Madcap journey redux

So, in the tradition of the Amazingly Insane Last Second Trip to the SDCC Last Year, Margie and Jackie have reciprocated by fleeing to San Francisco for an extended weekend, leaving Katherine and me on our lonesome.
I am proud to say that not only did I finish the laundry, but I did the dishes today, not to mention taking the kid to pre-school (and picking her back up shortly).
And, for those times not soaked up with Incredible Domestic Duties (and Employment), I’m finding something else to while away the hours.

9 thoughts on “Madcap journey redux”

  1. “You just go ahead and comment on the blog here, Lois … I’ve got a headache, and think I’ll go into the store room to lie down …”

  2. Huh. And here I thought you had sworn to resist MMORPGs with all your might.
    I’m tempted to get this game so we can interact outside your blog. But with the time difference and my late work schedule, we might never get a chance to team up. When do you usually play?

  3. I suspect that, once my schedule “shakes out” it will be fairly irregular, intermittent hours here and there in the evenings. As with now, RL takes priority.

  4. I’m just wondering if your evenings correspond to my work hours.
    Is there a specific server you’re playing on?

  5. 2005 in Review

    Started thinking last night about the big changes in and around my life over this last year. So here’s my personal retrospective Top Nine (because I couldn’t think of Ten),…

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