CoX: I18 / Going Rogue – First Impressions

In no particular order.

  1. Praetoria is shiny. All sorts of lovely mirrored surfaces, reflective windows, etc. Almost like it was designed that way.
  2. The ambiguous moral underpinnings of Emperor Cole’s realm are interesting.  I look forward to running through both side to see if the “freedom fighters” of the Resistance are as great a mix of admirable and dubious as the “law & order” types of the Loyalists.  As it is, the greater interest of making initial decisions would lead me to point any newcomer to play in Going Rogue vs. a standard Atlas/Mercy Hero/Villain startup.
  3. Eleventy million kudos for Paragon Studios realizing that people have differently-sized monitors, therefore the splash screens need to not get all expanded out of proportion.
  4. Good news: the markets are now merged,  so that the odd disparities of what goes for how much between Redside and Blueside will no longer exist.  Bad news: all selling history is wiped out, so nobody knows how much to sell anything for. Yet.
  5. All the servers conned yellow — except Freedom (red) and Virtue (red, then gray). Wow.
  6. We went ahead and genned a couple of new toon for Praetoria: Ms. Crackle (the Praetorian version of Miss Crackle, and in this case an Electric/Storm Controller), and Positive Force (Kin/Electric Brute).  We had a good time, albeit with a few faceplants … but I’m seriously thinking an Empathy+Brute duo would be unstoppable.
  7. A few dozen more kudos for allowing different levels of sophistication going into the initial missions, allowing you to be walked through stuff or thrust more directly into it as a Vet.

Two thumbs up.

3 thoughts on “CoX: I18 / Going Rogue – First Impressions”

  1. Hey Dave (everyone).

    I’ve been off the MMO radar for a while after giving up on both CO and STO, but did dabble with GR during beta, but only a tiny amount as I really wanted something to look forward to at the official launch.

    Now that’s happened, I look forward to getting back into CoX and properly checking out the GR zones and set-up.

    Keep us posted on your experiences!

  2. Will do!

    A couple of other things:

    8. Neutral Hostiles — potential opponents that reticle yellow, but who won’t attack you unless you attack them. Kind of cool, and one more layer of complexity to the experience.

    9. Zone Objects, otherwise known as “glowies out in the open that other people can steal before you get them.” It’s shocking that CoX has managed to avoid these for so long (unless you consider mob hunts to be the same sort of thing), but it’s good to know that object-stealing is just as annoying in CoX as it is in other games.

  3. I don’t think the zone glowie object can be stolen. They are only visible when you have that mission. I was right behind someone who looked like they were clicking clowies that I needed and I could still click them.

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