Meanwhile, in other super-hero MMO news …

More info on DC Universe Online, which looks to be heavily setting-driven, starting out with missions assigned by major DC heroes (or villains) in the super-power, tech, or magic areas.

(I wonder — given the ongoing tumult in the comics DCU, will the game evolve alongside it? Events / Cross-overs? Etc.?)

2 thoughts on “Meanwhile, in other super-hero MMO news …”

  1. Rumor was, once, that they’d try to keep the setting up with the canon . . .seems like a LOT of work . . .maybe new zones, etc. with new canon settings?

  2. I don’t see how that would work. The canon stuff I’d be concerned with would be, e.g., Batman is dead. Or Superman gets a new costume. Or Wonder Woman is replaced. Or STAR Labs is shut down by the Feds / Luthor / whatever. I mean, a Final Crisis or some other continuity-altering cross-over event (which DC has been having on a monthly basis for the last couple of years, mutter mutter mutter) can completely change the complexion of the DCU.

    To some degree, you can just shrug and bear it. E.g., the Justice League cartoons of a few years back were clearly in their own continuity and didn’t require adherence to other things going on. I just have the sense that the MMO will need to have at least some changes take place over time.

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