STO: To Boldly Go … where 1 million other subscribers have gone before

Well, the STO discs arrived today, so after Kitten was to bed we fired things up and had at it.

I’m Lt. Rho Nyn, Bajoran, commanding the USS Audacious. Margie is Lt. Terry Chestnut, human, commanding the USS Rembrandt. Together, we fight crime! Um … if Star Fleet asks us to.

We’ve gone through the intro tutorial adventures, wandered around the Earth Starbase, and now are ready for adventure. And, ah, Starfleet Credits.

I have my account set up to shoot Accolade notices out to Twitter (for here). I need to set up Margie’s for same.

The only problem we’re having at the moment is that Margie’s sound isn’t working. Which is weird because it works for everything else, including Champions Online. But for Star Trek Online purposes, her computer is deaf. Or mute. Irksome, in any case.

At any rate — expect some Star Trek adventures over the weekend. Make it so!

UPDATE: To fix the problem, go into (on the login screen), go to Options, Advanced, and then indicate “Ignore X64 Check” … and it works.  Of course! It’s obvious! “A child could do it!”

7 thoughts on “STO: To Boldly Go … where 1 million other subscribers have gone before”

  1. I’m Lt. Max Strength, Race Currently Unnamed, commanding the USS Urban Legend. I still haven’t got my head around what time zone you guys are in, but I’ll keep a look out for you during my adventures (the US and Europs servers are togther in this, right?).

    Anyway, let’s see what’s out there… : )

    By the way, the reaction you get from calling Phasers ‘lasers’ still makes me smile. Hehe. It’s the simple things.

  2. Lt. Randall Scott, currently rank 8 and commanding the Constitution class heavy cruiser USS Avocet, NCC-93939.

    I spent some points to unlock playable Fed Klingons and Ferengi, but so far my only alt is a liberated Borg, Three of Nine.

    I’m @AmAvocet, if anybody wants to look me up. And I’m in the Pacific time zone, which is currently GMT-8. I work evenings, so am usually on afternoons or late night.

  3. Is there only one server for the US? I’ve been throwing around getting this game, and it would be fun to play with people I know.

  4. Both STO and CO work on a “shardless” single-server model. Players are divided up into instances, but can seamlessly change between. So, yeah, if you sign up, any of your friends are instantly accessible.

    Aside from the whole “Dave & Margie are generally antisocial” thing which BD and Avo, et al. can tell you about. 🙂

    If you’re coming down for Game Day, we can give you a demo.

  5. My plan is to come over for game day. You’re holding my cookies hostage after all.
    I look forward to a demo. 🙂

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