears; how teleport will work, acrobatics) is interesting, as is the reiteration about being able to keep an item / weapon / attack and still fold improvements and upgrades into it. I’m not sure about “themed crafting areas,” though …

5 thoughts on “CO catch-up”

  1. My jury is still out on the crafting. But it is well integrated into some of the plots, ie need to craft an item to protect from an enironmental hazard, etc.

    I haven’t tried T-port, Swinging or tunnelling yet, but acro, super jump, rocket boots and hover disk are all wicked fun!

  2. Having armor pieces drop seems like a step backwards from CoX, but Ninjas on hoverboards? That’s cool!

  3. I don’t mind “armor drops” any more than the marginally more abstracted Enhancement drops (“Look! He just dropped Boron. Oh, and a Masterwork Weapon and a Rikti Bandaid”). As long as I can incorporate the drop without changing my look, I’m cool with it.

  4. I’m fine with the drops, they don’t change your appearance. However, it’s VERY unclear as to exactly how much effect these have on your character.

    As soon as I get Buckette (Claws Martial Artist)[Female version of the UW’s Mascot Bucky Badger) gets out of the tutorial I can give you my thoughts on Tunnelling.

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